Chapter 4: Interrogation

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"Now, remember. As long as you have your invisibility on, you will be fine. To infiltrate, you will need to enter the facility through the side or above," Number 12 Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja explains, pointing at different entrances on the map he has of a Human experimentation facility with his black, gloved hands. "After that, try to go about your way without attracting attention to yourselves."

Blackie and I nod, looking over the map and memorizing it so that we do not have to bring it everywhere while we search. We pay special attention to the areas of our route as well as to backup places. After all, we would not want to be led off track without knowing another way around.

I look up at the Number that got me out of the wretched house thirteen years ago. (He was four when he was rescued, and now he's seventeen. Black Mist is a year older.) "Are you sure you do not wish to come along?" I ask him just to make sure. "We may need your help."

I can tell Crimson is smiling through that mask he always wears. Well, he does not wear it at night nor when bathing. Other than that, he always wears it! "I am positive you two can handle this on your own. The Sun and the Moon have very special powers when working together."

He likes those metaphors. (Or is it a motif...? I dunno! >0<)

I sigh. "Alright."

Crimson pats my head. Even though I am seventeen, he still likes to treat me like a child. "Do not worry that clever little mind of yours, young prince! If all goes well, we will have more to our advantage!"

"We begin in a few days," Blackie states. "Right now, we need to get information out of those two." He beckons me to follow.

I wave to Crimson with a smile and walk alongside my brother. Normally, the prince walks slightly behind the king, but that is solely on the king's preference. Blackie much rather prefers that I walk beside him instead of behind. Maybe the fact that I have been gone for such a long time has something to do with it, but it does not bother me that he wants me by his side. I rather like it.

We make it to the interrogation room, which is actually two rooms divided by one, rectangular window. In front of the window on our side is a long table with two chairs, one for me and one for Blackie. Other than that, the room is void of anything else. For Bura and Amber's side, there are two beds, some chairs, and nothing else. This place was not meant for comfort, as criminals are normally kept here.

Blackie and I sit in the chairs, and my brother taps on the glass to wake them up since they are currently asleep. When they open their eyes, they see us and walk to the window.

"What the hell, man!?" Bura immediately complains. "What's with this shit!?"

"You didn't hear me complain when I was locked up in my own room," I snort. "What gives you the right to complain?"

Bura tries to think of a comeback, leaving his mouth to repeatedly open and close like a fish out of water. I can see that nothing comes to mind when he just scowls and gives up. I smirk in an "I thought so" kind of way.

"Well, whatever!"

"Bura, shush!" Amber scolds. At this, Bura huffs and crosses his arms under his cloak.

Blackie gets right down to business. Even with people he is close to, beside me, he does not like to hold idle chitchat when there is a grave matter at hand. "You two are here for interrogation. You will tell us what we wish to know in exchange for us saving your mother."

"You son if a-"

Amber nudges her brother before he says anything rude. "Bura, if we want Mom back, we have to do this! Just shut up, swallow your damn pride, and suck it up!"

"Fine!" Bura throws his hands in the air in frustration. "But just remember that this was your idea! And don't think for a second that I like this, got it!?"

Blackie nods. "Neither do we. Also, the fact that you do not like this is painfully obvious," he purrs smugly. "Now, what can you tell us about the incident in which your mother was taken?"

"It was the middle of the day," Bura grumbles.

"Around the afternoon," Amber adds. "We were going to the store to buy food for the family gathering."

"Of course, you weren't invited!" Bura laughs haughtily.

"As if I ever wanted to go!" I retort.

"Anyways!" Amber intervenes. "We saw some weird creatures with weird clothes. I have no idea how to describe them, but they were creepy, so we decided to stay away from them."

"These people were stalking us like crazy! They were acting like we were their main target in life to stalk!" Bura makes a disgusted face while he says this.

Blackie rests his elbows on the table and interlinks his fingers. He rests his chin on his hands. "Could these be the Humans?" he asks me, turning his gaze in my direction. "What would they gain from this, I wonder."

I shrug. "I haven't the slightest idea. I will need more information." Normally, I am the one to deduce the conclusion based on the evidence in the interrogation room, which is why Blackie brings me to these sessions.

He nods and turns his gaze to the other two. "Go on."

"Alright." Amber breathes a sigh. "We were going home after getting everything we needed, but I could tell we were still being followed. Then, out of nowhere, Mom just disappeared!"

"Did you get a good look at them?"

"Nope," Bura answers. "We didn't."

"Really?" I sigh. "You did not even bother to look?"

"Hey, would you look if there was a stalker behind you!?"

"I would!"

"Enough!" Blackie and Amber shout at the same time.

Blackie leans back on the chair. "Is that all, you two? Is there anything more you need to tell us?"

"That's pretty much it," Amber replies.

"I see." Blackie nods while biting his lower lip slightly. "Well, we may learn more when we go."

"Can we go with you?" she asks with a hopeful expression.

"I do not want to be tied down by the likes of you," I grumble.

"Oh, we won't be a burden!"

Bura takes this chance to grin and say, "Don't you remember the times we've been taunting you with out powers? If that doesn't help, then I don't know what!"

At the mention of this, I tense up. My expression darkens, and my hands turn black.

The color of necromancy.

Blackie sees this and takes my hand. "Nova, retain control over your emotions, and your magic will not run rampant."

I nod, but my hands hold that color. The death magic courses through my veins, and I desperately wish I could release it on those demon siblings!

"Come." Blackie stands me up so that we can get out of the situation. To Amber and Bura, he says, "We will think over this. If I believe that you will become a burden merely by bringing nova grief, I will leave you wherever we happen to stop." With that, he ushers me out before I can shower them with death.

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