Hear Us Rock Aftermath

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Corey Riffin POV:

After everything that's happened, I still cannot believe how I'm still alive. The world was on its deathbed and there was nothing we could do, but my amazing band managed to save the world. One thought that has been bothering me lately and taken away hours of my sleep:

"Corey, I need to tell you what I have been hiding in my heart."

What had she been talking about? I stared at the clock and could barely make out the letters. I feel drowsy.

This sucks. I can't sleep now! I must find out what she was trying to say.

Suddenly, the garage door opens and the light blinds me, making it difficult to make out who opened the door. As I hear the door finally slide down, I opened my eyes to discover that it was Kin and Kon. Bummer. If it was Laney, I could've asked her what she had meant. "Corey? You look a little out of yourself today. Have you been staying up again?" Kin asked. "Yeah, I was looking forward to you coming up with a crazy gig idea!" Kon pouted. "Sorry guys, I'm a little out of it. "A little?!" Kin screamed. "Have you seen yourself?"He picked up a nearby mirror and showed me my reflection. I am out of it. "By the way, have you seen Lanes on your way here?" I asked, trying not to seem too desperate. "Nope, why? Do you like her?" Kon giggled. "No!" I immediately yelled." Kin pushed up his glasses. "Does this have to do with what she said on the day the world was ending?" He speculated. "Or maybe the time you guys accidentally kissed on New Year's Eve?" Kon added. "Yes?! And maybe..?" I responded. "I think he likes her." Kon finally says. "Yep."

Laney Penn's POV:

I have to try as hard as possible to avoid Corey. He might ask me about what I meant to tell him! This is a disaster. I can't keep avoiding him! Then we can't play as a complete band anymore! And maybe, our futures are ruined! Come on Laney, you have to overcome it! I can't keep being a coward. He'll find out about my feelings someday.

Corry Riffin's POV:

"Do you like her?"

The question ponders in my head over and over again. Do I like Laney? Impossible, that would never happen. She's just my best friend. Nothing else. The garage door opens once more and Laney walks in. "There you are! Corey has been looking everywhere for you!" Kon exclaimed. "Kon, shut up!" I urge. "Oh!.." Laney blushes. "So, what do you want?" She asks. "We're just gonna head out for a bit while you two talk." Kin grins. "Wait, we are?" Kon asks. "Yes KON. Remember?" Kin glares at him. "Oh yeah...." Kon replies. "Good luck!" Kin whispers to me, winking at me on his way out. "This may be a stupid question, but what did you mean that night when you said you had something to tell me?" Finally, the burden of keeping that all in had been released. "Well... I- Uhh.." She stammered. "I told you, it was nothing!" Now I really am curious. "Please tell me, now I'm curious!"

Laney Penn's POV:

I've decided. I think I'm going to tell him. I looked up at his pleading face. He seemed desperate to know. "Fine." I finally reply. His eyes lit up. He looks pretty worked up. Had he been staying up trying to figure out what I was trying to say? "Well, what I wanted to say is that I have liked-" I was interrupted by the loud screeching of his sister, Trina. "Mina! You framed the wrong photo! I wanted NICK! Not a stupid picture of a stick!" "Sorry, Trina! I'll get it right next time." Mina whimpered. "You better!" Corey faced his attention back to me. "So what were you saying again?" Suddenly, my phone buzzes and I receive a text message from my mom.

Mom: Laney, please come home! Something happened!

Laney: What happened?

Mom: I let you know when you get here

Laney: K.

Mom: Please hurry hun.

Laney: Will do, I'm at Corey's place right now. I'll be there in 5 mins.

"Sorry Core, I gotta go. I'll tell you tomorrow." I say as I walk out the garage door. "Dammit." I hear him say under his breath. Why was he so curious? As I near my home, I see a bunch of police cars trailed along the roadside. "I swear I didn't do anything!" My dad screams as they pull him out of the house in cuffs. I hurried inside and found my mom sitting at the kitchen table, fidgeting with her phone. "Mom, what happened?" She bit her lip hesitantly as she got up out of her seat. "When you were gone, an anonymous person reported that your father stole expensive jewelry from his coworkers and they went to see if it was true. So they checked his work locker and found all of the lost jewelry. I'm sure he never did it and was framed!" My mouth dropped as she said those words. How am I supposed to sleep at night knowing my father was framed for a crime he didn't commit!? "If this man is a thief, his family probably is the same!" Yelled a familiar voice. I dash outside and find out that...

Corey Riffin's POV:

Interrupted yet again. I guess I'll be losing a lot of sleep again.

"Well, what I wanted to say is that I have liked-"

Liked what?

Corey Riffin, you have a lot to think about.

What does she mean? I jot down a bunch of possibilities. "I have liked our music and band for so long but I think it's time for you to write your own lyrics." I read out loud. Nah, she just straight up told me a week ago that I need to start writing my own lyrics. Hmm... Could it be... No. It can't be. Does she...?

Does she what? Oohhh the suspense.. I don't think much will see this because the fandom is basically hanging off of a cliff, ready to surrender. But, I have a crazy plan that might just work for the next chapter. :)))

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