Chapter 7: The Spaghetti and Meatballs

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I wake up to rays of the morning sun shining through the blinds on my window. Maggie lightly sores next to me. Falling In Love In A Coffee Shop is stuck in my head, and the butterflies in my stomach are dancing along. Today is the day. Today is the day I've been dreaming about for two and a half years. I can't believe it. Today is my first real date with Hayden Hartford.

If I could tell my eighth-grade self that one day I'd be in this place, I don't know if she would even believe me for a second. Of course, I always dreamt and hoped that one day I would be here, but I'm really not sure if I ever truly believed it would happen. It feels surreal, like a dream that I don't want to wake up from. Praise God for that car wreck.


The butterflies stay in my stomach all day. After going to our local diner for breakfast, Mom and I drop Maggie off at her house, then grocery shop. I put away the groceries and clean the kitchen, while Mom does the rest of the house chores. Our house is relatively small, so it doesn't take too much time to clean up. When I'm done, I try to study but I can barely focus on anything. My head is just full of Hayden. Sitting on my bedroom floor with my chemistry notes open, I decide to pause my studying and practice my audition piece for the summer musical. Dancing always helps me shed some anxiety, which is greatly needed today. My audition piece is coming along, too. Nowhere near perfect yet, but it will be. Finally, it's time to shower and start getting ready. I get the outfit we all picked out last night, heat my curling wand, and lay out all my makeup.

"Knock knock," Mom says as she comes into my room. "How are we doing?"

The expression on my face tells her I'm nervous. "Ugh. Fine." She walks up behind me, and we make eye contact in the mirror. She rubs my shoulders and leans her head against mine.

"Sweetie, don't worry." Mom sits on my bed, maintaining eye contact with me. "It'll be fine. You've been dreaming of this for over two years. Be excited! Don't let fear ruin this great moment."

She's right. I know it's normal to be nervous, but I need to choose to be excited instead. Mom and I sing along to Michael Bublé while I get ready. I take my time getting ready, just in case I have an outfit, hair or makeup crisis. You know what they say, slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. I especially apply that to getting ready when I'm stressed. I get dressed, put on a little extra makeup than normal, and curl my long, blonde hair.

"What if he kisses you?" Mom teases. She sits on my bed, brushing Minka while I curl my hair.

"Well... I'd kiss him back! Duh!" I giggle, but totally mean it.

Hayden texted me that he's on the way, so I finish up and grab my purse. I start to panic a little bit, and my stomach is in serious knots. The good kind, but I'm definitely extremely nervous. What if he decides he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm weird? What if I get food on my face and I don't know it? Too many things can go wrong. I feel myself start to perspire.

Mom tries to reassure me that things will be fine. "Hey he asked you out, so obviously he's into you. Don't worry, sweetness. Just have fun! You deserve it," Mom says, as she kisses the top of my head. She always knows what to say. I give her a big, bear hug, but it's interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

"Here we go," I say nervously. Mom, Minka and I all rush to the door together. I look at my mom, take a deep breath, and open the door.

And there he is. Hayden Hartford is standing on my front porch, looking more perfect than usual. And he has flowers. He's wearing dark gray skinny jeans. Not the kind that are awkwardly skinny, but more like fitted jeans with a taper at the bottom. He's wearing a long-sleeved black shirt, pushed up to his elbows. His shirt has three little buttons at the top, and the first one is unbuttoned. And of course, he's wearing converse.

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