TGP Chapter 25: Seeking Refuge

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“This humble official is willing to follow Your Highness and wholeheartedly assist the Crown Prince. What does Your Highness think of it?”

Pei Wenxuan recognized that this was Li Kui, the Director of the Bureau of Arrests. He just looked at this man for a moment, not making a sound either. Li Rong heard the commotion outside and lifted the curtain with her golden fan. After seeing the officers from the Bureau of Arrests, she couldn’t help but laugh and call out: “Li daren?”

Li Kui didn’t expect Li Rong to know who he was, so he was a little surprised. He hurriedly saluted and said: “Greetings Your Highness. May Your Highness live a thousand years.”

“I wonder what Li daren is doing here?” Li Rong looked at Li Kui as she asked in a soft voice. Pei Wenxuan turned to the side and helped Li Rong roll up the carriage curtain.

“Reporting to the Princess.”

Li Kui heard Li Rong’s inquiry and respectfully said: “Today, merchant reported a case in Shuntian Prefecture, claiming that Pei daren killed his master. This official came here on orders to ask Pei daren to go to prison and cooperate with the investigation.”

“Does His Majesty know about this?”

“This humble officer knows that Pei daren has currently accepted the imperial decree to investigate the Yang clan’s case. However, this order was handed over to the Ministry of Justice from the Shuntian Prefecture office, and in turn, the Ministry of Justice reported it to His Majesty this afternoon. Only after receiving His Majesty’s will would this humble officer dare come.”

Li Rong couldn’t help but laugh when she heard this.

“A case that was reported this morning could be directly presented to His Majesty, even passing through the two divisional offices along the way,” Li Rong turned to Pei Wenxuan and smiled, “It seems that Pei daren is also a rather important person.”

Hearing Li Rong tease him, Pei Wenxuan also turned around and smiled: “It seems that I need to go with Li daren. Your Highness,” Pei Wenxuan saluted as he declared, “As for what is to follow, this one can only rely on Your Highness.”

Li Rong nodded, then she seemed to have remembered something and asked: “Li daren, who was the merchant that came forward to report this?”

“Reporting to Your Highness,” Li Kui sternly responded without missing a beat, “The deceased victim was a foreign merchant named Tuoba Yan.”

Li Rong nodded. As expected.

Pei Wenxuan glanced at Li Rong. Li Rong gave him a reassuring look, then she said to Li Kui: “If this is the case, then Pei daren should go with Li daren, but Li daren,” Li Rong eyed Li Kui with a somewhat meaningful look in her eyes, “Bengong has heard that the prison in the Ministry of Justice is rather harsh. There would be no such thing as using torture to extort a confession, right?”

“No,” Li Kui hastily said when he heard this, “Your Highness can rest assured. This humble officer is only acting on orders. Pei daren is an upright gentleman, so this humble officer believes Pei daren and is only following the usual procedures. Nothing will happen to Pei daren.”

Li Rong heard Li Kui guarantee Pei Wenxuan’s safety and knew that Pei Wenxuan would not have many problems in prison, but after thinking about it, she still was not at ease and waved at Li Kui. Li Kui hurried over. Li Rong looked directly at him and lowered her voice, “Pei Wenxuan is currently one of Bengong’s people and may ‘continue’ to be one of Bengong’s people in the future,” Li Rong emphasized the word ‘continue’ as she stared at Li Kui, “Bengong will go to see Pei Wenxuan in prison every day. Li daren, do you understand what Bengong is trying to say?”

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