Req. N3. Werewolf & fallen angel (Vanogla)

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Request for ShadowOwl9

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Request for ShadowOwl9

David Pov

My friend, Tyler, invited me to the party. None of these human beings still know that they are not one of them. Yes. I am not a human. I'm a werewolf. My instincts are under control, and by disguising my ears and tail under clothes, i have never been busted in front of them. I'm so happy with myself. And now, judging by the smell of alcohol, they are having real fun there. Suddenly i heard a conversation. It was Tyler and some guy.
"Hey man. You're fifteen minutes late." - Tyler said.
"I know. It's not my fault that one bitch delayed me! I almost hit her, but i held back." - i said.
"Ok. Come on in. An old friend of ours just started going to parties. He's pretty nice guy. Do you want to go and meet him?" - Tyler said.
"I don't mind." - i said.
I stood still. Soon Tyler came up with some short guy. He looked at me and a small blush appeared on his cheeks.
"Well, Evan, this is David. That guy."
"Uhh.. Hello." - stuttered a guy named Evan.
"Hey man." - i said.

The whole party, i noticed that this guy was looking at me. I saw it out of the corner of my eye. Is he watching me? I wanted to talk to him, but i was afraid that i might offend him, suspecting him to something. I think i need some air. Going outside, i finally inhaled deeply. Behind them came muffled music from inside Tyler's house. Suddenly something grabbed me by the neck. It was a rope. She almost made me choke. I tried to get out while more were wrapped around my body. I was completely entangled by them. I was dragged somethere along the ground while i tried to escape. Then I get pinned me to a tree. I opened my eyes, seeing my sworn enemy. He found me again. A year after the persecution, he returned.
"Here we meet again, wolf."
"Nanners!! It's you again!!" - i growled, my inner beast began to wake up.
My ears and eyes perked up. My eyes lit up with green fire. Claws grew on my fingers. My teeth turned into fangs.
"Oh. Are you showing your 'true self'? Then we'll be back where we left off last time." - Nanners said.
I trying to get out, trying to break the ropes.
"Heheheh. Don't try to get out. These ropes are made from silver strands. Even with your wolfish strength it is not so easy to break it. Your attempts will be useless. You're just wasting your energy." - Nanners grinned.
He took something out of his pants pockets. These are silver daggers. Oh no. Silver is all bad for us.
"And now. Since you are helpless, you can only look at the last munites of your life." - added Nanners.
Is this really the end? I'm completely defenseless in the silver rope. Death stands before me, wanting to slowly and painfully take my life. I closed my eyes, preparing to feel the pain from the silver daggers. Seconds tickle by. And then..
I opened my eyes and saw Evan's back. He has black wings sticking out. Is he not human either?
"What the fuck is this?"
I heard Nanners ask in shock.
"No freak like you will touch him! The one who will look at the last minutes of life is you!"
Evan's voice sounded scary... Somehow demonic. It's as if several voices are speaking with him.
"W-what? W-who the hell are you?" - Nanners asked stunned.
"I am your worst nightmare! I am your death. And now you going to hell!!"
Evan's voice sent shivers down my spine. Suddenly they broke away from each other. I saw in Evan's hands a larger dagger than Nanners'. Evan swung his hand, cutting Nanners' chest, and then cut his throat. Nanners hold his throat with his free hand, his face frozen in fear. The hand became red. Evan snatched the silver dagger from Nanners' hand and stuck in his forehead. Nanners fell, seemingly dead. His mouth, hand and T-shirt turned red. Evan turned to me. His eyes... They're completely white. Around them... are there some black veins? Is he some kind of demon? Evan closed his eyes. They became the same and the wings disappeared. He released me and sat on my legs.
"Evan. Are you some kind of demon?" - i asked.
"No. I'm a fallen angel. Looks like you're a werewolf. No wonder silver is your weakness." - Evan grinned, freeing me.
Then he sat down in front of me. My cheeks turned red. My heart began to beat quickly.
"I have to confess to you. I liked you right away. I've been following you the whole party. I wanted to talk to you but but i couldn't." - Evan said, placing his hand on my chest. "When you came out, i decided to follow you. I thought that at least we'd talk on a quiet street, but then... he dragged you. Moreover, i found out that you are not a person either." - he added.
It feels like there's a flutter in my stomach. Like... butterflies. Evan resist his head on my chest. His eyes into mine.
"Uh... Evan, i... To tell you the truth... I liked you too. I was also afraid to approach you. What if someone notices and begins to suspect something." - i said.
"I agree with you. How about we start dating. Me and you. Even if we are different creatures, maybe something can work out between us after all." - Evan said, clinging to me.
I thought about it.
"Well... You know this is my first time... So... Maybe we'll try." - i spoke out.
"That's nice. How about tomorrow?" - said Evan.
"Well... Maybe." - i said.
Suddenly Evan kissed me.
"I love you." - he said, hugging me.
I feel my face burning.
"L-love you too." - i stuttered.

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