My impatient boyfriend. (Smiinoss)

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For Hehe200

Evan Pov.

"Damh it, Evan. Where are you bitch?" - Tyler screamed.
I just laughed. We playing Gmod Prop hunt. I was a lil can and hide in the closet. Tyler still hasn't found me.
"You will never find me." - i said.
At the moment, even the game became too quiet. I heard my bedroom door. I turned my head when i saw my boyfriend Jaren. I turned off the mic so that the guys could not hear us, and took off some headphones.
"Hon, did you want something?" - i asked.
"I wants love and play." - Jaren said it unemotionally.
I know what he's talking about. But right now i can't.
"Sorry babe, not now. I'm busy. Wait for me a bit and we'll play." - i affectionatelly said.
"But i want now." - Jaren said.
I returned to the game, ignoring my boyfriend. Tyler was asking me where i was when he said something. I lied to him that i went away for a while. He spared me. In the end, i won. Now i am a hunter along with two of my teammates.
"Alright, boys. Let's go." - i told my teammates.
In the course of time i got all three props and the hunters won. I feel hands on my hips, sliding down my sides under my T-shirt. And lips touching the left side of my neck. Jaren can't take it. I moved away from microphone.
"Jaren, please. Wait for a bit." - i spoke.
"Evan, did you say something?" - Brock said.
"No no. Let's continue." - i said returning to the microphone.
Jaren continued to move his hands over my body and his lips slid down my neck, giving me goosebumbs. I just breathed quietly and deeply, trembling, trying not to let out a moan.
"Who is breathing so deeply there? Calm down, dude." - Tyler chuckled.
"It's me, Tyler. I'm j-just nervous." - i spoke.
Jaren touches my right nipple with one hand and strokes my cock under my pants with the other, continuing to suck on the skin on my neck. I threw back my head and let out a muffled groan. I was able to pry Jaten's hands away from me.
"Evan, are you sure you're okay? Maybe you feel bad? Call an ambulance?" - Brock said.
"I'm telling you, i'm fine! Are we continuing or not?" - i screamed.
We were still for hunters, only one teammate changed with us. I was able to kill one prop. I feel something touching my pants and my cock, but i think it's a nerves. Something warm and wet touches my cock. I took a deep breath without betraying myself. For some reason i feel so good. I want to relax, but i can't right now. My stomach starts to burn and let out a hissing sound as it tilted my head.
"Evan, are you sick there man?" - Jonathan said.
"No. No. We won?" - i said, returning to reality.
"Yes. You won." - Jonathan said.
"Guys, i won't be back for long. Don't touch me okay?" - i said, turning off the microphone.
The guys nodded. I'm practically close. A little more and i... camed.
"Aaaaaargh." I let out a loud moan of orgasm. Catching my breath, i looked down. Jaren slowly moved his mouth away from my cock, sliding his lips over my skin. Oh my fucking god! I took off my headphones.
"Jaren!!! You're motherfucker!!! You almost made the guys really worried about me! I told you to wait!" - i screamed.
But Jaren just picked me up and threw me onto the bed.
"Jaren! Do you hear me?" - i screamed. Jaren just took off my T-shirt and tied my arms around my chest with it and undressed himself. He took off my boxers, spreading my legs. I can't get out and i have no choice but to give myself to my impatient boyfriend.
(smut is began)
Something wet touches my hole. Jaren was eating me by holding my hips, wrapping my around his head. I just moaned and writhed. This hot tongue moves inside me, focing me to open my mouth wide and breathe deeply. My stomach is on fire again. Am i going to came again. What do i do? Make him stop? Or let me came. I decided to choose the second one since Jaren won't stop. Oh shit! Crap! I am coming...again!
"Aaaaaaaargh." - i again issued a loud moan of orgasm, bending my back. Tongue pulled out of my hole. I tried to catch my breath. Something began to enter me. I let out a deep groan. But Jaren muffled it with his deep kiss, wrapping his arms around my back. I have no choice but to hug him with my legs and tied hands. The murmur of a computer echoed through the room, accompanied by muffled groans and the slapping of skin. Looks like i'm coming again! And i feel a warm liquid inside. We let out a deep moan together as we pulled away from the kiss. Round two happened. I stand doggy style while Jaren thumps inside me and hold my hips. I breathe deeply with groans, sticking out my tongue. My body is trembling a little, it seems i can barely keep myself from falling. Jaren presses his wet chest against my back and his hands on my chest. I hear his breath at my ear. I breathed even louder and faster with my tongue hanging out like a dog. I was just too good. A few seconds later we camed together again.
(smut is over)
Jaren go out, letting go of me.
"Now i'm calm." - he said, moving away from me.
"I am very happy for you." - i spoke as i stood up.
I cautiusly approached the computer. The guys were still in call. I turned the microphone. "Hey guys."
"Evan! Thank god you are here! You were gone for half an hour! Where have you been?" - Brian said.
"This ask one of my person who touched me and suck my dick during the game. And then he fucked me for two rounds and then he left." - i expressed in a fit of rage at Jaren.
The guys made a hum.

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