Larry and Carrie's Date

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Laney's POV: 11:24

My eyes flutter open and the sunlight shines on my face. I had another dream about Corey again. All I've been thinking about was Corey. I lift up the covers and neatly fold the blankets. It bothers me to just leave it messy. Larry is in the kitchen eating breakfast. "Morning, Laney." He smiles. Looks like he's in a good mood. "I'm having lunch with Carrie at lunch. Do you need anything while I'm out?" He asks. I wrack up my brain trying to think of what I might need. "Buy snacks." I try to hand him some cash but he refuses. "Hey, no it's alright, I'll pay for it." He insists. "Alright, if you say so," I reply. He puts his bowl in the sink. "There's cereal in the cupboard." He walks to his room and starts getting ready. It's nice that he finally gets to see her again. I hope I see Corey again too. I check the cupboard and there are cup noodles, canned foods, and honey nut cheerios. I decide to grab the cereal and pour some milk into a bowl. I check my phone for the time and it's 11:40. Larry rushes out of his room and leaves. "Bye Laney!"

Carrie's POV:

I'm excited about my date with Larry. The girls came over to help me pick out my outfit. I'm hoping he'll like it. I'm really nervous considering it's been about 5 years since we have seen each other. "Care, you look amazing!" Konnie squeals. "Yeah, Larry will love it!" Kim exclaims. I blush. "Really? You guys think so?" They finally finish and give me a thumbs up. "You look stunning!" I look in the mirror and smile. "Thanks for helping me guys!" My locks of hair are put together and curled softly. I'm wearing a turtle neck dress with a light brown cardigan, and black heels to match. For the accessories, I have shiny silver earrings, a silver necklace, and a silver watch. Corey walks out of his room and grabs a banana. "Have fun on your date," he says and sits on the couch. "Don't worry Riffin, we'll find Laney too and you can have a date too," I smirk at him and he rolls his eyes. I know deep inside he's hoping for it too. "Alright Care! Off you go!" Kim giggled. They walk with me out the door and I get on my way. "Good luck! Text us how it goes!" They walk into their dorms and I get on my way.

Larry's POV:

I arrive at the restaurant. It looks like Carrie isn't here yet. "Boo!" I jump and see Carrie. "Aha still works on you!" She gives me a smile. She's so cute. I've grown a few inches taller than her. "Woah, you're tall!" I pat her head. "Yeah, I had a big growth spurt." She grins and brings me to a table. "I reserved it last night!" I bring out the chair and she sits down. "Thanks." I sit down and we view the menu. "So, what do you want to eat?" She flips through the menu, carefully inspecting each dish and points to one of them. I also flip through, and finally choose. A waiter comes to our table and jots down our notes. From the corner of my eye, I can see Carrie staring at me. "It's been a while." I turn to her and she cups her hands on her face. "So, how have you been?" I ask. "Pretty great, I'm still in contact with Kim and Konnie too." She replies. "I live near them. Our dorms are pretty close together." She sighs. "But I have Corey Riffin as my dorm mate. He's okay, Kim and Konnie are also dorm mates with the other Grojband members too. Anyway, enough about me. What about you?" She tucks her hair behind her ear. "I'm doing well for myself too. I also live in a dorm, and I think I live near you. The pizza delivery man knocked on my door asking for you." I tell her. "Wait, we're neighbours?!?" Her mouth drops. "Yup." I reply. "Who's your dorm mate? I might know them." I rub the back of my neck. "Well, you know how you said you live with Corey Riffin? Well my dorm mate is Laney Penn." Her eyes widen. "LANEY PENN?!" I quickly cover her mouth to quiet her down. "Sh-h-h." She removes my hand and quickly explains how she, Konnie, Kim, and the old Grojband members were working together to find me and Laney. But we decided to keep it a secret and see how they'll meet again. Our food finally arrives and we immediately finish it all. "Wait, I have an idea," She finally says. "How about, we get Corey and Laney to bump into each other at the 7 11?" Carrie suggests. "Good idea!" I exclaim. "Also, Laney wears Corey's old orange beanie to help her sleep. Maybe if I get her to wear it when going, he'll recognize her!" I  added. "Oh em gee. You're an absolute genius." She compliments. My blush at the compliment. After a long chat, we decide to ride swan boats. The person who manages it hands me a life vest. "Here, for your girlfriend." I blush and hand it to Carrie. "She's not my girlfriend." I reply. "At least not yet." I whisper. I turn to Carrie and her face is red. "Are you okay?" I ask, making sure she isn't sick. "Yeah, I'm fine." The swan ride was nice, but a little awkward because of the man's comment. Finally, we drive back to the dorms and meet in the hallway. "It was nice to see you again Larry." She says, and goes inside the dorm. I'm happy I got to see her again.

Hope y'all like it! Even if it's just one person reading it. ;(

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