TGP Chapter 15: Li Chuan

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"They always held onto a bit of hope for their parents deep down in their hearts."

Li Chuan was still young, and he wasn't as tall as Pei Wenxuan, but he had practiced the sword since he was a child, so his strength wasn't trivial either. He landed just one hit and caught Pei Wenxuan off guard, causing him to fall right down on the spot.

He saw Pei Wenxuan fall down, but Li Chuan still had not vented all of his anger. Li Chuan lunged forward to kick and beat him again. Su Rongqing hurried forward to stop Li Chuan and said with urgency: "Your Highness, please do not be angry! Please calm down for a moment. This is a court official, Your Highness must not do this!"

"You let go! Gu must beat this wretched dog to death! Let go! Bring the sword! Gu must kill him! You bastard, you absolutely disgraceful thing..."

Li Chuan was firmly held back by Su Rongqing and his guards, but he continued to punch and kick in midair. After being suddenly beaten, Pei Wenxuan slowly came to his senses. He took in a breath of cold air and hastily said: "Your Highness, please listen to this official's explanation..."

"Gu is going to kill him! Let go of Gu! Let go..."


Li Rong finally reacted. When she saw Pei Wenxuan being beaten by Li Chuan's own hands, Li Chuan baring his fangs and claws, she felt quite pleased. As expected of her own little brother, even the way he scolded "dog" was the same. Although she was secretly delighted, she kept a calm expression on her face. She cleared her throat and said: "You are the Crown Prince, you should be more composed."

Li Chuan's movements froze upon hearing Li Rong's words. Su Rongqing and the others tentatively let go of Li Chuan. Li Chuan's hands seemed to be clenched into fists as he aggressively glared at Pei Wenxuan.

Someone helped Pei Wenxuan up. He maintained a calm expression and bowed to Li Chuan, prepared to explain when he heard Li Chuan interrupt: "Gu does not want to hear your explanation, if you have something to say, then say it to my Father Emperor and Mother Empress!"

Pei Wenxuan choked on his words, then he could only say: "Yes."

"Return to the Palace!"

Li Chuan shouted. He turned his head and led the others away. Pei Wenxuan thought for a moment, then walked over to Li Rong and said: "Princess..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Li Chuan suddenly turned back and stood in front of Li Rong, blocking him and vigilantly said: "You dog, stay away from my jie!"1

Pei Wenxuan: "......"

Having said that, Li Chuan pulled Li Rong away and aggressively went straight to his maroon horse, then he helped Li Rong onto the horse and said, "Jie, you ride my horse."

[1] jie - short for jiejie (older sister), affectionate and informal reference along the lines of "(older) sis."

Li Rong smiled as she took the reins and softly said: "Okay."

Li Rong rode Li Chuan's horse, so Li Chuan requisitioned Su Rongqing's horse. Hence Su Rongqing and Pei Wenxuan followed behind Li Rong and Li Chuan with the rest of the servants.

Li Rong and Li Chuan rode side by side, both riding at a fairly brisk pace to increase the distance between them and the people behind them. Li Chuan spoke to Li Rong in a low voice. After asking a few questions about Li Rong's situation, he asked about what happened last night: "Did you see anyone clearly last night?"

"I saw them." Then, she became aware of a problem, "You weren't able to arrest anyone?"

"Where could I even find them to arrest them?"

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