TGP Chapter 5: Keep Someone

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【Author: Option 1 was chosen the most, Option 1: respond to Su Rongqing, chat with Su Rongqing】

The same person and similar words, yet spoken at different times will have a different feeling to them. When Su Rongqing said these words back then, it was always respectful, cautious and harbored vague intentions that she could never put her finger on. However, now that Su Rongqing said this in a frank, magnanimous and gentlemanly manner, he was only greeting her according to etiquette and had no other intentions.

This was the best point in time for Su Rongqing. The Su family was still at the height of power and prestige. Su Rongqing was a legitimate son of the Su family and also particularly favored. Even when facing a princess, he had the confidence to be neither humble nor overbearing.

Seeing Su Rongqing like this, Li Rong couldn't help but laugh. She had never spoken to Su Rongqing at this point in time, so she couldn't resist praising: "It is said that Su daren is the most outstanding gongzi of Huajing. Now that I have seen for myself, it is indeed a well-deserved reputation."

"It is only a result of everyone's praise," Su Rongqing lowered his head and chuckled, seemingly embarrassed, "It is just a matter of joking around."

"Just joking around?" Li Rong couldn't help but lower her voice. "When I saw gongzi, I felt that gongzi was extraordinary. If gongzi does not dare to be the most outstanding, then I'm afraid no one in Huajing would dare claim to be the most outstanding."

"This humble official, Pei Wenxuan," After Li Rong had spoken, a clear voice interrupted and calmly said, "Greets Your Imperial Highness."

Hearing Pei Wenxuan's voice, Li Rong turned her head.

Pei Wenxuan quietly looked at her, but his heartbeat was unexpectedly fast.

He had not seen the eighteen year old Li Rong in many years.

He didn't know when the Li Rong in his memory began to wear heavy makeup and looked older than her age. She always smelled of wine, and every time he saw her, she was either listening to songs or watching dance performances. She seemed to be a body without bones, sticking to Su Rongqing all day.

He didn't like Li Rong like this, but that Li Rong had already become the Li Rong in his memories. That was, until he suddenly saw the eighteen year old Li Rong, dressed in red palace brocade robes with golden phoenix embroidery and a golden hairpin in her hair, swaying with her every step. Her bright facial features were only touched with a hint of pink on her lips. She carried herself with a charming and graceful posture and an innocent smile. When her eyes shifted over to him, her eyes appeared to have been drawn with meticulous brush strokes, capable of capturing people's hearts.

Of course, his heart won't be captured, but this did not keep him from appreciating Li Rong's beauty.

He was only taken aback for a moment. When he reacted, Li Rong had already started talking to Su Rongqing.

Li Rong praised Su Rongqing without a single pause, and Pei Wenxuan instantly realized that something was wrong.

There was no such spring banquet back then. Li Rong seemed to have never met Su Rongqing back then either. Now that she met Su Rongqing, would she want to marry him?

If it was the clever, calculating Li Rong of the future, then he still had some certainty, but with eighteen year old Li Rong, whether she would be willing to use her marriage for a purpose or not was completely beyond him.

What if she was a little dumb and fell in love with Su Rongqing at first sight and refused to marry anyone but him?

Then Li Rong was as good as dead.

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