Chapter 4: The Dancing Dog

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It's Wednesday. Mom and I ride with Jana to school, since our car is still in the shop. Too bad Hayden drives himself to school, otherwise this would be the best morning of my life. We'd ride in the backseat together, sitting closer than we ever have. He would comfort and console me about the car crash. We'd make small talk, and then we would walk into the school building together. But here I am, alone in the backseat of Jana's Ford Focus, eating a banana.

I stare out the window into the foggy morning and lose myself in a daydream about Hayden. In this one, I strategically hide around the corner in the hallway and wait for him to walk in my direction. When I see him, I begin walking directly at him with my head down, so that I accidentally bump into him.

"Oh I'm so sorry," I say apologetically, my cheeks turning bright pink. I look up and bat my eyelashes flirtatiously.

"No worries," he whispers, as he notices that his hands accidentally landed on my waist. Then we would stare deeply into each other's eyes and he would finally say -

"So you're turning sixteen soon! Any plans?" Jana's voice snaps me back into reality. She's looking in her rearview mirror at me. Annoyed, I put my daydream on pause.

"Nothing crazy. Probably going to have a sleepover with my best friend, Maggie," I reply.

"So fun! I remember when Hayden turned sixteen. Gosh, it seems like yesterday. And now he's eighteen and about to graduate. Time sure does fly," She turns back around and continues chatting with Mom.

Yeah I know he is, I think to myself. I rest my head on the glass and continue to stare out the window for the rest of the drive.


When the bell rings, I see Maggie basically killing people in her way to get to me. She clumsily bumps into me, and almost knocks me over as she wraps me up in the biggest bear hug that she's ever given me. "OH MY GOD, I am SO glad you're okay!!" She screams. "Are you hurt? Tell me everything!"

"Yes, I'm fine. It was scary, but I'm fine." I describe the details of the event to her as we walk to class. Maggie has always had very strong facial expressions, but listening to the story of the wreck, she takes it to a new level. "But the worst part of it all honestly was having to stay home yesterday. Another day completely wasted! Maggie. I'm kind of starting to freak out. Like, what if things really never work out between us?" I immediately start feeling hot tears welling up in my eyes, followed by a lump in my throat.

She wraps her arm around me and gently rubs my back. "Hey... hey it's okay. It's just one day. And at least you're alive to freaking be here, you know? Oh also, I have your notes and missed work."

I suck the tears back up, and Maggie releases her arm from around me. "Thanks. So did you-"

I stop mid sentence. Suddenly, I feel something strange. Him. Okay, I know it sounds weird, but I really can feel his presence. Then I see him. Just down the hall, walking in our direction. He towers over every single student in the hallway. He walks with his eyes straight ahead, with a serious and mysterious expression on his face. Maggie and I come to a complete stop in the hallway and just stare, mesmerized. We're like two little kittens watching a Great Dane walk by. Why is he in this hall? He should be in athletics. I'm confused, but I'm not complaining about it. It's a beautiful, unexpected surprise.

I can't take my eyes off of him. I try, but they're glued to his face. Just as he is walking past me and Maggie, he shoots a quick glance in my direction. We lock eyes for a glorious three seconds, and although it's quick, everything is happening in slow motion so it feels like an eternity. No smile, no facial expression, and no emotion. But he looks at me. He purposely turns his head in my direction, to make eye contact with me. My heart races, and I feel butterflies fill my stomach, fly up my throat, and spill out of my mouth. Did he walk down this hallway just so he could see me and look at me? Is that even a possibility?

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