TGP Chapter 28: Brush Away Fallen Flowers

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“Willing to brush away the dust and snow for you, willing to accompany you for half a lifetime.”

Having known Pei Wenxuan for many years, Li Rong knew Pei Wenxuan’s abilities very well.

When he wanted to oppose you, he could anger you to death. However, if he wanted to deliberately please someone, his ability to flatter was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

After all, Pei Wenxuan was also the son of an influential aristocratic family. He had always been extraordinarily brilliant. It was said that he was practically at the top of every subject at the academy back then, a brilliant and exceptional gentleman that excelled in all six arts. If he wanted to coax a girl, it was easily within his grasp.

When Li Rong saw what he had written, she felt her worries being eased away. A moment later, Pei Wenxuan saw a piece of paper wrapped around a rock thrown over from next door. Pei Wenxuan was stunned. He never thought that Li Rong would respond to the letter, so he hurried to pick up the rock, squat down and open it up to take a look. Li Rong’s beautiful handwriting appeared, bearing some of her strong and sharp character:

You seem to know how to talk, so say some more.

Pei Wenxuan looked at these words and almost immediately thought of Li Rong raising her eyebrows and smiling as she said this. He didn’t know why, but Li Rong’s proud and arrogant expression unexpectedly turned out to be a little cute.

It was like a cat raising its tail, proud yet simultaneously capturing people’s hearts.

The thought to tease her emerged in Pei Wenxuan’s heart. After a few moments, Li Rong received a reply. Pei Wenxuan put his hand out and directly passed the note over. Li Rong hurriedly picked it up, opened it and found that it was still a painting, though this painting was much simpler and had fewer strokes. He only sketched the outline of an earthen jar with the words “the peony” written on it and the four words “the peony over time” in the empty space next to it.

Seeing these four words, Li Rong immediately crumpled the piece of paper into a ball and threw it out, no longer accepting any of this dog’s things.

Seeing Li Rong throw the crumpled note out, Pei Wenxuan knew that Li Rong must be angry. He hastily said: “Hey, hey, don’t be angry, Your Highness. It was just a joke.”

“People can’t talk to dogs,” Li Rong coldly said, “Stop barking!”

What Li Rong said made Pei Wenxuan choke on his words, but he also knew that Li Rong was furious. He hurriedly wrote a few poems praising Li Rong’s beauty and reached out to pass them over, whispering: “Princess, Princess, won’t you take a look?”

Li Rong didn’t bother to respond to him, cracking melon seeds as she read her novel. Pei Wenxuan’s arm was sore, so he switched over to his other arm and continued to wave the piece of paper in his hand: “Princess, I was wrong. Let me offer you an apology. I won’t tease you anymore, so take a look, won’t you?”

As soon as Li Rong looked up, she caught sight of the white piece of paper dangling outside, then lowered her head and looked down at her novel again. Pei Wenxuan changed his tone of voice and called out to her: “Princess? Your Highness? Li Rong……”

Before he could finish his sentence, voices came from outside as well as some footsteps. Pei Wenxuan immediately stood up and leaned against the wall. Just as he straightened out his clothes, he saw a young man in crimson official robes coming down the long hallway.

He seemed to have arrived in a hurry as there were still some fine beads of sweat on his forehead. His eyes fell on Li Rong as soon as he came into the prison. Seeing that Li Rong was still doing well, he immediately let out a sigh of relief and turned to face Li Rong to pay his respects: “Your Highness.”

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