Laney's last goodbye

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AN: Hey! So many changes have been made even after I published it! So if you notice anything different, it's probably because of that!

Laney's POV:

I wake up to my alarm. Today's the day. My last day in Peaceville. My room looks empty, the only things left are the moving boxes, my mattress, and the backpack I prepared for the trip to the new town. I run to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and take a quick shower. I then put on my usual clothes and run to the garage. I don't know if Corey is awake yet but I need to make our last moments count. I slide the garage door open and see Corey and the twins on the couch. "Laney!" They all exclaim at once. Corey runs to hug me and whispers, "This is your last day right?" I could feel a tear drop on my shoulder. "Yes, yes it is." I whisper back. "This is so sad." Kon snivels. I know buddy, I know." Kin sniffles. I could see Katrina watching from the stairs with a frown on her face. She signals a thumbs up to me. I don't know what it means, but I know that I need to make this day special. I finally speak to break the silence, "Guys, I only have an hour. We need to make today count." Corey stops hugging me and his eyes light up. "We should go to the new arcade that just opened up!" I announced. "We should!" Kin and Kon say. "I guess we should!" Corey smiles. "Last one to the arcade is a rotten egg!" He dashes out the garage door first, and I try to catch up with him. Kin and Kon are just behind me.

Corey's POV:

"You won't catch up to me! I yell to the others behind me. "We'll see about that!" Laney shouted back. She speeds up and dashes ahead. "Slow poke!" She grins. Dang she's fast. "You're cute when you're competitive!" My face burns up and I blush. Kin and Kon catches up to me and sees my face. "Now we know you do like her!" Kon teases. "Shut up! Don't you dare tell her!" I whisper. "Your secrets safe with us!" Kin whispers. Laney reaches the arcade with Kin and Kon following behind her. Dang it. I was so caught up worrying about them telling Laney that I ended up last! "I guess you're the rotten egg Core!" Laney laughed. This was really embarrassing. I check my watch. 53 minutes left. We spent a lot of time in the garage. "Come on! Let's go get some tokens!" Kon exclaimed. I could tell he was excited. We payed and ran to the air hockey table first. "I challenge you." Laney grinned. "You're going down Penn." I replied. After many rounds, I lost. 2 to 10. (I know NOTHING about air hockey points so please correct me if I am wrong.) "I am never playing this with you ever again." I noted. "Nice one Riffin." She chuckled. Next was Kin and Kon. They were head to head but Kon managed to beat Kin. "No fair! You were cheating." Kin complained. "Did not." "Did too." "Did not." They countered. "Save it." Laney interrupted. "Let's just go to the basketball machine." As we played, I noticed that Laney was missing many while going against Kin. "Hey, Lanes." I whispered. "What? I'm in the middle of trying to get the ball in." She whispered back. "Let me help you while he isn't looking." I grinned. "Alright." She replied with a smile. I shot many basketballs in and made almost every single one. "Hey no fair! He's helping you!" Kin whined. Laney stuck out her tongue. "We still won!"

Kin's POV:

The fighting eventually died down and we decided to do the racing games next. Everyone seemed to be enjoying it. Kon managed to beat everyone and we decided to eat some cheese pizza. Kon and I noticed Laney staring at Corey again. "Hey Kon, do you know what I'm thinking?" I ask him. "Right back at ya bro." He had a cheeky smile on his face. "I'll distract Corey while you bring out Laney." He whispers. "Laney, I need to talk to you real quick, follow me." I tell her. "Okay." I brought her out to the back of the building and immediately interrogated her. "So, Laney." I smirk. "I noticed that you seem to be staring at Corey a lot." I could tell that she was sweating. "Uhh and?" "Well.. I have a little question." This threw her off a bit. "And what is that question exactly?" She asked. "Do you have a crush on Corey? You can tell me. I'll keep it a secret." I promised. "Well, okay. I do." She finally spoke. Her cheeks turned red. "I KNEW IT!" I yelled. "I mean nice! I'll keep it a secret." I assured. She seemed to be skeptical. "Kin, please don't tell ANYONE." "I won't!" I assured. So they like each other. I have got to tell Corey at some point. When we went back, I told Kon what had happened and he told me about what he talked about with Corey.

Kon's POV (what happened when he was alone with Corey):

The first few minutes had been in silence, to keep Corey from thinking this was all a set up. "So, Corey. You like Laney right?" He blushed. "Uhh no?" He hesitantly replied. "Yeah, I do." He finally broke down. "I KNEW IT!" I exclaimed. "Shh.. Keep it down! I don't want anyone to know." He seemed to be embarrassed about it. "Don't worry, your secrets safe with me." I grinned.

Laney's POV:

I'm scared. I really do hope Kin doesn't tell Corey. We walk back, and I see Corey checking his watch again. I made sure to also check mine. 15 minutes left. "Guys we should really head back to the garage. I need to leave soon." Corey frowned. "Alright, let's go guys." He replied. The whole walk back to the garage was awkward. And we had 7 minutes left til I had to leave. I saw my mom's van parked at the front of Corey's driveway with Mayor Mellow with my mom. And all I knew that this was trouble. "Uh oh." Kin murmured. "Mrs. Penn, hand you and your daughters phones over. We forbid you to contact anyone in Peaceville." Mayor Mellow said sternly. She turned and saw us walking back. "Laney! Please hand over your phone. We need to leave now." I handed her my phone and she gave us a couple minutes to say goodbye. "I'm sorry it had to end this way guys, I truly am." I trembled. We exchanged a couple of things. I handed over the band's special memory box and they gave me all of my instruments. "Guy's don't be mad, but we need to tell you that you like each other more than friends!" Kin yelled. I gave him a glare and he and Kon gave me a goodbye hug. "Good luck!" They ran off and left me and Corey in the garage. "Laney! Two minutes!" My mom yelled. "So, this is goodbye then." Corey shed a tear. He pulled me in for a long hug. "I've liked you for a long time and only realized it a week ago." He whispered. "I like you too, Corey." I sniffed. He pecks me on the cheek. "Here, keep my beanie." He says, placing his usual, orange beanie on my head. "I'll find you again." Corey vowed. He let go of me, and I walked out of the garage. "Lanes?" I turned to him one last time.

"Don't forget me."

"I won't."

IM SORRY BUT THIS MADE ME SO SAD. I don't think anyone will be reading this, but I hope you like it.


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