Chapter 29: Time Skip To Battle

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Time has passed. I have not seen Coal, Ichigo, or Crystal in the months that followed their arrival, but I assume they were also busy. The village is void of any life; the ones who cannot fight are kept hidden in the chamber Blackie tells me housed the pod that sent me to that wretched family. The pod is now gone, so there is enough room to keep everyone else hidden in there. All that is left is the army we have built, made up of the staff that can fight, villagers, guards, squires, knights, the king, and the prince.

The Human army marches in time to an unknown metronome, carrying their "guns" and riding their "tanks." Blackie sneers. I release my puppet to ready it for battle.

They stop some distance away. In the corner of my eye, I see three figures stand some distance away. Coal is dressed in loose, black pants and an equally loose, blood red tank top. The collar is low enough to where his chest is covered but his collarbone shows. On it is a 61 that seems to be made out of running lava. Red, radiating, lava-like marks rain randomly down his face, arms, and chest; his skin is clear of the gray ashes, which must have been hiding the marks he has. On his hip is a stone scabbard, which is oddly clear. It shows a flaming sword with a metal blade. Somehow, he looks much more complete than he did when we first met him. He stands with his arms crossed and his feet shoulder-length apart.

Ichigo now has icy armor that looks more like a translucent dress that spikes out at the hips. Her pale skin dons a 19 on her neck; the characters of the Number look like a series of cracks in the ice that have managed to take that shape. Her ice boots reach up to her knees and are just as sharp as her dress. A headdress made of ice adorns her head; her weapon of choice is an ice spear.

Crystal is the only one out of the group without a Number since she's a Synchro monster. She has exchanged her normal flower dress for a black one with red rose petals decorating the entire outfit. The start small at her chest and get larger as they near the end, which is just above her ankles, revealing red flats with what seems to be black tights and thorns. The hem of the dress poofs out as it nears her ankles. In her hand is a whip with deadly thorns so that she can attack without getting too near.

"It seems the last of us has arrived," Blackie mumbles to me under his breath.

"Shall we try to talk them out of this?" I hiss back, not even looking away from the enemy for a second. "Maybe we can get them to change their minds."

"Nova, does it look like they are going to change their minds? I highly doubt it will work."

"We can still try."

"It will not work. Trust me, they want too much from our kingdom to give up now."

After only a moment of hesitation, I nod slightly. I suppose this is true. After all, Crimson did say something about them being stubborn. Blackie beckons to where Coal, Ichigo, and Crystal stand, so I avert my gaze there to see them opening their mouths wide, filling their lungs deeply with air. Then, deafening roars escape from their vocal folds in clashing harmony. Eventually, the cacophony relaxes into a calming, dull roar, sounding like three bells: one bass, one slightly higher in the female octave, and the last one the highest. I can assume by the stances of the older Numbers and the fact that my brother motioned for them to do this that this is a signal to the other side that we are ready or that we are working to intimidate the other side.

"Go!" Blackie roars, sending everyone into an organized chaos in the race to save our home. This includes the both of us. Who ever said that the king has to stay behind if said king can fight?

I snap the physical ties between myself and my puppet; the only thing I've left with it is the order, "Destroy any and all Humans" and "Warn owner of imminent danger whatever it may be." It should be able to know what to do with just that.


The moment the king, whose name I cannot remember, calls the signal to go, I break away from our once-quartet (we are now a trio for now) to battle the ones coming for the castle walls itself. I jump into the air and aim my spear in their direction. Instantly, shards of frozen water rain down on them like tiny kunai knives upon them. Humans crumple to the ground; the ones still alive gawk at their fallen people, but the smarter ones aim their guns at me. I just stare down at them with the same coldness that puffs out of my breath.

They plan to kill me with those pathetic things? I chuckle. I'd like to see them try.

Out of the background, a cannon shoots. I only see a gigantic iron ball coming at me for a split second before I turn my spear into a sword and slicing right through it. By the time I do that, however, they've started shooting at me. I howl in rage; they're not going to beat me!

A rock wall shoves its way from the ground up in front of me. I look down, and below me, Coal looks up at me with that big, goofy grin of his with his arms crossed. His right foot slides in a small semicircle in the direction of the Humans. Immediately, the ground trembles. The Humans shake in their places and cry out.

"Need help?" he asks, but it's not really a question.

"I was fine on my own!" I huff. "But I suppose one more will do."

"There we go!" He claps his hands and intertwines his fingers. The ground starts shaking and rumbling while he taps his foot ever so slightly. Well, I'm glad I'm not on the ground.

The Humans all around the area start panicking as the earthquake rages on. I envelop the castle in an ice barrier to keep it from crumbling down. I even cover the ground underneath it so that the rumbling wouldn't affect it. Coal breaks his hands apart; a huge chasm splits the earth and under the Humans in the area, and they all fall through after a moment of comically being suspended in air. They all scream at the top of their feeble lungs as they fall through. As for the Numbers, I've put ice platforms under their feet so that they don't follow the long plummet down.

Not long after, lava starts spilling out of the chasm. This is where I come in. The one thing Coal can't do is get the lava to go back underground. Not only would that be dangerous for the core, but it would most likely not even work, so he smooths it over the ground as best as he can while I freeze it in place. This results in the ice liquefying, so the lava gets a chilly dose of water, cooling it down so it'll turn into rock.

"Let's see if there's anymore termites that need handling," I grumble to the Volcasaurus. "I doubt they left any space empty."

"Eh, I would consider them rodents," Coal states with a shrug.

~.Black Mist.~

My large hands clap together, crushing two Humans at the waist. My wings, which are much too bulky for flying (I often wonder what the hell they're for), work well to defend against the bullets coming at my back. Beside me, Hope utilizes his own New Moon energy in his ultimate form. His four arms wield four different swords as efficiently as I use my hands to deal with these filthy beings.

"There's no end to them!" Hope growls. "How many of them are there!?"

I shake my head, releasing myself from my New Moon form. That form takes too much energy! "I know not, Hope. All we can hope for is to get them to retreat without losing too many Numbers!"

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