TGP Chapter 6: Making Trouble

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"I'm a princess, so what if I make things difficult for an eighth-rank minor official like you?"

[The most votes are for: 1. Lu Yu - talk to Lu Yu first]

Li Rong looked at the four of them and remained silent. Behind the beaded curtain was a gauze curtain. Li Rong could clearly see their appearances, but they could only vaguely see Li Rong's figure. Both sides were silent for a while. Li Rong lifted her chin to Jing Lan by her side.

Understanding what Li Rong meant, Jing Lan bowed to the four people behind the beaded curtain, and then respectfully said: "The Princess has heard that the four gongzi are famous in Huajing and invited you all here to meet and chat out of curiosity. Please be at ease, there is no need to be so tense."

There was originally no such tension, but after hearing this, the atmosphere became rather tense.

A while ago, it might have been unclear, but now they were certain. How could any woman invite a few men to come and chat for no reason? It could only be related to marriage.

Yang Quan and Cui Yulang's faces slightly changed. As for Lu Yu, he didn't seem to understand what had happened. He just sat there in silence and seemed a little bored. Pei Wenxuan was used to masking the emotions on his face, so he leisurely glanced at the other three. He could guess some of their thoughts based on their respective expressions.

Li Rong naturally saw what he saw.

She held a cup of tea and quietly assessed the four individuals.

Yang Quan's eyes burned with eagerness. He seemed to want to say something several times but felt that it wouldn't be a good time to do so, so he had to restrain himself.

He wanted to marry a princess, and Li Rong immediately understood the motive behind it.

Yang Quan had a bad reputation and was often excluded from the Yang family. If he could marry a princess and were good to one another, then the things he had done in the past may be eventually forgotten.

Li Rong might have originally considered it, then she would have said a few things to him if his intentions to marry her weren't so obvious. After all, Yang Quan would be considered a talented general in the future, and he would later die on the battlefield. If the rumors that he was a madman were false, then it would be a pity indeed. However, seeing the fierce ambition on his face, a kind of threat that could overwhelm her at any moment, Li Rong believed the rumors must have some truth to them.

Cui Yulang seemed a little cautious. He seemed to be thinking about something.

Li Rong could almost guess his thoughts. This person was really bold. Perhaps he was a bit interested after seeing her appearance, but he also disliked her status as a princess and did not want to get involved. He was obviously talented in the previous life, but after experiencing officialdom for a while, he got bored and resigned. He returned to Yangzhou where he devoted a lifetime to writing poems in brothels.

If he was incompetent, then he would not be the top scorer of the palace examinations. It was even more unlikely that he would be able to retreat from officialdom after many years with his personality. It was just that he was born with a free spirit and hated affairs of the state.

Pei Wenxuan was still the same as she remembered. His face was always calm, not the slightest hint of happiness nor sadness could be seen. Li Rong didn't bother to give him a second glance and finally shifted her gaze to Lu Yu and quietly watched him for a few moments.

Lu Yu was the least outstanding of the four.

While he was not outstanding, he was fairly good-looking. Not bad at first glance. However, once you have looked at him for a while, there may not be a feeling of amazement, but there was a feeling like that of clear, trickling stream, gentle and comforting.

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