Switched. Part 1.2

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For Lunafire37

3rd face Pov

"I t-try to ask you politely and without t-torture. Tell us please. Where is our boss?" - Zipcat asked, sitting down in front of the Asian.
Evan feels histerical but he tries to hold on.
"I already t-told you twice. I-i don't know where is he? *sob* H-how can i tell you where this person is when i don't even know his face? Y-you could show me his p-photo. I would help you find him. *sob* H-how don't you all understand? I told you everything as it is!"
Evan's voice broke. The Asian could not speak normally.
"Oh no. He's histerical! This is not good!" - Marcel says intimidatedly, covering his mouth with his hands.
"It's all Brock's fault, he's making this guy histerical!" - Brian says.
"HEY! SHUT THE FUCK UP! You're nobody to judge me!" - Brock snarled, poking Brian in the shoulder.
"Somebody bring some water. Don't stand still like maggots!" - Nogla says.
Zipcat freed Evan's hands and is rubbing circles on his back. Evan covered his face with his freed hands. Marcel came running with a two-liter bottle of water.
"Here's water." - he said.
"Here b-buddy. Raise your head and drink some water." - Zipcat said.
Evan looked up to see the mouth of the bottle in front of him. He quickly swallows water trying to calm down.
"STOP BLAMING ME FOR ALK THE SINS!" - Brock shouted, pushing Brian.
"STOP IT? IN FACT, ALL SORTS OF SHIT IS HAPPENING BECAUSE OF YOU LATELY! Even the boss started asking us to keep an eye on you, you cock!" - shouted Brian, pushing Brock.
"Maybe you can also call me a sourse of problems, huh?" - Brock screams.
"May i do, "sourse of problems"." - Brian said.
Brock clenched his teeth and growled.
"Hey you two, go downstairs or outside and fight there! You two are already making us sick!" - shouted Nogla.
Brian and Brock left. In the meantime, Evan had practically calmed down holding the bottle while Zipcat wiped away his tears with his bandaged hand.
"Have you calmed down? Can you answer the question i ask?" - Nogla said.
"If this is about your boss again, then i won't repeat it ten times!" - Evan said aggressively.
"N-Nogla. Please. X-he give us the same answer twice. You will again wake up histeria in him." - Zipcat said.
"Calm down, you two. I have other questions. They are not related to you. Ok? So i will repeat. Can you answer my questions?" - Nogla said.
Evan thought for a moment, but decided to nod silently.
"Ok. So. First question. What's your name again?" - Nogla said.
Evan realized that he was not lying, and tried to calmly answer questions.

Evan Pov

Nogla writes down something while i try to control my panic and tantrums.
"Stand up, Vanoss." - Nogla said.
I got up, remaining calm.
"According to all the answers given to the questions, i declare - Vanoss, you are now our new boss!" - Nogla said.
I bulged my eyes in surprise. I already thought that now would be the worst. But the bad thing is that they won't let me go and i'll have to live with these people, not with my boys. Something is thrown on my face like some kind of cloth. I took it off. But it's just a blue jacket that i saw in the closet in large quantities. I didn't want to wear it, because blue is not my favorite color. There woud be some red like my own jackets. But what should i do? Will have to come to terms with this. Marcel gave me a bear hug and shouted: "We have a new boss! YAY!"

A few minutes later, i'm standing in front of the mirror half sideways with my shorts and boxers down. I looked at my ass. I looked around the places where i was beaten with the crop. There seem to be no red wounds, and just red lines of impact are visible. But Zipcat, just in case, suggested that i heal them by holding out a healing ointment with aloe. I decided to take it anyway. A pleasant smell and a slight relief in the area of impact calmed me a little.
I look in the mirror standing up straight and looking down at myself. Now this is my new look, and now i will be called the boss. But i, as the leader of a gang of these people, will ask them to call me by my name. I hope they don't argue.

(next part will be by Vanti's Pov)

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