Chapter 25: Flashback

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Blackie and I help gather the Numbers who have died. Blackie uses his tentacles to gently pick them up while I use my levitation to carry multiple at once. Once we have as much as we can carry, we take them to the main hall of the castle and line them up along the walls. Then, we go bring more in. The task is very long and takes the rest of the day and some of the night. We all work tirelessly to get them all inside. It's the only thing we can do to honor them: keep them safe from the elements until burial time.

Suddenly, on my rounds along the battle ground, I spot two figures locked in an embrace. I approach them slowly, wondering if these were a couple that didn't participate in the battle and just fell victim to the gory battle. It's night, so I can't exactly see very well, but the closer I approach them, the more I recognize the one holding the other.

Number 12 Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja.

There was something that must have hit him right in the chest; there's a gaping hole in his chest. His body seems to be protecting another person. He must have failed because he's also fainted. I cannot tell if he's dead or not. I touch Crimson's forehead to know how this happened to them.


It starts with the lab. I look around to look for the ninja to see if he's here.

"Free?" I hear him call. I watch as he gathers up another Number, who is laying on an operation table. "Are you okay?" He manages to take him into his arms protectively.

The weakened Number feebly loops his arms around Crimson's neck with a small smile. "I...I knew you'd come..." I barely catch the words coming out of his mouth.

As if to make it easier for Free to hear, the flame ninja puts his lips close to the other's ear. I get closer to hear him. "Of course," he murmurs, injecting some kind of needle into Free's neck. He then drops the needle and strokes his silver hair. "You're my cute little angel." He then kisses the top of his head. "Now, let's get out of here."

Free nods. Crimson swiftly and carefully sets Free onto his back and walks at a swift pace. Is it just me, or does he seem to have more purpose in his gait? It could just be that he found Free alive and well. heck, I'm surprised myself at how he's changed so much in a split second, but I don't dwell on it. I just follow his stride.

Crimson jumps on the roofs of tall buildings with amazing speed, which I haven't seen before aside from the one time he used the Light Step with us, but right now, he has this look in his eyes, a strong look that replaces the nearly dull look that I only now realize has been fogging his black orbs for as long as I can remember.

We stop in an alleyway, out of Human eyes. Crimson sets Free down and takes something out of his tunic. It's the blade of grass that we got from the Floral Territory, but the only thing I'm confused about is how he got it when Bura was the one holding it! The ninja snaps and makes the egg appear in a fiery vortex. He puts his hand on it; a small flame orb slips out through the eggshell, and this sends my confusion over the edge! Then, he snaps again with a hand made of fire; the egg goes away again. Crimson then proceeds to take the fire orb and places it at the base of the blade of grass. Said object goes up in flames, but no hissing sounds emit from it, which tells me that no moisture is being evaporated.

"Free," Crimson calls, shaking the Number slightly. "Wake up. You need to take this if you want the paralysis to go away."

Free groans and shifts slightly. "Five more minutes..."

The ninja sighs and lightly slaps his partner's cheeks in hopes of waking him up that way. His attempts fail, however, so he just sighs, brushes a stray lock of scarlet hair out of his eyes, and shoves the plant into Free's opened mouth. The Sky Pegasus immediately chokes and coughs violently from the flames and the sudden entry of the plant. He does manage to swallow it, but by the time that happens, his eyes are watering from the heat.

"S-Sei!" he whines when his throat allows. "What was that for!?"

"That was to cure your paralysis," Crimson smartly states, holding his hand out. "Now, let's go. We can't let the Humans find us out here."

Grumbling, Free takes Crimson's hand. The ninja helps him up and supports him on his shoulder so he can walk off the stiffness. They walk in silence so as not to attract attention to themselves. The only indication they make that signals they've missed each other is how tightly they hold one another, as if they don't want to be separated again.

The memory keeps going until they get attacked by something that can't even be seen by me!

~.End of Flashback.~

I blink a few times to clear my blurry vision. I look down at the pair and decide to take them to Lady Luck. Using my levitation powers, I take them back to the castle.

After we hold a ceremony for the fallen, we receive word that Crimson and Free are both still alive, but they will be unable to do anything physically challenging, though. That means they cannot fight or do anything strenuous.

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