Daddy devil and his kitten. (Vantoonz)

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Evan Pov

I'm playing with my tail, waiting for someone. Today my daddy comes home from work again. But today it is delayed. I miss him. I can't live without him. Finally i hear the click to the front door opening. Door slam. And a voice:
"Baby. Daddy at home."
Finally he is home. I jump out of bed and run at high speed towards the stairs. In the hallway, i meet my daddy by jumping on him. He hugs me tightly.
"Hi, my sweet baby. Sorry for making you wait." - said Luke, circling me around.
"I missed you." - i whined, making puppy eyes, lowering my cat ears.
"Aaaww. You are my little kitten." - played along Luke, taking my cheeks and kissing my face.
I giggle.

We lie on the couch together. I'm on top hugging my daddy. I purr and rub against Luke's chest as he caresses my tail and strokes my back. He suddenly descended to the place of the lower back scratching with his fingers. It made me lift and tilt my head, and bend my back, sticking out my tongue. I hear Luke giggle. He seemed to be amused by my reaction. It's just that sometimes there's sweet spot for scratching or massaging. Here Luke uses two hands. I immediately get on my knees, moving my hips a little. I breathe like a dog. Luke is still laughing. Here he stopped.
"Listen. I've been thinking. What if there was another kitten here?" - he said.
I looked at him in bewilderment.
"Yeah. Good idea. I think it will be more interesting with two." - Luke spoke confidently.
This finally offended me! I abruptly got off Luke and looked at him with resentment and fury in my eyes.
"How dare you? Get another kitten? I thought you only love me! But no! You love more than one person! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!" - i shouted the last sentence.
Tears flowed from my eyes. I ran upstairs to the bedroom. I thought i was the only one he loves! I HATE HIM!!!

Luke Pov

I am an bastard! How could i say it? I am real dickhed! Hurt my baby! I slapped myself twice in the face. Moron!!! Dickhed!!! Bastard!!! I ran to our bedroom. Opening the door, i see my Evan sitting on the bed crying and whimpering. Almost even roars. I jumped onto the bed, pulling my baby into a bear hug. Evan struggles to pull away, but i don't let go.
"Let go! You disgust me!" - Evan screamed.
I heard a strong pain in his voice.
"No, Evan. I won't let go!" - i said, squeezing Evan in my arms. "I'm sorry! I don't know why i say it! I'm bastard! I'm a motherfucker! I will watch my words! Sorry!" - i added.
Evan dug his fingers into my back. I held Evan in my arms for almost an hour until he almost calmed down.
"Are you calmed down?" - i asked.
Evan mumbled back.
"And now, as a sigh of my next apology, i want to show you how much i love you." - i said.
"No, Luke. I believe you." - Evan said.
But i did not listen to him, and pushed him into the bed by standing on top of him. Evan struggled to pull away as i held him in my arms and kissed his face and neck.
"Hahah, Luke. It's tickles." - Evan chuckled.
I slide my hands under his T-shirt and start tickling him under the armpits, running around his sides as well.
"AHAHA. LUKE. THAT'S TOO MUCH!" - Evan almost shouted laughing.
I pinned him down with my body, preventing him from escaping.
"That's how daddy loves his baby." - i said.
Evan barely moved his body under me, and barely lost his voice from laughing. I decided to stand, letting him catch his breath.

Evan Pov

Luke finally stopped. I'm trying to catch my breath. Luke put his hands under my T-shirt again, starting to stroke my skin. I simultaneously take a breath and relax from caress at the same time. Luke slowly takes of my T-shirt, pressing his lips to my forehead. He moved down to my neck, chest, belly and lips carressing my V-line, taking off my shorts and panties. He lifted my legs and i feel a wet touch at my hole. Luke caresses my hole with his tongue, holding my hips. I arched my back, moaning, and dug my fingers into his hairs.
"Oh. Ah. Ah. Ah. Luke!~ Don't stop!~" - i moaned.
Luke sticks his tongue deeper inside me. I yelped. The moan got louder. My body starts to tremble. I feel like i'll be come soon.
"Argh. Daddy. I'm going to come! Naaaarghh." - i groaned the words out loud.
A jet of my cum fell on my belly. Luke pulled away from me, lowering my legs.
"Well. I think we will forget about what i said today?" - he said.
"Hahah, yeah." - i said giggling.
"Anyways. How about taking a bath in a hug with me." - Luke said seductively.
"I WANT THIS!" - i shouted loudly jumping from happiness.
"Then, let's go." - Luke said as he took me in wedding style.

For half an hour we sit in our hug in a bathtub full of warm water. I snuggled up to Luke's chest, wrapping my arms around his back. As he scratched my lower back with his fingers again, massaging it, making me stick out my tongue and purr loudly.
"I love you, *huff* *huff* Lukey." - i said, continued to puff like a dog from a massage on the lower back.
"Love you too, my baby." - Luke said.

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