Chapter 27: Tracking

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Coal, Crystal, and Ichigo meet up in the hall. The two women have told us to meet with them so we can discuss things, but I'm honestly not sure we'll be able to talk since the three are too busy catching up! I'm sure they'd happily chat all day, but we have things to do!

"Coal, Crystal, Ichigo, I would hate to interrupt your happy reunion, but we have more pressing matters to deal with." Blackie plants his hands on his hips while tapping his foot impatiently. I nod in agreement.

"Fine, fine," Coal chuckles. "So, what do you need help with?"

"We need to track the Humans' movements so we know how far off they are in the Territories," I explain. "These two said you could do it, Coal."

The Volcanic Number nods somewhat. "I can. If I position my feet the right way, I can get an accurate idea of where they are." He grins and starts walking. "Follow me!"

We follow him out of the town limits so that he has more silence, or so he puts it. It makes sense that he would want to be as far as possible because of what Crystal said. We travel for almost an hour before Coal is satisfied with the distance.

"This should be enough," he mumbles silently, shifting his feet on the floor somewhat. He bites his index finger and doesn't talk for a while. This is literally the second time I've seen him this serious.

Suddenly, his upper body stops moving entirely. His right foot is pointing straight ahead while his left points to the side, completely perpendicular to his right foot. His face shows nothing, not even the slightest hint as to how close they are. Ichigo, Blackie, Crystal, and I hold our breaths in anticipation, waiting in suspense for Coal to talk. He makes slight adjustments to his stance, but other than that and his breathing, he looks entirely like a statue.

Honestly, the silence will kill me before the Humans do!

"They're split into two armies and coming in two different directions," Coal nearly whispers. He clears his throat and speaks louder. "They're coming in from the northeast and the northwest. The former is still many Territories behind and the latter is a bit closer. We still have time. They do not seem to be using the borders."

Blackie nods. "Thank you, Coal."

He smiles in response. We walk back to the castle to tell the captain, whose name is Number 39 Aspiring Emperor Hope, how close the Humans are so he and Number 9 Dyson Sphere, the assistant captain, know at what pace to train the soldiers. I am certain now that they know how far they are.

"Captain!" Blackie calls out as we search. "Number 39!"

"Yes?" Hope, clad in his gold and silver armor, appears around the corner and spots us. "You called?"

"I did." We meet at the corner that he turned. "The enemy is not very close; we have time on our hands. They do not seem to be using the borders."

I add, "Either they do not know about the borders, or they have an army much too large for the borders." I purse my lips. "If the latter is true, then we will be greatly outnumbered. That would be a problem..."

Hope gives us a curt nod. "Very well. Dyson and I will pace the training accordingly." He bows. "I shall take my leave."

We nod, and he walks back to the training grounds. I sigh, wondering what to do now.

"Blackie," I start, "what should we do now?"

My brother shrugs. "I suppose we just work on our strengths and weaknesses."

I nod. "Like what?"

"Like mental or physical things." He starts walking to our room; I follow. "We both have many things to work on, but unfortunately, I haven't the time. In times of war, I need to be out and about in the kingdom, making sure the townsfolk know of our situation and that the warriors are working accordingly. Nova, I need you to work on your necromancy more. I am certain that magic will help."

"Yes." I break away to enter our room so I can have some privacy while I work. Blackie continues to walk on his rounds.

I close and lock the door behind me, settling myself on the bed soon after. Raising one purple hand, I use the winds to close the double doors at the balcony. There. Now, no one will interfere or will get killed by the magic.

~.Black Mist.~

The moment Nova and I separate, I put my arms behind my back, focusing on the floor in front of me as I walk down the palace halls. The portraits of the former kings look down on me, but I keep my gaze down in thought.

What can I do while we rebuild our army? Will the enemy be stronger? If so, how much stronger? Will there be a large gap between us, or will it be small? Will they overpower us, or vice versa? With a grunt, I shake these thoughts out of my head for now. My priority right now is to inform everyone that another army will be coming. They all know how to fight; they are merely inexperienced. That will soon change, though.

The guards of the entrance open the glass doors for me. I step out with a nod of silent thanks and start going from door to door, getting the townsfolk into the central circle of the town. I step onto the platform I make and stare down at the plethora of the confused and concerned faces of the Numbers. With the way they all look at me, they all seem to know something is wrong.

"Some have died," I begin in a soft voice. Immediately, everyone calms and quiets down. "We have lost loved ones. That was the price for winning our first battle with the Humans, but they will come once more with more people. I ask you once more to fight with us! Men that are able to fight shall come while the married ones' wives stay in the castle and take care of the future generation with their lives! The rest of the men and woman will be in the army and be thoroughly trained! This is an eventful opportunity, but I will not force you to agree to it. Those that wish to, come to the doors of the palace and wait for me while I go run an errand. I will be there shortly to give you instructions. that is all." I step off, facing away from them to go visit Crimson's small house. He will not be here for a long while; someone needs to make sure it is clean for him.

The path to the shinobi's house is clear except for the families that are going home. Soon, the simple house comes into view. I speed up to get there quicker so that I do not keep everyone waiting.

I enter his house, immediately spotting the pile of weapons on the table. Carefully gathering them up so the sharp objects don't poke me in a bad way, I make my way to the sink to wash the blood off of them. They are fairly clean, but not all of them have been wiped down. Besides, they need to be properly clean. The kunai knives and shurikens are soon cleaned and polished to where they glint in the dim lights of the house. I slide the door to a small cabinet mounted on the wall, which is where the smaller weapons are stored, open, and I slide each armament into its respective bar. A small snap ensures that they are properly locked and stored in there so no one will get into it.

Breathing a sigh through my nose, I pull myself away from the weapons and focus on the beauty leaning against the wall. Crimson's katana is out of its scabbard and leaning against the wall while the sheathe itself is on the floor beside it. Blood coats the its normally lustrous blade and a little on the decorated handle. The scabbard itself seems to be untouched, so I take the sword and clean it just like I did the smaller weapons. Then, with a heavy heart, I slip it into the scabbard and set it on the bed. There is a great chance that this beautiful blade may never be used again.

My footsteps echo around the house as I exit the house and close the door, leaving the house to wait for its master's return.

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