Operation Corney

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7:27 AM

No one's POV:

Corey had been up all night thinking of a particular redhead. He couldn't rest. Although he had tried to sleep many times, all of his attempts were unsuccessful and he was growing impatient. "How could I manage to talk to her?" He thought. This was way more difficult than he thought. He had been thinking of her non-stop! Maybe he could tell Carrie, the girls, Kin and Kon about this! Are they asleep right now? To make sure, he crept out of his room. Carrie was sitting on the couch watching 'Spider-Man: Far From Home. "Morning," she greeted, as she saw him walking out of his room. Now was his chance! But would she think that he was weird for asking someone who he had been in a rivalry with for years? They did technically set up a temporary truce. So maybe not. "Say, Carrie," Corey starts, as he pours some water into his uncooked oatmeal. "This may be a bit weird to ask you for help about, but I need help." She turned. "Alright, since you got me a Slurpee and kind of helped find Larry, I'll help."What do you need help with?" She asks, turning off the tv. "Yesterday when I was getting your Slurpee, I saw Laney. And it turns out, she's the girl I saw come out of her dorm yesterday. I need help thinking of ideas to talk to her." Corey explains. Carrie immediately knew what he was talking about and grinned. "I'll call the girls to help you. I bet they'll bring the boys." She takes out her from her pocket and calls them. Within a few minutes, they all rush over, still in their pyjamas. "I told you that lady was Laney! Kin exclaimed. Nudging Corey with his elbow. "So, what's the problem? You've found Laney, now what will you do?" Konnie asks. Corey shrugged. "No idea, that's why I got Carrie to call you guys over. He replied, not knowing what else to say. "Well to start, do you know your class schedule? Maybe you're in the same classes as her," Kin suggested. Corey goes into his room and brings out his schedule. "It doesn't tell you who you have classes though." Corey frowned, showing everyone the schedule. Kon types something into his phone and shows everyone. "Here, there's a whole website the school set up for it." He scrolls through the list and finds 'Laney Penn', and right underneath it is 'Corey Riffin.' "Corey, you're in conducting class with her! Maybe there's a chance you'll have some sort of assignment requiring a partner!" Kon exclaimed. "Smart!" Konnie complimented. They brainstormed for probably another two hours and ate breakfast. "Tomorrow is the first day of the semester. Let's hope Corey and Laney somehow bump into each other!" Kin said. Everyone nods in agreement and Corey's cheeks turn red. Everyone didn't seem to notice though which made him relieved. In the opposite dorm, Laney and Larry were also trying to figure out how to get Laney and Corey talking. It had been difficult to think of ideas. But Larry had thought of something. Why not invite Carrie? Laney wasn't so sure about this, especially because of their old rivalry but eventually agreed. Carrie had to leave everyone else in her dorm to go to Larry and Laney's dorm without Corey seeing. It was a difficult task. "I need to go out for a massage, you guys can keep brainstorming." Carrie lied, but Corey could see through her bluff. She hadn't said anything about it. And he knew damn well the girls would've known about it in advance and reminded her because she tends to forget a lot of things. Carrie walked out, being cautious as she possibly could. Corey ran out before Carrie came out of the dorm and watched her from the stairwell. He saw her walk into Laney's dorm! "So, that's where your massage is, huh?" He mumbled. What would she be doing in there? Was she keeping secrets? What if she was telling Laney about their conversations? Meanwhile, inside the dorm, Carrie had been suggesting many things to Laney like 'accidentally' coming out of the dorm at the same time as him again. But she didn't agree. They all seemed a bit too obvious. In the stairwell, Corey had thought about it for a bit and was debating whether or not he would directly knock on the door and confront Carrie, but he decided against it. After Carrie was gone for a while and went on until 7 pm, Corey felt bold and knocked on the door. The door opened and Carrie stood in the doorway. "Uhhh... Corey?" He folds his arms. "So, this is your massage place?" She places her hand over his mouth. "Quiet!" She whispered." Carrie, who's that?" A voice asked. Corey concluded that it was Laney. "No one!" She quickly yelled. "I'll talk to you about this later!" She exclaimed and slammed the door on him. Yikes. Carrie ran to Laney. "Go into your room, I need to talk to Larry alone." Laney was confused but went to her room. "Larry, it was Corey! We need to plan their reunion nicely, not like this! I think he followed me out!" She whispered. Larry's eyes went wide. "We need to do this fast, we don't want them reuniting in some stupid way!" Carrie accidentally yelled. She covers her mouth. "Shoot, do you think Laney heard that?" Larry shook his head. "She wouldn't if she wasn't listening." Their assumptions were wrong. Laney was listening. Reunion for what? She thought. Were they hiding something?

