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If you had told Tim Bradford that things would get better for him, he would have glared at you. He would have told you to keep your washed-out words of comfort for people who could at least pretend to appreciate them. 

If you had told Lucy Chen that her life would never be the same, she would have convinced herself you were some figment over her overworked subconscious. 

If you had told Tim Bradford that his new rookie would grow on him, he would have told you that there was no chance on earth of her ever being more than another potential wash-out candidate.

If you had told Lucy Chen that with time, her T.O would become more than the pain in the ass that he was, she would have asked you to perform a sobriety test.

If you had told Tim Bradford that the rookie he had begrudgingly felt grow on him would become someone he considered a close friend, he would have told you that you were delusional.

If you had told Lucy Chen that her aggravating T.O would become someone she would turn to in the midst of a crisis, she would have told you it was impossible while trying to disguise the wistful look in her eyes. 

If you had told Tim Bradford that he would one day fall head-over-heels for his former rookie, Lucy Chen, he would have reprimanded you for assuming that anything other than a professional and sometimes friendly relationship existed between them.

If you had told Lucy Chen that she would one day marry her former training officer, Tim Bradford, she would have laughed in your face and submitted you to a mental hospital for psychological testing and treatment. 

Whether you would have been able to tell them or not, it all still happened. 

Whether you would have been able to tell them or not, no amount of denial could have kept what was undeniably meant to be, apart. 

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