TGP Chapter 29: Harmony

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“Li Rong, you can scold people, but you can’t be this scary.”

Pei Wenxuan’s gentleness at that moment stunned Li Rong. Seeing her dumbfounded, Pei Wenxuan couldn’t help but laugh: “What’s the matter with you?”

Li Rong stared intently at his face for a moment, then lifted her head and patted his shoulder, deeply moved as she said: “My foresight isn’t too bad after all.”

Pei Wenxuan was at quite a loss, but Li Rong had already taken up her fan and returned to her cell by herself.

Her room had been swept clean. Jing Lan and Jing Mei asked if she needed anything else, and with nothing else left to do, they promptly withdrew.

The two of them were in their respective cells, reading books and records of Go games that had been played, quarreling over a few things in their free time as the days idly passed by.

In the evening, Su Rongqing brought a food box, which he gave Li Rong alongside a few novels, then he gave an account of what happened in the recent days in the imperial court, going over everything at once.

Li Rong listened to his report as she bowed her head and looked through the novels that Su Rongqing had brought her. Once Su Rongqing had finished speaking, she didn’t bother to ask more about imperial court affairs and only said: “These novels you brought me seem very interesting. I should be able to finish reading them in a few days. You can find something similar for me next time.”

Su Rongqing stared blankly for a moment, but then he reacted and said somewhat hesitantly, “Is there anything else Your Highness wants me to bring?”

“No, nothing,” Li Rong said. After thinking about it, she also said, “You don’t need to come here so often in the future. It won’t be good for you if His Majesty finds out.

Su Rongqing fell silent when he heard this. A moment later, he forced a smile and softly said: “Your Highness is right.”

Li Rong nodded and said nothing more. Su Rongqing stood at the door of the cell for a moment before saying: “If there is nothing else, then this humble official will retire first.”

Li Rong responded in a rather plain manner with just a hum of acknowledgment. After Su Rongqing respectfully saluted, he withdrew.

Once he left, Pei Wenxuan, who had been leaning against the wall, opened his eyes. He tonelessly said: “Not keeping him here to say a few more words?”

“What more is there to say?” Li Rong turned through the pages of the novel without looking up, “He’s not someone that can be held back anyway.”

“Li Rong,” Pei Wenxuan leaned back on the wall as he sat on the praying mat, knees bent as he put one hand on his knee and the other on his leg. He slowly asked, “Do you really not want to resume your previous fate with Su Rongqing?”

“I don’t want to.”

“Why?” Pei Wenxuan was a bit curious, “Do you still mind the fact that he killed you?”

Li Rong’s movements froze. She didn’t know how to respond for a while. Her feelings towards Su Rongqing were far more complicated compared to those towards Pei Wenxuan.

There was too much love and hatred between them and too many disputes as well. There was only like or dislike to speak of between her and Pei Wenxuan. However, between her and Su Rongqing, it lies somewhere between love and hate. She and Su Rongqing guarded against each other yet accompanied one another, giving each other their sincerity yet brimming with suspicion for one another.

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