Revenge (POLY BBS X Evan)

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Evan Pov

They don't know that they hurt me a lot more than they think. They ignored me for 24 hours. All because stupid Abby said to do it. Like for a stupid test. But i will never forgive her for this, and the guys too. Well, from now on, i will ignore them all for two or three days. And we will see what state they will have. I do not regret. They and Abby deserve it. When we play, i will turn down the volume of their voices in my discord so that they are barely audible and my sister Alexa (it's me, guys) and i will look at their reactions. I called my sister and told her about my revenge plan. True, i then had to suggest how Alexa could also reduce the sound of other people's voices in her discord, since she is doing this for the first time today. Alexa said that she did it, and now we start playing together. And when my husbands join us, we'll barely hear them. My sister and i can only hear ourselves. The first game we had was GTA 5. The two of us joined. I noticed that my husbands are starting to join us. But we barely hear them, haha.
"Well, little sister. Are you ready for our adventure? Just you and me, and no one else!" - i began to speak, feeling that the guys hear us.
"Oh yeah, brother. For the first time in our entire history of YouTube, only you and i will go on adventures. We are two. I'm so excited!" - Alexa said.
I heard a barely contained laugh in her voice, and i understood why she was holding back. Then the characters of my husbands appeared in front of my face, and I could hardly hear what they were screaming there.
"Listen, sister. Let's go to some deserted place. There to many people here." - i said almost with a smile.
"Yeah, you are right. Let's get out here." - Alexa said.
We got into the nearest car and drove away. We looked back and saw that the guys began to throw C4s at us, or shoot rockets at us, but they missed. My sister and i couldn't help but laugh out loud.
"Oh my god, what's going on?" - Alexa screamed through her laughter.
I understand what she meant. Over time, my sister and i were just fooling around. The characters of my husbands jumped around me all the time, but i easily ignored them. In truth, we had to constanly run away from them. I had so much fun seeing that they must be mad. Well. This will deserve as a lesson to them for ignoring me for 24 hours.
The next day, we played Gmod hide and seek. I had to seak.
"Where are you, sister? I will find you." - i played along.
"I am nowhere and at the same time everywhere." - Alexa chuckled.
"What the fuck are you talking like Delirious?" - i was surprised.
Alexa laughed. But eventually i saw her and i was able to jump right on top of her.
"Gotcha bitch." - i screamed.
"Aaaah, shit. How did you see me?" - Alexa screamed.
"The tip of your blue line. I saw it." - i said.
Now i hiding.
"Um.. Brother."
"What happened, sister?"
"You know, i'm kind of tired of Gmod. Let's play something else." - Alexa said.
"Sure. I am also tired too." - i said, seeing that we were not alone in the game again.
We both left the game. I think i heard a barely heard "What the fuck?". I realized it was Tyler. Here in messenger, Alexa wrote to me.

 Here in messenger, Alexa wrote to me

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We started playing "Among us"

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We started playing "Among us". We won the first three or four rounds easily. Because the killers killed before our eyes. Many immediately left the game, and we won. Now we stand at the beginning together. But at the same time my husbands joined us. Even Abby was here.
"Wooh. It was fun. These stupid impostors didn't expect us to watching them." - Alexa laughed.
"Yeah. It was very fun. I'm already tired after all these rounds. I want to leave." - i said.
"Me, too." - Alexa said.
We left the game. We again heard barely audible screams of rage. Holy shit. The guys were completely mad. Alexa texted me again.

I saw that the guys, and even Abby, began to write to me

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I saw that the guys, and even Abby, began to write to me. They asked me why i ignore them? Why don't i listen to them? And other with angry emoticons. I laughed.

Then i heard a roar below and screams

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Then i heard a roar below and screams.
It was Tyler.


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Just then, my bedroom door swung open. All my husbands were mad, even Abby looked offened.
"Evan. Can you tell us, what the fuck are you doing?" - Luke growled.
"Ha. This was my revenge. What? Didn't you like it? I don't regret? Because i was hurt too because you dared to accept Abby's offer to ignore me for 24 hours. You all deserve it with her. I felt very good listening to your crazy reactions. Me and Alexa couldn’t hear you because we turned down the volume of your voices in our discord chats. My revenge is complete! I hope you all learned your lesson? " - i said.
"B-but w-what is my fault, Evan?" - Abby stuttered, almost crying.
"Aren't you the cause of this trouble, Abby? If you hadn't talked about that stupid 24 hours challenge, none of this would have happened! Oh my god, you're so stupid, Abby! Don't you understand?" - i screamed.
I saw the tears in Abby's eyes, and then she run away. I looked at the guys. They looked offened.
"Well, if you've learned your lesson, how about a little sex." - i said.
The boys' eyes immediately sparkled and smiles grew.

3rd face Pov

During all this time, all you can hear is bed squeaks, orgasm moans, skin slapping sounds. Evan stopped communicating with Abby after she almost ruined his life with the guys.

Dear abbyloveanime19
Please, don't be offened. It's just a story. I know that you are very nice to Evan. And i know you are a good person. Don't be sad.

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