TGP Chapter 22: Rongrong

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"Rongrong, shall we go back?"

Li Rong was in a trance for a moment when she heard this voice, but she reacted shortly after and realized it was actually Su Rongqing!

What was he doing here?

This question quickly appeared in Li Rong's mind, but at the same time, she began to loosen up. Since it turned out to be Su Rongqing, there shouldn't be any danger for the time being.

The two kept quiet. Outside, the pursuing guards rushed past them. Su Rongqing let go of Li Rong and took a step to retreat off to the side at once. He respectfully faced her in ceremony and said: "It was a critical situation, and this one committed an offense against Your Highness. May Your Highness forgive this one."

Li Rong nodded and glanced around the room. This appeared to be a room reserved for guests, and Su Rongqing was different from how he usually was. With his tousled hair and the open neckline of his clothes, he resembled the people attending the banquet in the hall and seemed to have come here to rest after drinking.

Li Rong waved her fan and lamented to herself. She had given Su Rongqing the task to go to the Ministry of War to retrieve the account books on purpose. Before bringing up why Su Rongqing didn't go to the Ministry of War and came here instead, it must be said that just based on Tuoba Yan's way of doing things, Su Rongqing should not have had any dealings with him.

She didn't know what to ask for a while, and as she pondered over her words, she heard Su Rongqing say: "Your Highness, this humble official was in the guest room earlier when he suddenly heard a commotion outside. Some servants said that a couple maids had been knocked unconscious. They feared that someone had infiltrated the villa, so they have been searching everywhere. That was when this humble official saw that they were chasing after Your Highness and guessed that Your Highness must have been the one who knocked the maids out. There are many high-profile individuals in Tuoba Yan's villa tonight, so his subordinates will not dare to conduct a thorough search. How about Your Highness change into these clothes, and this humble official will escort Your Highness out of here. As for other matters, Your Highness can discuss them with this humble official along the way."

Su Rongqing had made careful arrangements, so Li Rong didn't hesitate and immediately said, "Alright."

Su Rongqing turned around. He brought a Persian dancer's outfit out at once and offered it to her, looking down as he respectfully said: "Once again, Your Highness will have to be wronged by having to change into this costume, so that this humble official will be able to lead Your Highness out of here."

A half-face veil was part of a Persian dancer's costume, so when Li Rong puts on these clothes, she will be able to freely leave with Su Rongqing. She wasn't someone who was mindful of proper clothing, so she picked up the clothes and went behind the screen. Su Rongqing turned around, so his back was to her when he heard Li Rong quietly ask from behind the screen: "Why are you here?"

"This humble official guessed that the Ministry of War's account books are now obsolete and wanted to find another way. Tuoba Yan has close ties with the nobles of Huajing, and it is rumored that most of the silver that cannot be brought out into the light in Huajing has passed through this person's hands. In the past, when the Ministry of Justice was investigating another case, this humble official was ordered to approach Tuoba Yan, so there is a bit of acquaintance. Now, in order to check the Yang family's account books, this humble official immediately thought of going to Tuoba Yan to try his luck and didn't expect to run into Your Highness here."

By the time Su Rongqing finished speaking, Li Rong had also finished changing her clothes. She put on the half-face veil and stepped out while calmly saying: "You are also quite dedicated."

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