Locked in a room

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Carrie's POV:

Today's the day. Corey and Laney have no idea what's coming. I made a group chat for everyone excluding Laney and Corey to avoid them knowing about our plans. I get into my van, with Corey at the back. Kim will be sitting beside me to navigate.

Me: Is everyone ready? I'm already outside.

Larry: Laney and I will be delayed a bit to avoid bumping into Corey.

Me: sounds good

Konnie: We're ready!

Kin: same with me and Kim

Me: meet me outside! I'll drive everyone in my van :)) see you later Larry!

Larry: see you guys! I'm excited

Within a few minutes, everyone is outside and everything is loaded into my van. "Did anyone bring snacks? If not, I can get some at the 7-11 real quick." I ask. Kon brings out some snacks from his backpack. "One step ahead of ya, sister!" Corey laughs. "You should've known, Beff!" I roll my eyes and step on the accelerator.

Laney's POV:

I sit on the couch and wait for Larry to finish packing. I already finished packing yesterday. He walks out of his room with a suitcase and a backpack. "Come on, I'll drive." I follow him out of the dorm building and into his car. He hands me his backpack. "Here, there's a bunch of snacks in there, help yourself. The drive will be 3 hours long." I nod my head and he starts driving. I know Carrie will be bringing Konnie and Kim, but I wonder who her other friends are. I feel kind of embarrassed that I don't have any other friends besides Larry and Carrie in this town.

3 hours later. (4:00 pm)

Corey's POV:

We arrive at the beach. I shake Kon awake. "We're here!" Carrie yells, as an attempt to wake everyone up. I had been awake the whole ride. Just couldn't sleep at all. We unload our things and head inside the beach house. It has four rooms. In each room, there are two beds on the left and right sides of the wall, a private bathroom, a nice view, and a dresser to keep your items in. Carrie assigned Kin and Kon in one room, Kim and Konnie in the second room, Larry and her in the third room, and me and her other friend in the fourth room. "Carrie, don't you think it'll be awkward for me and your friend to be in the same room? We don't even know each other!" I ask. "Oh trust me, it won't be too bad!" She exclaims, giggling. What's this all about? And why is she giggling? She checks her phone. "Larry and my other friend is here! Corey, you can unpack your stuff in the room. Me, Konnie and Kim will be going out to greet them, Kin and Kon are gonna set up the volleyball net outside." I nod. "Alright, I'm gonna take a shower." This made me a bit suspicious, but I don't mind.

Laney's POV:

I get out of the car and stretch. My legs are sore. Larry gets out our stuff and hands my backpack to me. I thank him, and he waves over at Carrie, Kim and Konnie who are coming this way. "Larry! It's been a while!" Konnie exclaims and hugs him. Kim joins in on the hug. "Don't you ever leave us again!" They all start sobbing and Carrie starts pulling them off. "Guys! You're literally killing him!" Carrie points to the beach house. "Laney, don't mind them. You can unpack at the beach house. Your room is the third one to the right and you'll be sharing with one of my other friends." "Okay," I put my backpack on and walk to the house. It's fairly big and is a perfect size.

Carrie's POV:

"Guys, Laney's on her way to the house! We need to sneak in and lock the room when she gets in!" We rush to the house where Laney is and watch by the stairs as she walks into the room. I run to the door, close it, and lock it from the outside. I give a thumbs up to the girls and Larry and run off outside. Hopefully this turns out amazingly.

Laney's POV:

The door closes behind me and makes a locking noise. What the hell? I turn the knob but it doesn't work. I hear the shower running in the bathroom. Great, I'm stuck in here with a person I don't even know. I drop my backpack on the floor and lay on the bed. The trip made me kind of sick. Long drives make me road sick and sometimes I even puke. Within a few minutes, the bathroom door opens and I see... Corey?! His hair is wet and he has a blue shirt on with black nike shorts. I'm hoping he doesn't recognize me. "I'm guessing you're Carrie's friend?" He asks. "Yeah," I reply. I'm surprised he doesn't seem to notice. Maybe he can't since my head is turned at an angle. He tries to turn the knob to leave. "Oh right, uh the door got locked on me when I walked in. No idea why." I tell him. Still can't believe I'm actually talking to Corey right now! "I'll try calling Carrie. Anyways, I'm Corey." He says. Okay, he definitely doesn't know it's me. "I'm Penny," I decide to play along using a name similar to my last name. I wonder how long I can go without him noticing it's me. "Alright, while you do that I'll unpack." I sigh. "Dang it, Carrie has her phone off. I even tried everyone else's but they don't seem to pick up," he swore. "I guess I'll be stuck with you for a while. I don't know how long it will take them to notice we're gone." He shrugs. "I won't mind being stuck with you." I mumble. "Did you say something?" He asks. "No," I quickly reply. I dig through my stuff and put my clothes in the dresser. But come across the iconic orange beanie he gave me. I quickly hide it under my other clothes before he sees it. "So," Corey starts, I notice him watching me put away my stuff. He probably waited for me to finish before he could speak. "Since we're stuck together, maybe we could get to know each other better since we don't have much to do." He suggests. I turn around and sit on the bed. "Good idea." I compliment. "So, do you live at Joyville?" I nod. "Yeah, I live in a dorm building but school was delayed for two weeks." I say, trying not to give him much info. "Same, we might be attending the same college!" We talk for another two hours. He's actually had a lot going on. Katrina moved to LA which left him all alone at the house, so he decided to attend a college at Joyville to meet new people. He sat beside me to hear me better and continued. Then came to the deep stuff. "Do you have any other friends besides Carrie?" He asks. I shake my head. "I moved to Joyville from another town and don't have many friends. Only Larry and Carrie." I tell him. "Did you have any friends in your old town?" Uh oh. I start sweating. What if he finds out it's me just from that? "Yeah, I did have a few friends, they were great. But I lost contact with them." I reply. "Tell me about them." He says, it almost feels like a demand. "Well, they were bone heads but they were great friends. Especially this one guy. He was my childhood friend and was always there for me. I've got to admit, I did have a big crush on him." Woops, I didn't mean to add that part. He raises his eyebrow but immediately lowers it. Have I been caught? He pats me on the back. "I was in a similar situation as you, but I didn't move away. It was my best friend who moved away. I wouldn't talk to anyone for days after she left. I did have a crazy crush on her too. But it was subconscious." He tells me. "I gave her my orange beanie on the day she left." He added. I blush. Did I really mean that much to him? And why did he need to add that last part? Would that even matter to someone if it wasn't me he was telling it to? I check the time on my phone.

10:34 pm

"I'm gonna sleep now. Let me know when the door gets unlocked!" I declare. I brush my teeth and go back to bed. Corey lays on his bed and pulls out his phone. I don't think he'll be sleeping for a while. "Night, Penny." He turns off the lights and my eyes slowly close. I've had a great day. I'm glad I finally got to talk to him.

I wake up during the middle of the night to someone stroking my hair. I figure it's Corey. "I've fulfilled my promise Lanes," he whispers. "I hope you have a good rest." Wait, he knows it's me? I keep my eyes closed to prevent him from knowing I'm awake. I can finally sleep easy. I've found you again.

The end part was probably my favourite. Hoping their love dynamic happens to me someday.

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