Katrina comforts Corey

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Corey's POV:

"Corey?" I heard a voice say, the door slightly opens and I turn to see my sister. "Are you okay?" She asked. I can't let her see me cry. I quickly wipe my tears and stand up. "Yeah, I'm alright." I reply, trying not to show her that I had been crying a moment ago. "Hey, it's okay to cry. I know what happened. Please don't try to hide it." She says comfortingly, patting me on the back. "I know you're upset about Laney leaving, but it has to happen. You'll be torn to pieces, and will be like the dust, being carried away in loss. There will be those times where you don't feel whole anymore. Like glass after being shattered." She continued. "But trust me, it'll get better. One day, you'll feel whole again. It's just a matter of time." I didn't know she had all this in her, I guess I know where I got all those crazy monologues from. "Thanks sis." I sniffed. She hugged me and left the room. "Hope you feel better!" She's an amazing sister. I'm so glad she managed to overcome Trina. I guess I'll take a nap now. Maybe that will help.

Hey! If you manage to be one of the few people to be reading this, please leave a favourite or a comment! It's highly appreciated. I'll try to update every week as long as I don't have any assessments coming up! Sorry this chapter was short! I'll try to write another this week.

-Hailey :)

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