Chapter 2: The Pencil Incident

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It's seven AM. I'm standing in front of my bedroom mirror, still contemplating my outfit. I dress my lean dancer's body in black skinny jeans and a white flowy tee shirt. I brush through my hip bone length, blonde hair for the tenth time. I spray one more spritz of lavender body spray and take a deep breath. I can't believe today is my first day of tenth grade. I exhale slowly to calm the nerves. I think about Hayden. I remember that he was my age when I first met him. I think back to that moment we met, which is still so vivid in my mind. So vivid that I even get butterflies just thinking about it. It seems like a lifetime ago. And now he's a senior. After this short year, he'll be gone. Poof. Off the campus forever. And I'll probably still be in this same place, crushing terribly from afar.

My mom and I drive to school together every morning. Usually our drives consist of listening to Michael Bublé, chatting about dance, school, or high school drama. Lately it's been about our dream for me to go to a big college in New York and become a professional dancer. I would still be totally happy with becoming a teacher and dance coach just like my mom. But she wants more for me. And I guess I can't complain. So, a professional dancer it is!

It's a warm, but breezy August morning. The sun is just starting to rise; a mix of oranges and pinks. Normally the sunrise brings me peace, but today it brings anxiety.

I guess things are just getting real. Today is Hayden's last first day of high school. I try to wrap my mind around this reality as we head out the door. Mom and I stop for donuts on the way to school. Usually we're quite health conscious, but donuts on the first day of school has been our tradition since I was in Kindergarten. So we enjoy our donuts and get pumped up for the day on the ride to school. Still, tenth grade just feels so weird. Where has the time gone?

We walk into my mom's classroom around seven-thirty AM. I usually hang out with my mom in her room and help her get ready for the day until the bell rings. I've always loved how she makes her classroom feel so comfortable. Multi-colored rugs are scattered throughout, Christmas lights are strung around the entire room, and bean bags and a funky lamp sit in the corner. Typically, in the mornings I straighten up and organize her room. However, this morning is different. I can't focus on anything, so I sit in one of the bean bag chairs, trying to eat my donuts. But I can't. My stomach is in knots. I can't stop thinking about Hayden. I can't stop thinking about how little time I have left to actually get to know him. What if I really don't? What if I never get the chance, and I'm stuck living with this regret?

I've spent the last two years of my life falling deeply in love with him from afar. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's true! Even though he doesn't know me, I know him. I know exactly who he is. And he's perfect. He's kind, but the genuine type of kind. He's quiet, not because he doesn't have anything to say, but because he wants to be reserved. He's extremely smart. School is easy for him. He doesn't have to try, so of course he's bored and he's just counting down the minutes until he's out.

He's by far the most attractive man in the entire high school, and that's not just my biased opinion. Ask anyone, and they'd agree. Every single girl in this high school would tell you that Hayden Hartford is a total babe. He's about 6'4, very fit and strong, but not in an obnoxious way. His blonde hair is now short on the sides, and a little longer on the top. It's styled, but in an effortless way. He walks with insane confidence, and he always has the best posture; his head lifted up and his eyes straightforward. He confidently struts through the hallways, not paying any attention to anyone around him. If you didn't know him, you'd almost think he acts like he's too good for everyone in the school. But the thing is, it's not an act. He is too good for everyone here. And everyone knows it. Think Edward Cullen vibes, except without being a vampire. Everyone can see he's not like the other people in this town. He's too good for this place, and way too good for any of the girls here. Even the popular girls will admit he's a total catch, but I guess his solitude and unapproachable energy keeps them away. Thank goodness. If he were the popular jock type, he'd rule this town. And I'd have absolutely no chance.

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