it's 5'o clock somewhere

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"Officer Chen" Grey called.

"Yes sir?"

"As you've noticed, Officer Bradford is not here."

"I have to say that was something that did not evade my notice, sir."

He chuckled. "Glad to see you haven't grown dull in your skills of observation. On a more serious note, Bradford called in sick."

"But he's never...ah."

"Yes. He didn't sound the least bit congested either. But he did sound... off. Typically, I wouldn't do this. But since we have the extra hands from the district over, I want you to do me a personal favor. Clock out. Put it down as a family emergency. Then check in on Bradford. And I want a report within the next couple of hours on him and his state."

"Of course sir. But, may I question, why me?"

"That, Officer Chen, if you don't already know, is for you to figure out. Now go clock out. Time is a-wasting and Tim is who-knows-where right now."

"Right away sir."


She pulled into Tim's driveway. It was the obvious place to check first. She peeked into the windows, hoping none of the neighbors called the cops. Oh, the irony. She heard Kojo barking but the house was dark. He wasn't home apparently. Which, if he was sick, was exactly where he should have been. 

Making her way back to her car, she wasn't quite sure what her next move would be. Tapping her nails against the dashboard, she arranged her thoughts. He's not sick. Kojo's home so he isn't planning on being gone for long. Did he run off with Ashley again? No...that just doesn't make much sense. Not that it was a one-time thing but it was really to prove something more than anything else... She shook her head. Things were heading slightly off base. Not with Ashley. So, what Isobel again? No, that just doesn't feel right either. So... family emergency? 

That clicked. She righted herself, digging for her phone from her back pocket. Clicking into her contacts she scrolled to the Gs.





"Genny, thank goodness. It's Lucy. Tim didn't come into work today. Our commanding officer had me clock out cause according to him, Tim said he called in sick. But Tim never calls in sick and he said that his tone just sounded off and- I'm sorry I'm rambling. Anyway, do you have any idea what may have gotten into him? Or where he may have gone?"

Genny sighed on the other end."I'm surprised he didn't tell you. But then again I'm not. It's Tim. Carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders because he thinks he has to."

"What did he not tell me?"

"Our dad died a week ago. The funeral was yesterday. He didn't show. I called him, angry. After everything, I guess I had been hoping that he would've been okay enough to show up even just for me and my family. I wasn't thinking, and I snapped at him." Lucy could feel as Genny approached tears. "I-I said some horrible things. I told him that he was hurting the rest of us worse than dad ever had by staying away and letting us deal with the fallout all by ourselves. That he was a coward for running the moment he turned 18. For not coming back and instead throwing himself from one warzone into the next. That it was like he didn't care if he died and left the rest of us behind."

Lucy's one hand gripped the steering wheel, the other strangled her phone so hard she was surprised that it didn't break. She took a deep breath, suffocating every part of her that wanted to unleash fire and brimstone on the woman who, from a place of anger, carelessly seemed to affirm one of Tim's biggest fears: that he was just like his father. 

"Genny, listen to me. I get it," she nearly vomited at saying those words, "you were angry. I'm not going to say that it was okay for you to attack one of his biggest weaknesses. But I know you didn't mean it. I know you don't believe it either. But the problem now is Tim does and has been radio silent since 7 am this morning. I've already checked his house and don't know what my next move should be. I need to know somewhere he would go. A constant. Somewhere he'd feel safe."

Through the tears, Lucy caught her next few words. "The beach. Tim loves the beach."

"Thanks, Genny. I'll call you after I find him, okay?"

"Okay. Lucy?"


"Please, tell him I'm sorry."



Tim wouldn't be at a beach that got crowded. Given his state, he wouldn't want to be anywhere there were people in general. Typically, when searching for someone, crowded beaches complicated things. This time, they made it easier. She began with the closest beaches, bypassing the crowds, looking for any areas that were secluded and would provide the perfect escape for a distracted, unstable man who didn't have the greatest track record when it came to dealing with emotional issues. 

She kept Grey in the loop.

Tim's not at his house. Called his sister. Sounds like something happened. Sister said he likes the beach. Searching nearby now- Lucy

Appreciate the update, Chen. Good luck- CO Grey.

The first beach was too open. No crevices, coves, or secluded points for him to hide.

The second was too loud. At any point where he could have concealed himself, he still would've been able to hear the noise of the main body.

The third was the charm. She found him, about two or three miles from the main activity, tucked in between a couple of rock walls that she was sure would be partially submerged by high tide. It was loud, but not in a way that would've driven Tim away. It was the waves. They were dark today, crashing violently onto the shore, drowning out anything else. Sounds, words, thoughts. As she got closer from behind, she could judge that from the bottle of whiskey at his side, the waves were not strong enough alone to drown the mess in his mind today. 

She didn't say anything after she sat down. He didn't comment on her presence. There was so much she wanted to say. Why didn't you tell me? Why would you face this alone? Genny's sorry. She didn't mean it. But she knew the answers she would get. I didn't tell you because it's nothing of your concern. I'm used to dealing with things on my own and I don't need you to be changing that now. She's sorry, sure. But she meant it.

At the end of it all, there were still the waves. He wouldn't hear her anyway. If she were to say something. She'd want to be heard. 

Twenty minutes passed before there was a small lull in the waves. All she could say was, "Whiskey Tim? Right now? It's-" she glanced at her watch "2 pm." He shrugged before taking another swig directly from the three-quarters full bottle but actually answered. "It's 5'o'clock somewhere Boot."

The waves commenced crashing again.

His tone was so empty. Resigned almost. And it hurt. Here was a man she had come to admire, struggles and all. After everything, this was about the worst she had seen him at. She had seen him angry, seen him volatile, seen him broken. But never as a quitter. Never as someone who had given up. That was what scared her more than any angry outburst. Tim Bradford, the man who finished what he started, the man who never backed down from a challenge, was gone. 

A/N: I'm writing a part 2 cause I don't want to make a separate thing, but I don't want it to go too long and I obviously can't leave it like this.

Or could I :)

Don't worry though, I'm not mean.

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