Chapter 3: Family "Reunion"

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Blackie immediately grabs me by my arms and waist with his tendrils, which come out of the ground like serpents, to hold me back. "Nova! Calm down!"

Amber and Bura jump at my sudden outburst. They know me as a quiet, nervous child, and to see le lunge at them so suddenly is a surprise.

"My king, do you require assistance?" one guard asks; a lot of them are already ready to go into action with their blades.

"No," Blackie states calmly. "I am perfectly capable of handling my own brother."

I make my arms and chest go red, and they burst out in flames, but he merely covers them with ooze to insulate the spots; the flames are immediately doused. Soon enough, he alone gets me into a relatively calm state, but I remain seething beside him. The sight of those two makes me want to kill them with every single one of my abilities to make them suffer as much as possible!

"There," he sighs, then he turns to Amber and Bura with a dark glare. "How did you get over the border, and why are you here?"

Bura speaks up. "We're sneakier than you think, you know," he says with a hint of sass. "You Numbers aren't the only ones who are capable of stealth!"

Still holding me beside him so that I don't do anything reckless, Blackie rolls his eyes. "I know that. Now, answer my second question!"

"We need some help," Amber sighs. "Mom's been captured by some weird things that came out of nowhere! I was hoping you guys would help." The last sentence is said as more of a question than a statement.

My glare intensifies. "Why would you even consider that possibility!? How in the world has it even crossed your stupid, shriveled up minds!?"

Blackie covers my mouth. "Nova, patience."

"Nova?" Bura sneers. "What kind of name is that?"

"Number 100 Red Nova Sorcerer," I spit indignantly. "And we will no-"

"Nova, we talk in private," Blackie interrupts, taking me to another room. "You all make sure they do not wreck the place!"

The guards nod, and we enter a room so that we can talk without anyone hearing us. I appreciate this since none of the guards know of my past experiences with those two, but based on my reaction when I saw them, I think they realize that I know them and I do not like them very much.

Once in the room, I turn to Blackie with a growl. "What?" I snarl. "What is there to talk about!?"

"Nova, we cannot turn them down," my brother hisses. "I know they have done you wrong and you wish them dead, but this may be a chance to find out what the Humans may want you for, what kinds of things they have prepared so that we do not send an army unharmed. It may have been them that stole their mother, after all."

"If it means saving that witch of a woman,  I would rather skip that chance!"

Blackie grips my shoulders with an intense stare. "This may also mean making amends for what happened in the past. Tell them how you have struggled with them and make them realize that they were wrong. We may also just be their only hope, and to turn them down when a relative is in danger is cruel."

"Crueler still is mistreating a child with no reason whatsoever," I retort. "What could possibly outdo that?"

Blackie sighs because he knows this is true. "Just give them a second chance. It will all be over before you know it."

I cross my arms and force myself out of his grip, turning my back to him. "Very well."

We exit the room to see that Amber and Bura have stayed exactly where they were when we left. I follow behind my brother, for he is the one that will tell them our decision since I cannot stand to even look at them! Also, he is the king, so he is the one that tells news like this.

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