Laney's POV:

What are they hiding? Reuniting with who? This is so confusing. I need to find out what they meant. I put my ear against the door. "We need to make Corey and Laney reunite in the best way possible!" My eyes widen. So they knew about Corey being my next-door neighbour? I can't believe Larry didn't tell me! I don't think I can do anything about it and I'll just let it happen. What is the worse that could happen? My phone vibrates and an email from the school pops up. "To all students: A fire was started in the classes a day ago and will take some time to clean up. The classes will be postponed for a month." Alright, I guess that gives me more time to think about it.

Carrie's POV:

Larry and I received an email from the school. "To all students: A fire was started in the classes a day ago and will take some time to clean up. The classes will be postponed for a month." I looked at Larry. "I have an idea! Since we have a lot of extra time, we should go to a beach house and lock Laney and Corey in a room to talk it out!"I suggested. But of course, I whisper shouted so Laney wouldn't hear. His eyes lit up. "Great idea! We should book it now." I look for the best-rated beach houses on my phone and come across one that was just right. I show Larry and he gives me a thumbs up. "Willville beach, 203 5 star votes and the beach house fits about 9 people which is perfect!" Larry nods his head. "Alright! We better tell Laney. I'll go get her." I volunteer. I knock on Laney's door and she opens it. "Hey! Finally finished talking?" Laney asked. "Yep," I nodded. We went back to the living room and sat down. "I'm guessing you guys also got the email about the start of the semester being postponed for two weeks," Laney says. I show her my phone. "Yup! Which gave me the idea to book a beach house we can stay at for a week! " I exclaim. "I'll be bringing Kim, Konnie and some of my other friends!" I tell Laney. I wink at Larry and he grins. He immediately knew where I was going at. Obviously, I didn't tell them yet, but it's not like they have a choice. "Ooh, sounds fun! Are you sure they won't mind me coming?" She asks. "Not at all!" I reply. "I'm sure they'll like you. But you better start packing because we're going tomorrow!" I suggest. "I got to get going though." Laney and Larry say their goodbyes and I walk out the front door. "Make sure to get ready by lunch! I'll text you guys the locations." Laney still doesn't know that I live next door with Corey, so I quickly run into the dorm. "Hey, guys! I'm back from my 'massage'!" I yell. Everyone turns to me. "Oh hey, Carrie! We're just playing uno right now." Says Konnie. "And I'm dominating everyone!" Kon brags. "Cool, but I booked us a beach house for the week since school is pushed back!" I announce. "So you better get ready! By the way, you have no choice." Kim smiles. "Wait, you paid for it all?" I nod. "Yeah, with the help of Larry! He's coming too!" I tell them. "You better start packing!" I basically push them all out and wave goodbye. "Meet you guys outside at lunch tomorrow! I'll drive!" They say their goodbyes and leave. "Okay, explain why you were at Laney's dorm," Corey demands. "Well uh-" I stutter. "I needed to talk to Larry!" I blurt. "Wait, Larry lives with Laney in the dorm across from us?" He asks. "Um... Yes?" I reply. "Alright, I'm a bit confused, so I'll go to sleep now." He goes to his room and shuts the door. That was a close call.

A/N: Sorry if the story seems a bit rushed! But I hope you're enjoying it so far.

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