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This chapter will have a lot of POV switches so please pay attention!
Carrie's POV:

I message Larry. And he's ready to put the plan into effect. I've told the girls, Kin and Kon about this and they loved the idea. They're excited.

Me: I'm ready.

Larry: I am too. Operation Corney is in effect!

"Hey Corey, do you mind getting me a Slurpee? I'll pay you." I asked, knocking on his door. "Why not get it yourself?" He replies. "Well, I kind of tripped over something earlier during my date with Larry and I'm sore." I lie, I hope it works. He sighs and opens the door. "Fine," I hand him some cash and he walks out the door. Perfect. Phase one of the plan is working. I wonder how Larry is. I better text him to make sure.

Me: Corey's on his way. Give him a bit of a head start so they don't bump into each other in the hallways. Read, 10:36pm

Me: Is she wearing the beanie? Read: 10:37pm

Larry: Yeah. 10:370pm

Larry: I told Laney to get me a bag of chips and to get herself something too. I stalled her a bit by 'accidentally' dropping a glass of water but she's on her way now.

Me: Okay, I'm guessing Corey is outside now. I hope it works. Read, 10:41pm

Larry: I do too. 10:41 pm

I glance out the window and see Corey walking out onto the front of the school. This will hopefully end well.

Laney's POV:

I walk to the 7-11. Larry was probably tired after his date with Carrie, so I agreed to get him the chips. The store is glowing, and the lights fill the whole street. I walk inside and there are about three other people in there. I grab the chips and head over to the Slurpee isle. I see one other person and stand beside them. I get a cup and pour in my favourite lemon-flavoured slushie. I turn to the stranger beside me and realize it's the guy I saw yesterday that looked like Corey! Now he looks more like him because he's wearing a black beanie with the same skull printed on it similar to the one I'm wearing right now! (The one Corey used to wear) We have eye contact for about 5 seconds and I quickly finish filling my drink.

Corey's POV:

I stare at the familiar stranger beside me and notice the beanie she's wearing. Wait, isn't that my old beanie? I think back to the time I gave her my beanie when she was about to leave. Wait, this lady must be Laney! And better yet, she's my neighbour! She quickly fills her drink with a lemon-flavoured slushie. That's enough proof to convince me that this is Laney Penn. She walks to the cash register and pays. "Lanes?" I manage to say, but it's too late. She had already left. I pay for Carrie's Slurpee and run out. I see her head into the building and rush inside. Dang it! I lost her. How will I even talk to her? I need to tell everyone about it. Maybe we can figure out a way to talk to her.

Laney's POV:

Was that guy Corey? He seemed to have been looking at my hat. What if he is the Corey Riffin? I go into my dorm and knock on Larry's door. "Larry, I got your chips, but I need to talk to you." He opens the door and walks out to the living room. "I saw a guy who looked like Corey," I blurt. "I think it is him. He looked at my beanie a lot and was wearing a similar one. By the way, you can't even buy it anywhere! It's the signature Grojband logo and there's no way anyone else besides us would have it!" He grins. "Looks like you've found him." Wait, what does he mean 'it looks like? Had he known something about this? No, I don't think so. He seems like the type of person to immediately tell me if he knew it was Corey. "Anyways, I'll try to find a way to talk to him. Goodnight," I go into my room and close it. I have a lot to think about.

Well well well, look who finally put the pieces of the puzzle together!

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