Fresh Start

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A/N: Some changes were made to fit the storyline.

Laney's POV:

I put my bass and many other instruments in the back of my mom's van. It seemed to be small on the outside but in reality, it was huge. Tears fill my eyes. So this is the end, I didn't plan to leave Peaceville. Never have I thought that I would be moving away. This was all too much to process. I hope that dad is okay. I'll make sure to find whoever framed him and to save dad. It's just a matter of time. I made sure to sit at the back so my mom wouldn't see me crying. "I know it's hard honey." I'm pretty sure that was an attempt to make me feel better but it didn't help at all. I remove the beanie from my head and stare at it. Who knew that the day I would leave would be the day that Corey confesses to me. That was the worst timing ever.

"Don't forget us."

"Don't forget us."

"Don't forget us."

It played in my head over and over again like a broken record player.

6 years later.

I feel like a child again. Like I am that short-haired, twelve-year-old girl whose dream is to be in a hit band.

"Lanes?" Wait, Corey? Is it him? The Corey Riffin? The boy who I had fallen in love with several years ago? The blue-haired boy who stole my first kiss, and was my first love?

I wake up with sweat running down my forehead. That dream again. I don't know why I dreamt of it frequently. Surely it wasn't a coincidence. Did it mean something? Either way, I still need to get ready. Today is my first day at college. I had managed to get good grades and had been enrolled in a prestigious university. I major in music, which is not much of a surprise since it had been my entire childhood. The idea of it reminded me of Grojband, my old band which consisted of Corey, Kin, Kon and me. I wonder if I'll ever see them again. I thought to myself as I took a shower, and if we did reunite, would they still be friends? And would it be awkward? The thought of them made me smile. I hope they're okay. I put on a black pair of jeans, a green and black cardigan with a yellow top, and my yellow converse. And as a finishing touch, I wear a yellow clip. I examine myself in the mirror, trying to spot what was missing. Oh right! My yellow eyeshadow and black eyeliner! Perfect. I had let my hair grow over the years but still kept the fringe. I walk downstairs with my suitcase which I had prepared the night before. "Bye, mom!" I hug her and leave. "Bye honey! Make sure to contact me as soon as you arrive at your dorm."  "Will do!" I reply. I hop into my white honda civic and drive out onto the road. It was a pretty chill drive. I slide my windows down and let the fresh air come in. As I pull up to the university, I get my first in-person look. It's huge. It has eight stories. One side had about 3 dorm buildings and the other had the actual college. Hope I don't get lost. I walk to the left and see many other students piling in. With their backpacks and their large suitcases. Many were just sitting on the grass, talking with their friends. It would have been nice if I had made a friend in high school, but everyone thought I was weird. I walk up to the front desk. "Hello, I assume you are here for a room? Please state your name." The lady said. "My name is Laney Penn." She typed a couple of words into her computer and handed me a card. "Dorm 420." She signalled for me to go to her left. "Thanks." It was nice that I was alone in the elevator. The outside was quite crowded. I arrived at my dorm and used the key card to open it. The dorm was huge. The left side contained the kitchen and the dining room, in front of me was the living room, and my right had two rooms. I'm guessing the bathroom is in the rooms. A redheaded boy walked out of one of the rooms and saw me. "Hey! You must be my dorm mate. I'm Larry Nepp." Larry? Isn't he that dude from the Newmans? "Hi, I'm Laney Penn. You seem familiar. By chance have you been in a band called the Newmans?" He stared at me. "Yep, I'm guessing you were in Grojband? Our rival band?" He sighed. "The band broke up 5 years ago." I guess they broke up too. "Yeah, I was in Grojband. I haven't seen them in a while though." I replied. At least I know someone familiar here. Larry wasn't that bad compared to the rest of the Newmans. "Anyways, have you eaten breakfast yet?" He asked, putting a pan on the stove. "Nope, not yet." His eyes lit up. "I guess I won't be eating breakfast alone. I'll be cooking us scrambled eggs while you can go unpack." Oh wow, I didn't plan to eat breakfast today. "Alright, thanks." I walked over to my room. It contained a bed, a dresser, a closet, and a private bathroom. I guess this is where I'll be staying for the next three terms. After a couple of minutes of packing, my room started to look like home. Oh right! I need to call my mom. I took out my phone and noticed that I had received a text from my mom.

A Familiar Red Head - Grojband FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now