TGP Chapter 3: Choosing a Husband

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"I want all four!"

If she doesn't choose Pei Wenxuan as her husband, then what were her options?

A fool, a madman, or a wastrel. Compared to them, even if Pei Wenxuan had fed her a poisonous bowl of Fragrant Beauty, she actually was not that difficult to accept?

After all, Pei Wenxuan had a fatal advantage: he looked good.

A good-looking person, whether male or female, will be pleasing to the eye. No matter what they did, she would be willing to forgive them.

However, living with Pei Wenxuan in the previous life, there was no need to talk about the countless frustrations, but there was not much happiness in it either, constantly fighting and scheming against each other. She felt tired just thinking about it. Besides, it seemed a bit boring to live an entire lifetime only to decide to live according to the previous life.

She never looked into the other three in detail. How about this time...why not see them in person?

Li Rong pondered over this as she walked into Taiqing Hall. At this time, Li Ming was already seated and had soon changed into his usual clothes. He had just washed his hands and was drying them with a handkerchief as he chatted with Chief Eunuch De Song.

Li Ming was almost forty years old this year. He was in the prime of his years and looked quite vigorous. He possessed charisma that older people would not have and yet the composure that young men would not have. It was the most beautiful time in a man's lifetime.

He was born handsome, so in order to add to his dignified appearance, he deliberately grew a beard to gain the composed aura of an elder. Li Rong walked into the room and glanced at Li Ming. While her face did not betray any emotion, she was a little nervous inside.

After all, she had not seen Li Ming in almost 30 years, and no matter what happened in the previous life, she couldn't help but feel a little emotional when she suddenly saw her own father again.

She recalled how she often acted when she was young and respectfully saluted. Li Ming smiled and had her to sit next to him. Li Rong picked up her chopsticks, coquettishly blinked and said: "How come Father Emperor is in a good mood to call me here for a meal today?"

Li Ming heard his daughter's spoiled voice and softened his tone, even if he was about to discuss important matters. He watched as an eunuch tested the food for poison first and slowly said: "The matter of your marriage was brought up in the imperial court today. Zhen1 realized you are no longer young and called you over to talk."


Li Rong pretended to be surprised, then she lowered her head, seemingly embarrassed and said: "Shouldn't this matter be discussed with Mother Empress?"

"You are Zhen's daughter," Li Ming was dissatisfied, but there was some appreciation for her obedient words in his eyes. "Of course you should be the one to decide your marriage. You just need to pick someone you like."

After saying that, Li Ming turned his head and told De Song: "Bring the portraits over."

[1] Zhen -majestic imperial pronoun an Emperor uses to refer to himself. It is a plural form of "we."

De Song heeded his order and ordered someone to bring four portraits over, then opened the portrait scrolls one by one, revealing the faces of four men.

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