TGP Chapter 20.1: Untitled

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"Li Rong, if you are willing to be wholeheartedly devoted to me, I can even give you my life."

Li Rong's actions made Pei Wenxuan choke on his words. He was silent for a while, then he finally said, "I might be narrow-minded and have a small heart, but your face isn't thin either."1

He turned his face, taking the lantern with him as he walked ahead in a leisurely manner: "You're not young anymore. Their family's Su Rongqing is currently in the spring of his youth, so don't have any thoughts of an old cow eating tender young grass."2

[1] Someone with a thin face or thin skin is self-conscious and mindful of social norms. Conversely, someone with a thick face is just outright shameless.

[2] Old cow eating tender young grass (idiom) - traditionally alludes to an old man having a relationship with a much younger woman; has negative connotations.

Li Rong was quiet. Pei Wenxuan smiled and said: "What? Not happy that I said that you're old?"

"I'm old, but aren't you old too?" Li Rong glared at Pei Wenxuan. She turned her head away and coldly said, "I just think that you have a dirty mind, so I don't want to put up with you anymore."

"I have a dirty mind?" Pei Wenxuan laughed and mocked her, "Do you dare to say that you had no such thoughts?"

"As for that, I do dare," Li Rong generously explained in a good-natured manner, "I let Su Rongqing supervise the case because he is most suitable. If you and I come forward to investigate this case, the court officials will find it unacceptable. If we let others investigate and it's one of my uncle's people, they will certainly be partial to the Yang family. As for those who are not partial to either side, I'm afraid that they're not willing to be involved in this disastrous mess. Nowadays, other than Su Rongqing, who else would pick up this hot potato? As it happens, Su Minzhi suddenly came forward and said that his son will investigate, so others will not dare to say anything."

"You have a lot of faith in him."

Pei Wenxuan subconsciously slowed down his pace and spoke coldly. Li Rong walked ahead and couldn't help but laugh when she heard Pei Wenxuan's words, "Although the Su family is keeping a low profile to avoid disaster, they are still considered a prominent noble family. Rongqing is a true gentleman and will not avoid it when matters fall into his hands."

"Sounds quite awe-inspiring and righteous," Pei Wenxuan's tone of voice was flat, "You told me the same thing in the previous life."


Li Rong was a little confused. She turned around and saw that Pei Wenxuan was still standing there, calmly looking at her as he said: "When you asked me to save Su Rongqing in the previous life, you also brought up all sorts of principles and virtues, saying that the Su clan was wronged and if they pursue old grudges someday, it would not be a good thing for me, nor His Majesty. You said that you saved Su Rongqing out of righteousness and justice, and not for other reasons, right?"

Li Rong did not speak. The spring breeze in April was still a bit cold. Pei Wenxuan quietly looked at her then asked, "What happened later on?"

Li Rong was silent. She looked at Pei Wenxuan's indifferent expression and couldn't help but smile: "This is why you hate him?"

Pei Wenxuan was stunned. Li Rong looked at his facial expressions and asked, "Because I lied to you?"

Pei Wenxuan sneered and gave no response, but it could be considered a form of nonverbal acknowledgment. Li Rong brought her hand up, tucked her hair behind her ear and calmly said: "I already said that I truly had no such thoughts at the time, but you still don't believe it? Then what use is there in talking about these things?"

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