Laney's second last goodbye

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Laney's POV:

TRINA?! Is she the one who framed my dad? Did she do this so the band could think terribly of me? No, this can't be! Katrina had come back days ago and had escaped Trina's prison! Oh right, she has dissociative identity disorder. This is all so chaotic. My brain cannot process this all happening. I might as well take a nap and hope this is all some sort of dream.


My eyes immediately open to the sound of my door opening. "LANEY!" My mom screams, frantically packing my things. "Mayor Mellow gave me a call and warned me to leave this town before he arrests us too. He gave us today and tomorrow to pack. Then we need to be on our way!" Of course, this gave me a shock, hearing this first thing in the morning really isn't something you would want. But one thing that sparks my mind, what about the band? They'll need to replace me. I'll never see Corey- I mean the band, ever again! But do I tell them? Will they even care? My mom sees the sad expression that has formed on my face. "I'll give you an hour today and tomorrow to say goodbye to your friends. But do it quickly!" "Okay, mom.." I reply with a small sigh. I run to the shower and within 5 minutes, I dash out to my room to get ready. Pulling out my usual green and black t-shirt, my orange leggings, yellow hairpin, and black boots had been done faster than usual.

Corey's POV:

Could it be? Did Laney want to tell me that she liked spending time with us but now she's quitting?! Nah.

Then he falls asleep but I have no idea what to put lolz.

Today is the day.

After all those sleepless nights, I will finally get to know what Laney had been meaning to tell me! I jump out of my bed and hurry to get ready.


As I walk down the stairs, I find Kin and Kon waiting for me at the foot of the stairs. "Hey, Corey! You seem in a good mood today." Kin exclaims. "You know our talk yesterday about what Laney was about to say?" "Mhm." "Well she didn't tell me because she had to leave early butttttt she's going to tell me today!" I say with a big smile. "Can you guys keep it down and junk? I'm having my beauty nap and it's so not hashtag cool for you to be disturbing it!" My annoying sister yells from upstairs. "WHATEVER YOU SAY QUEEN TRINA," I yell back sarcastically. "Anyways, have you seen Laney?" I ask desperately. "No," Kon replies. "But have you seen the police cars at the front of her house yesterday?" My eyes go wide. "What?! I didn't go out yesterday. Nor did I hear anything. Do you know why? What if she got hurt?" I shriek. "Woahhh, slow down." Kin interrupts. "I saw her come in and out. She didn't seem to have any injuries." "Phew, that's a relief..." I say, thinking out loud. "I thought you were anti simp Corey, what happened?" Kin asks, furrowing his brows up and down. "No no no," I blurt, "I was just worried for my best friend." He stares at me as if I'm lying. I'm not! At least that's what I think... Just then, the garage door opens and Laney rushes in. "LANEY! Are you okay?!" I scream from across the room. "No, not really." She mumbles.

Laney's POV:

It had already been a difficult task to come up with an excuse, but this was the hardest compared to the ones before. How would I explain the fact that my dad was framed for something he didn't do, and now I need to move out of town to avoid being locked up for absolutely no reason at all! "Well uh.." I stutter. I feel tenser than ever. "Well..?" And the words just flow out. "My dad was falsely arrested and my mom and I are forced to leave the town or else we will be too!" I blurt. The look on their faces turned from skeptical to shocked. "But, Lanes!" Corey began. "What am I- I mean what are we gonna do without you? You're our bassist!" He went silent. "I'm sorry," I muttered and ran out.

Corey's POV:

Laney is leaving-? I pinch myself to reassure myself that this is real. "Kin, am I dreaming?" I ask desperately. He also pinches himself. "Nope. This is reality." He replies with a sad look on his face. This is too much. My best friend is leaving me and I will never feel complete. I run up the stairs and into my room. Making sure to slam the door. I can't handle this. I've known her my whole life and now she's leaving! I stare at the wall. It's full of many pictures of the band. I noticed something, the majority of the photos were Laney. The one of her in her queen bee dress is my absolute favourite. She looked adorable. What am I thinking? Do I like her? No, she's just a friend I couldn't possibly like my best friend. (Familiar eh?) Tears stream down my eyes.

Kin's POV:

"This seems to really affect him a lot." I suddenly say to break the silence. I look at my twin brother. Who seemed to be crying. This tore me apart. Our band would never be complete without her, and we all knew that. "Do you think he'll be okay?" Kon asked. "This will probably take him years to get over," I whisper. Katrina walks in with Mina. Katrina had escaped from Trina's prison but every once in a while, Trina comes out. "What's going on?" She questioned. "Well, Laney's dad was framed for a robbery and is forced to move out of town. Corey was extremely affected by this and ran to his room a few minutes ago." Kon blurted. "I see, don't worry, I'll go talk to him," Katrina assured. She turned to Mina. "Mina, you can wait in my room if you'd like while I go talk to Corey." "Thanks Katrina, but I have a date with Nick to the movies! Thanks though!" She replied. I watched Katrina go up the stairs and I gave Kon a signal to leave. I really do hope Corey's okay.

Laney's POV:

The majority of my room had already been packed except for a box containing the band's special memories. Oh right, I kept it after the Valentine's day incident. I emptied it out, many of the things that were inside were added by me, since it was empty after that day. Maybe I can give this to the band tomorrow, as a last goodbye.

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