The birthday went wrong. (Evan X POLY BBS)

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Evan Pov

I jump with excitement. From what you ask?! Today is my birthday. I run downstairs and slipped on the last step, ready to fall to the floor. But a couple of hands caught me.
"Woah woah, Evy-bear. Where are you going like that?" It was Jonathan.
"Nowhere. It's just that today is my special day." - i said, hugging Jon by the neck.
The boys all looked at each other in disbelief.

Later we went to the mall. I went shopping, looking for beautiful clothes for myself. Suddenly i noticed a beautiful T-shirt in one store. I like her. Tyler's voice interrupted me.
"There you are, pussy. We are looking for you everywhere."
"I'm sorry i'm scared you, Ty. I'm just walking around looking through the windows." - i joked, returning to a beautiful T-shirt.
"Do you want this?" - Tyler asked.
"Me? Of course not." - i said.
"Are you sure?" - Tyler asked.
"Do you think i'm lying, Tyler?" - i screamed.
"Ok ok. Let's go, the guys are waiting for us." - Tyler said as he took my hand.

Back home, everything was as usual. Have they forgotten this? I slowly go down the stairs. My boyfriends are behaving normally. A tear rolled down my cheek.
"Oh. Hey babydoll." It was Luke. "Are you crying?" - he added anxiously.
"What? No no. I'm fine. I'll go for a walk." - i said, passing by.
I decided to go to my sister, who would at least support me. THEY FORGOT MY BIRTHDAY!!!

Alexa Pov (it's me, guys)

I throw out the garbage in a container on the street. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, i see Evan walking towards me. I met his eyes and saw that he was crying.
"Brother. What happened?" - i asked, running up to him.
"Sister. Can i stay with you?" - Evan said.
His voice was cracked with weeping. I brought him to my house, putting him on the couch. I gave him a galss of water with sedative.
"Have they forgotten about it?" - i asked.
"You guessed. They still forgot." - Evan said with a sniffle.
"But i didn't forget." - i said with a smile.
Evan's eyes sparkled.
"I'm going upstairs now for a present, you close your eyes for now." - i said.
Evan obediently covered his eyes with his hands. Running upstairs to the bedroom and returning with a gift box in hands, i told Evan to open his eyes. Evan did so, and his eyes windened.
"Sister. I knew you woldn't forget!" - shouted Evan, untying the bow. He took out a beautiful dress that i made for him today.
"This dress is for you for the holidays." - i said.
Evan jumped on me with a bear hug, causing us to fall off the couch.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou." - Evan mumbled into my shoulder.
My phone vibrated. Tyler calls me. I answered.
"ALEXA! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING THERE? GET EVAN HERE?" - Tyler shouted into the phone.
I canceled the call and turned off my phone.
"Who was that?" - Evan asked.
"They've got wrong number?" - i said.

During the time we drank tea together with a cake that i made myself. Evan liked it.
"The cake was just amazing. I even felt sorry for cutting it." - he admitted.
"I also have a talent for decorating baked good. Rejoice that you have such a sister." - i said.
"I am." - Evan said.
"Happy birthday to you, brother." - i said.
We hugged.

Then we went up to my bedroom. At the end of the holiday, we decided to play a little with each other. Entering my bedroom, i reached into one of my drawers while Evan pulled the curtains over the window.

Evan Pov

"Toys nearby, sister?" - i grinned.
"There they are." The sister grinned back.
She got one vibrator for me and two for herself. We took off our underwear together, leaving our T-shirts on.
"Where's the lube?" - i asked.
Alexa hands me a lube. We sat down on her bed. I lubricated my vibrator and slowly inserted it into my hole. Then i gave the lube to my sister. Alexa did the same. We took the remotes at the ready.
"Let's turn them on together." - i said.
Alexa nodded.
(mini smut is began)
"Three. Two. One. Go." - i thought.
We simultaneously turned on the vibrators at a medium pace. Together we emitted squeaks, starting to feel the vibration inside. I Lie on my back spreading my legs and holding my hands. Out of corner of my eye, i see my sister Lie next to me with her eyes closed. After five-seven minutes, we increased the vibration. We moaned louder. I began to touch myself, and my sister too. Within ten minutes, i began to feel a fire inside. A little more and i camed, uttering a loud moan. The sister seems to be too, as she let out two squeaks and then relaxed.
(mini smut is over)
We quickly turned off the vibrators and are trying to catch our breath.
"It was great, as always." - i said.
We pulled out the vibrators, kneeling down.
"Maybe we can add the nipples vibrator to the second round." - i offered.
Alexa looked down thoughtfully. Suddenly the bedroom door opened. My sister and i jumped. My husbands are standing in the doorway.
"SO that's what's going on! We are standing in the house with balloons, cake and gifts, waiting for the birthday boy for hours, and he arranges homemade porn with his sister." - Tyler said.
"At least my sister don't forget my birthday. And you freaks are behaving as usual." - i said, putting on my boxers and shorts.
"We haven't forgotten anything! It must be surprise! How could we prepare if you were always around? Plus your sister turned off her phone!" - Brian said.
I just chuckled. I was picked up and carried back.

Already at home i was greeted by a real buffet treats, with a cake, balloons and gift boxes. I burst into tears of happiness. The guys just kissed me on the cheeks. I ate two whole birthday cakes today.

The night is coming. After we cleaned everything up after the celebration, a couple of my husbands took me, washed me in the bathtub, put on a new pajama that was in one of the gifts, and like a child i fall asleep in the warm arms.

The 31 of May. The birthday of VanossGaming / Evan Fong.
Happy birthday, my owl idol. 🎆🎇✨🎈🎉🎊🎁🍾🍷🍸🍹🍺🍻🥂🥃🥤🎂🍰🍕

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