TGP Chapter 19: Chief Inspector

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"Pei Wenxuan, can you stop pretending for a moment?"

After Li Rong gifted the sword to Pei Wenxuan, she had the servants carry the palanquin around the palace. After walking around in the imperial garden, she crouched down on the ground and started playing with a newly flowered crabapple blossom when she saw that the person she sent to Pei Wenxuan had returned. The man came over, stopped in front of her and respectfully said: "Your Highness, it's over."

Li Rong nodded. She took the square handkerchief from Jing Lan's hands and replied, "Yang Quan lacks patience indeed."

If Yang Quan had taken action later, perhaps he would have lived a few more days. It was just that this was Pei Wenxuan. With his personality, if he didn't say anything, then so be it, but once he says something, he will make it happen. He said that he would take Yang Quan's life, so he won't even give Yang Quan a fighting chance.

When she recalled the things the Yang had done in the previous life, Li Rong also felt that keeping such people would indeed be disastrous.

In the previous life, although the Yang family fought long and hard at the border in the end, they had caused Great Xia to lose five cities in a row. It was not until five years after Li Chuan ascended the throne and led the conquest to reclaim those five cities himself.

Further Context
It was also a good thing that the Yang family could be subdued earlier this time around.

She had guessed what Pei Wenxuan had done for the most part, but she was a little curious. What exactly did Pei Wenxuan say? She wiped her hands clean with the handkerchief and stood up. She said to Jing Mei: "Go and announce that I will be going to the Imperial Study to talk to Father Emperor."

Jing Mei immediately heeded the order. Jing Lan supported Li Rong and walked to the Imperial Study at a leisurely pace.

When she arrived at the entrance of the Imperial Study, she saw Fu Lai waiting for her at the doors. He smiled and said, "Your Highness, His Majesty is discussing state affairs with several ministers. Please wait here for a moment."

Li Rong lightly tapped the palm of her hand with her small fan and nodded: "That will not be a problem. Bengong will wait here in the meantime then."

"Then this servant will bring a chair for Your Highness?" Fu Lai knew that Her Highness was used to being favored and indulged, so he was quick to please her. Li Rong nodded and only said, "Very well."

Fu Lai ordered someone to bring a chair over for Li Rong and even placed a small table nearby with tea and cakes on top. Li Rong had someone bring her a book while basking in the sun and drinking tea as she waited to be summoned by Li Ming.

Not long after, an eunuch hastily came over and pressed against Fu Lai's ear, whispering something. Fu Lai's face visibly changed. After a moment of contemplation, he whispered: "Bring him in first. I will go and report to His Majesty."

Having said that, Fu Lai turned around and went back to the Imperial Study. Li Rong pretended to not have heard anything and leisurely turned a page in her book.

A few moments later, Li Rong saw Pei Wenxuan being led in by someone. Pei Wenxuan was hanging his head low as if he was a bit on edge. The hems of his clothes were stained with blood, and his appearance was quite disheveled. The eunuch led him up the steps, and once Pei Wenxuan noticed her, he respectfully said: "Greetings Your Imperial Highness."

Li Rong heard these words and brought her eyes up to visually assess him from head to toe and smiled: "I saw Pei daren leave the Palace just now, why are you back?" Li Rong spread her fan open to cover the lower half of her face and whispered, "Did you miss me?"

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