With Sapphire in bed to rest, we watch the video in Amber's computer. Bura slides the flashdrive, which he must have copied the video on, into the USB port. He then guides the cursor to a video that says "Specimen 1."
A window with a small Number child pops up. The Humans in the video seem to be carrying him into a large building and into a room. The child, who is asleep, is then set down on the bed. The Humans exit the room and don't come back for a long time. The silence is then broken when two Humans in lab coats enter. This awakens the child, who bolts upright with a start and a yelp, mostly from the surprise of being woken up from the sound of the door opening.
"Relax, kid," the male says. "We're not going to hurt you."
The child seems to be unable to understand him, for his green eyes hold only confusion. The male and female Humans talk amongst themselves for a while before they return to the kid. The female pulls out what looks like a collar, which the child eyes curiously and suspiciously. For some reason, he doesn't move as the woman snaps it on.
"There," she sighs. "Can you understand me now?"
The child nods slightly. "Yes..." He seems extremely confused as to why he can understand them, which is understandable since we don't have that kind of technology in the kingdom. It seems that the Humans also have a device that allows them to understand the Number Tongue as well.
"That's good." The male smiles somewhat. "Now, I know you may be scared and confused, but we need you for our studies. You're going to be tested on, there's no doubt about that, but we'll take care of you!"
"This is Free when he was younger," Crimson mumbles, deep in thought. Right now, he's clad in his normal relaxing clothing since we've stayed the night to rest. Some hair that was tied in his ponytail slips down the sides of his face. "The eyes and wings make it obvious." He frowns slightly. I wonder what he's thinking about.
"Wait, who's Free?" Amber asks. "And you're sure this is him? For all we know, this could be a kid that looks like him."
Crimson shakes his head. "Just know that I know. Once you see a Number, you never forget them, even if there's someone that may look like them. And to answer your question as to who he is, he is...was...my partner. What I haven't told the boys is that their father, the Number King, allowed us to marry at a set date." He sighs and sits up, brushing the scarlet locks out of his face and behind his ears. "Unfortunately, it was just after his death."
Amber says nothing. I hear Bura mumble something, but I don't know what it is. We turn our attention back to the video.
By this time, the door closes, leaving the young Number alone. The lights are still on, but the Humans have restrained his wings. Free gets up and explores the room since he didn't have much of a chance when he first got here. He may also be looking for a way out, but I don't know that.
The footage cuts off there. It starts again when morning comes, and the Humans come back to take Free to some exams or something. Judging from what they said last time, I'm positive that's what they're there for. The video skips to another camera, where a large course has been built in an even larger room. They release Free's wings, but the security guard Humans still stand guard with their weapons to make sure he doesn't escape. The young Number either doesn't notice this, or he's trying to be brave, but either way, he manages to keep the defiant look on his face as he stretches his wings. Still, he's shaking only a little bit. It's obvious that he's a little frightened being in the presence of random strangers that kidnapped him! I'd be surprised if he wasn't afraid!

Number 100 Red Nova Sorcerer
FanfictionYears later, the abused child has grown into a collected teenager. When his former brother and sister come to a visit, they're thrown into an adventure that leads them to various territories that give them the things they need to rescue the one they...