TGP Chapter 27.2: Peony

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“Only the peony is the true beauty of the nation, and Li Rong is the only peony in his heart.”

The two of them leaned on the same wall and stood on each side. Li Rong was silent. Pei Wenxuan looked up at the evening sky. After a long time, Li Rong slowly spoke up: “This time, you shouldn’t let her enter the Palace.”

Pei Wenxuan was silent. Li Rong was a little puzzled: “Why aren’t you responding?”

“Will have to see about you first.”

Pei Wenxuan spoke plainly. Li Rong was slightly astonished: “Why would you have to see about me?”

“If you allow it, then I will talk to Qin Lin. As for what I say, if they still want her to enter the Palace, then that is her business. As for whether or not to directly intervene and prevent her from entering the Palace, that is your business.”

These words left Li Rong dumbfounded. She heard them but couldn’t understand them.

She paused for a moment and thought about it, then cautiously said: “Sorry, can you…speak more clearly? I can’t seem to make sense of what I’ve heard.”

Pei Wenxuan heard this and lowered his gaze: “I shouldn’t have intervened back then.”

Li Rong found it even more difficult to understand. She vaguely seemed to understand the literal meaning of these words. Pei Wenxuan seemed to be saying that he did not intend to be involved with Qin Zhenzhen anymore—

But how is this possible?

Li Rong was at a loss.

There is no need to mention Qin Zhenzhen’s importance in Pei Wenxuan’s heart because even if Qin Zhenzhen meant nothing to him other than just a friend, with Pei Wenxuan’s personality, there was no way he could just sit back and watch when he knows that Qin Zhenzhen will die in the Palace.

And what did he mean by if she allowed it?

What does she need to allow?

When did Pei Wenxuan need her to allow him to manage his own affairs? Could she even manage them at all?

Li Rong was completely baffled. She didn’t even know how many questions this question should be separated into and where to start asking.

Pei Wenxuan leaned against the wall with his head bowed, silent. He knew what Li Rong was going to ask him. His heart was slightly racing, and he was nerve-racked. He was slightly waiting in anticipation for Li Rong to speak up and ask. After all, he had not found the right opportunity to talk about this for many years.

But he didn’t know if he should answer or not. In it all, saying this after so many years would only seem to deepen the sorrow and regret. Aside from that, there was no use in saying it.

The two were silent for a moment. At last, Li Rong said, “Well, do you mean that if I allow you to do something about it, then you will do something about it, but you won’t if I don’t allow you to do so?”

Pei Wenxuan lowered his head. After a few moments, he softly replied, “Yes.”


Li Rong slightly stammered. Pei Wenxuan lowered his eyes and slowly said, “There are boundaries between people. Everyone is part of a spider web, a web that connects them to other people. Each person should stay within these limits. If you go beyond that, even just a little, it may cause the other person pain.”

Pei Wenxuan spoke in a subtle manner, but Li Rong understood. She gently leaned against the wall and listened to Pei Wenxuan’s words that were rarely so solemn and serene.

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