Req. N5. Losing control. (Vantoonz)

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Request for LeoFrost5

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Request for LeoFrost5

Evan Pov

Luke has been acting very strange lately. I see bandages on his hands. And he began to rarely eat anything, and often did not even come for breakfast, lunch of dinner. He rarely even sleeps with me. He slept in the living room. This began to scare me and make me worry. I asked him more than once about his strange behaviour. But he said that this is his own problem, and he does not want me to get into such problems. This completely freaked me out.

The next day.

I'm sitting with my sister Alexa (it's me) in the kitchen. Suddenly i heard scream. It was Luke. It doesn't look like he's playing at anything. This is a real scream of agony.
"Is that your Luke screaming?" - Alexa asked.
The two of us went upstairs. A scream comes from the bedroom. We quickly opened the door. Luke, sitting on his knees on the floor, squirmed, holding his head.
He shouts: "NO! No! Leave me alone! I won't let you do this! Leave me alone!"
"What's happenig to him?" - i ask in fear.
"I think... It has something to do with the demon. When the demon begins to gain control over the master's body, without obeying him. And now it looks like Luke is trying to stop the demon from taking over his body. But the demon doesn't give up." - Alexa said.
"Oh, i forgot. Alexa, you study at a fairy school. Maybe you know a way out of this situation?" - i asked.
"I am a fairy! Not an exorcist! These are different things. Casting demons is not part of our studies!" - Alexa said.
"What should we do then? What if Luke die?! I do not want it." - i said panicking.
"M-maybe i can call my friend LeoFrost? She's like your husband's sister." - Alexa said.
"W-well...try it." - i said.
My sister took the phone and dialed something. Then I hear her talking.
"O-okay. Just let's do it in your house. Evan and i don't want evil spirits at our house. Yeah? Ok. Teleport us." - said the sister.
Suddenly we were teleported somethere.

Alexa Pov

"Hmm. We need to do the ritual quickly." - Marie said, looking at Luke.
"So why are we waiting? What needs to be done there?" - Evan is panicking.
"Hey, calm down. Alexa, i could use your artist tricks." - said Marie.
"Umm.. O-okay." - i said.

A little bit later.

Marie and i drew a pentagram - a trap for the demon.

Marie and i drew a pentagram - a trap for the demon

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"How do we put Luke here?" - i asked.
"Easy, bestie. A little bit of our magic. Yours and mine." - said Marie.
We had difficulty putting Luke down, who was twitching sharply.
"Brother, please. Lie down straight." - Marie said loudly.
Luke, having difficulty hearing his sister's voice, slowly straightened up on the floor. We took off his T-shirt.
"Okay, Alexa, draw a demon hold mark on his torso." - said Marie.
"What? I don't know such marks!" - i said.
"*sigh* Ok, let me do this." - said Marie.
She drew these mark herself.

I'm just standing with my brother on the sidelines

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I'm just standing with my brother on the sidelines. Marie reads or says some words. Looks like it's some kind of spell. The mark lit up. Luke's eyes and mouth also lit up. I've seen something similar in scary movies about exorcism. I hid my face with my hands out of fear. I feel Evan hug me. Screams, loud words in an incomprehensible language and a creepy roar resond as if in my head. Some sounds are heard. And i'm afraid to open my eyes. Again Marie shouts something.
"B-brother. Tell me what's going on there." - i said.
"I don't know. I don't look either." - said Evan.
I decided to open one eye sligthly. I see Marie's back. There is a huge beam of light in front of her. God. I hope everything ends well. I closed my eye again. I feel tears flowing from eyes. And Evan seems to be doing the same, because i feel like one of my shoulders is getting wet.
"You stubborn devil! Stop already!"
I hear Marie screaming. Then groans. I don't know how long it lasted, but then it finally ended.
"Is it over already? It's quiet." - Evan asked.
"I don't know. I don't see it yet." - i said.
I turn slowly, opening my eyes. Marie lies and does not move.
"Marie!" - i scream.
"Luke!" - Evan scream.
I leaned over Marie. She wasn't breathing. No no! Please don't tell me you're dead!
"Luke, you're your old self again and you're alive." - says Evan.
I see him hugging and kissing Luke's head as he slowly moves. Marie doesn't move. It's good that I studied healing magic. A pink ball of healing magic formed in my hands, and i infused it into Marie's body. After second Marie slowly opened her eyes.
"Did you succeed? - i said.
"I guess. This demon turned out to be stubborn. And it took me a lot of energy to calm him down! Fucking damn it!" - Marie was indignant, getting up.
"I put a special crystal pendant on Luke. He must contain the demon. But.. Luke, don't ever take this off." - she added.

(phew, i finally finished this. LeoFrost5
That all i have)

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