TGP Chapter 16: Agreement Posted

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"This humble Pei will bring Yang Quan's head as a betrothal gift and welcome the Princess in a phoenix carriage."

"This..." Li Rong trailed off in an anticlimactic manner, then smiled, "You'll know when the time comes."

"Do you want to hide this from me too?"

Seeing Li Chuan give her the cold shoulder, Li Rong sighed: "To tell you the truth, I'm not hiding anything from you."

As she spoke, Li Rong turned her head and looked out of the carriage window, expressionlessly saying: "It's just that I really don't know."

After all, this marriage will not be solely for her to decide.

Pei Wenxuan did not say anything, and she didn't mention it either.

She didn't think that it was a good thing to marry a reborn Pei Wenxuan. There were too many entanglements between them. If they were to be in the same place again, they would only wear each other down even more.

Pei Wenxuan has his Qin Zhenzhen. With his ability, even if he did hold the position of Prince Consort, it was not to say that he could not hold another high-ranking position. He could try to choose another path in this lifetime. Although it might be more difficult, perhaps it was better than having to marry her.

And she...

Li Rong slowly closed her eyes. There was no such thing as an uneven road for her. She had her own plans whether or not Pei Wenxuan was willing to help her.

As the carriage swayed, Li Rong gradually fell asleep. A while later, she heard the voice of an eunuch outside respectfully saying: "Greetings, Your Highness the Crown Prince, Your Highness the Princess."

Li Rong slowly reopened her eyes upon hearing that voice. Li Chuan went ahead and lifted the curtain, and a broadly smiling face appeared before them.

This person wore the attire of a senior palace eunuch. He looked to be almost 40 years old and had particularly pleasing big eyes and a round face. Li Rong recognized him as the senior eunuch by her Empress Mother's side, Shan De.

Li Chuan had a slightly strange expression when he saw Shan De and said, "Shan De gonggong? Why were you waiting here?"

"The Empress heard that the Crown Prince came back with the Princess, so she ordered this old servant to specifically wait here. The Empress said that the Crown Prince must be exhausted after the long journey last night and should go rest first. This old servant will lead the way for the Princess," Shan De bowed to Li Rong as he spoke, then he paused and turned to look back in the direction of the carriage, "And Pei gongzi to Wei Yang Palace to see the Empress."

"Pei Wenxuan?"

Li Chuan was a little surprised: "Mother Empress wants to see him?"

Shan De smiled and nodded: "Yes, Niangniang1 wants to see Pei gongzi."

[1] Niangniang - honorific for high-ranking women in the imperial harem. Its meaning ranges from Her Majesty, Her Grace, Her Ladyship for the Empress, (noble) imperial consorts, and other consorts respectively.

After he responded, Shan De stood to the side, revealing two palanquins behind him. He said to Li Rong: "The palanquin is ready. Please watch your step, Princess."

Li Chuan heard this and looked back at Li Rong. Li Rong nodded and reached out to place her hand in Li Chuan's hand. Li Chuan helped Li Rong up, then a servant helped Li Rong down from the carriage and onto the palanquin.

After she was seated on the palanquin, she looked back and saw that Pei Wenxuan was also on a palanquin. She nodded in Li Chuan's direction, then the palanquin was lifted up. Li Rong held onto her golden fan and closed her eyes to rest.

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