Switched. Part 2.

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(Too much swearing in this chapter 😅)

Vanti Pov

I wake up with a gloomy mood. Another fucking boring day. As always, another rough command over my stupid team. But stop! This doesn't look like my room! Where are my bandages on the floor? Why are the walls clean and not scratched by my knives? Where are the pictures of my previous victims with knives stuck in them? I jumped up and opened the closet. And there some red jackets and... dresses? Where the fucking dresses from? Where are my blue jackets? Where are my pistols? It looks like some fucking girl's room! But i'm not a girl! I am the leader of a dangerous gang!!! Where is my shit? I heard laughter and screams. Are my idiots having fun? This is not our style! We are serious people not fucking kids! I flug open the door abruptly. The laughter get louder. It looks like it's downstairs. I'm going there. I go down the stairs. My gang play like a kids instead of reading books and being serious. *sigh* Why is this happenig to me?
"HEY! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" - i screaming.
The guys stopped and looked at me.
"Oh, Evan, babe. Did we awake you up? We apologize." - Terroriser says.
Why is the Terroriser so... warm and affectionate? Where is his cold-bloodedness and indifference? And why did he say Evan? Who is Evan? And i'm not a babe!
"Woah woah. Chill out, Evy-bear. What boss? You are our little bride. Or you decided to play boss and we don't understand anything." - Delirium says.
"Who the fuck is Evy-bear? What the fuck is with you gang? Why are you all so kind to your boss? Where is your cold-bloodness?" - i'm screaming.
"Hey, calm domn, Evan. What boss? You are our bride. And you like it when we are kind." - Zipcat said.
"Zipcat. Where the hell is your cracking voice? And where are your scars and bandages? And why are you in white?" - i says.
"Zipcat? Evan, i'm Tyler. You know my name very well. And where should i get bandages, scrars, and cracking voice? Evan, are you okay?" - said Zipcat, i.e. Tyler.
It looks like this is not my house, as my gang is not the same as always, and everyone is called me by a different name and treats me kindly. I need to get out of this hole.
"Hey Evan, you better tell us how you managed to have white hair? And where did you get the scar on your eye? You weren't like this yesterday. Did you have a terrible nightmare and hurt yourself, although i did not hear the screams." - said Cartoonz.
"It's none of your business!" - i said turning away and leaving. But i was abruptly grabbed by the arm and turned around.
"What's again?" - i rudely said sharply wrenching my hand.
"Firstly, stop being rude. Secondly, answer our questions. If you tell me where our bride, our Evan, no one gets hurt." - said Moo, who should have been indifferent to everything.
None of these freaks are my gang.
"Pff. That's exactly what i'm confessing to you. In your dreams! How the hell do i know where your fucking bride is?" - i said crossing my arms.
Suddenly i was hit on the back of the head. It feels like something heavier than a hand. The hit seemed to be strong as there was a whistle in my ears and and a little blurry in my eyes. I was abruptly grabbed by the hair and lifted my head. I won't lie that i practically screamed because i was grabbed by the sore spot. I couldn't bear it. I try to remove hand from my head, but i feel for something... iron. Is the robot holding me? Fuck.
"Listen, you dickhead! No one dares insult our bride! You want trouble as we see it." - Terroriser said. "Guys. Looks like we're going to make the hard way. Through pain and torture." - he added.
I'm still trying to break free, but it looks like i'm still not strong enough for metal and iron. My hands were abruptly grabbed and twisted and thrown to the floor. I try to resist, i seem to be able to escape, but they literally surrounded me. They pressed my face to the floor, and kept it in a sore spot on the back of my head, from which i hissed in pain. They crossed my arms and legs. I heard the sound of... chains? What the? They wrapped my arms and legs in chains. It's so tight that i can barely feel my limbs. I just rolled onto my back. I see that my legs are half wrapped in chains. The same is true with the hands, as i feels it from behind. But i, relying on my dexterity and vulnerability, i try to jump out from under the chains. But to my failure, i was pulled so tight that i can feel my limbs begin to swell. These guys are even smarter than my gang. Realizing that i could not get out, i lay down on the floor in defeat.
"Look, guys. The chains subdued this psychopath. It's good that i guessed to shackle him with them." I hear Marcel's voice.
Yeah, these guys found my weakness.
"Yeah. And he twitched like a worm. Hahah." - Nogla said.
Laughter was heard. For the first time in all the years i have been so disgraced and where i cannot give an answer right away.
"Hey, looks like you overdid the hit, Brian. Hair dyed a little red." - Cartoonz said.
"There is nothing i can do if i have an iron hand. Moreover, any of you would hit just a hard, because this cunt insulted our dear Evan!" - Terroriser said.
So he hint me and held me? Son a bitch! I was lifted a little and dragged somewhere. My face is on the floor and my feet are rubbing against it.
"Where the hell are you taking me?" - i shouted.
"To the interrogation room." - Tyler said.
I raised my head. The door opened in front of me. I saw steps down. Looks like they're dragging me... to the basement!

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