Game Plan + Date plans

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Hey! Hailey here! The POVs are going to be switching to different people a lot. So please pay attention to who's POV it is or you may get confused!

Corey's POV:

We walk inside. "Hey bro, who was that?" Kin asks. "No idea," I reply. "She's one of our neighbours. She looks a lot like Laney though." He raises his eyebrow. "What if it was?" I glare at him. "That's impossible, she probably moved far away." I frown. "But even if it is her, do you think she'll remember us?" Kin pushes his glasses up and smiles. "We'll have to try to see if it's her then." I stare at him in shock. "Wait, what if it isn't her? It'll be so embarrassing." Kon speaks up. "Hey, what about talking to her roommate? Maybe they know her full name!" My eyes light up. "You're right! Smart thinking. But we can't just go up to their door asking for her full name. They would think that we're weird!" Konnie walks in with some popcorn. "Hey Kon, do you want some?" She asks. "Yeah, thanks!" She hands us a bowl of popcorn. "Thanks." We all say at once. "So, I heard you guys talking about the next-door neighbour possibly being Laney?" Kon nods. "Maybe I can go get Kim and Carrie! They might have an idea." She suggests. "Wait, but Carrie absolutely hates us!" I exclaim. "Well if you want to find Laney, you'll need to get along," Konnie says. "She also wants to find Larry, ever since her fight with him, she couldn't forgive herself." Kin, Kon, and I all look at each other and nod. "Alright, we'll do it," I reply. Konnie pulls out her phone and calls the girls. Carrie was putting up a fight but eventually agreed since it would involve finding Larry. "So, what's the plan?" Carrie asks. "We don't have anything yet." Kin replies. "Well, we need to think of something!" Carrie scoffed. "Well to start off, Carrie, do you still have Larry's phone number?" Kim questions. "Yeah, but I don't know if he still uses it." She pouts. "Well, why don't you try calling it to see if he still has it?" Kim suggests. Carrie sighs. "What if he doesn't forgive me and we just end up fighting again?" She hesitated. "It's our only chance of finding him." Konnie urged. "I can't. He's probably mad at me!" Carrie starts crying. "It's all my fault he left. It's because I was too caught up in getting gigs, I forgot about my best friend." She cried. We may hate each other, but I'm not heartless. I felt bad for her. "Carrie, I also lost Laney. When she left, that's when I realized how much she meant to me." I say, trying to get her spirits up. "Carrie, give me his number. I'll talk to him." Konnie suggests. "Okay," she hands her phone and Konnie types in the number. "Wait!" Carrie stops her. "I think I wanna do it myself. But it will take some time." Konnie looks confused but agrees. "We have a way to find Larry, but what about Laney?" Kin asks. "Maybe we can ask the front desk about who are neighbours are." Kon blurts. "Nice thinking!" Compliments Konnie. "But wait, earlier when I called to change my dorm, they wouldn't listen to me at all even though I didn't say anything!" Carrie mentioned. "We'll figure out something. Maybe we need to eat something to boost our brainpower!" Konnie says. "Great idea! I was craving some cheese pizza." Carrie pulls out her phone. "I'll order the pizza."

Laney's POV:

I walked back to the dorm after finishing my short walk. It was nice to be out for a bit, now that there were fewer people out. I walk inside the dorm and sit on the couch. Larry must be in his room. There's a knock on the door and I open it to see a pizza delivery man. "Pizza delivery for Carrie Beff." My eyes widen. Carrie Beff? Does that mean Carrie is in the next dorm? I need to tell Larry. "Sorry, wrong dorm," I tell him. "Oh, sorry ma'am she must've gotten the dorm wrong." He walks away and pulls out his phone. He's probably contacting her to ask for the right dorm. Oh well, but I need to tell Larry. I don't know how he'll react about Carrie being our neighbour. I knock on his door and he opens it almost immediately. "Oh hey, Laney." He greets. "I need to tell you something, come sit on the couch." He looks confused but reluctantly agrees. "So earlier a pizza delivery man came by to give a pizza to a Carrie Beff." He looks at me in disbelief. "Carrie? She's here?!" I nod. "Yep. I heard it loud and clear. I also saw someone who looked like Corey and had the same name who lives in the door across from us." He pulls out his phone and calls Carrie. "Wait, you're really gonna do it?" I ask. "I need to make sure." He says. The phone rings one time and she immediately answers. He puts the phone on speaker. "Larry?!" Carrie exclaims. "Carrie, it's been a while," Larry replies. "I don't even know what to say!" She screams joyfully. "We should catch up sometime!" Larry recommends. "I would love to! But hey, sorry for being so rude back then." Carrie mentions. "Hey, it's alright, we were just kids." He gives me a thumbs up and a big smile. I give him a smile back. I'm happy for him. Many squeals come from the other end. "Hey, Larry! It's Kim! It's been a while!" Another voice says. "We missed you!" Konnie yells. "Let's hang out soon!" Larry looks stunned, but happy at the same time. "Mission accomplished," Larry whispers. "Now it's your turn to find Corey." He smirks. I blush. The thought of reuniting with Corey made me happy. "Larry, did you say something?" Carrie asks. "Nope! But I'd be overjoyed to hang out with you guys soon!" He replies. "Alright! See you soon!" Carrie gushed. "See you!" Larry ends the call and grins. "I'm happy she isn't mad at me, but now what do we do about Corey?" He questions. "No idea, but also, why didn't you tell her about being neighbours?" I ask. "Well, I wanna keep it a surprise." He winks. "Who knows, maybe Corey is our next-door neighbour, and you might bump into him." He suggests. "Maybe."

Carrie's POV:

I can't believe it. Larry called me! And he isn't mad! Kim grins at me. "Now that you and Larry have made up, what about Laney? I wanna see her and Corey reunite." Kin asks. He raises his eyebrows at Corey, whose cheeks turn red. I've got to admit, I also want to see them reunite. "So Riffin, why'd you guys split up?" I question. "Well, it wasn't exactly planned for her to leave." He rubs the back of his neck. "Her family got forced to because her dad was framed for a robbery." He looks down. It looks like he's about to cry. "Hey, I know we may not be on good terms right now, but we'll find her," I added. It hurts me to be saying that, but our rivalry was years ago. And we were just kids. I'm not the type of person to suddenly make up with people I hate. I noticed no one else was talking besides us because they were all eating pizza. I start eating about 3 slices of pizza at once. "Hey guys, Corey wants to tell you about his encounter with a girl who looked like Laney." Kin smirks and elbows Corey. "I don't think I need to tell them about it. What if it isn't her?" He sounded doubtful but eventually told us about it. "Hey, if she looked at you and eventually turned away, there could be a slight chance it's her," I say, after completely chomping down another slice of pizza. "Never knew you could think of something like that," Corey muttered. "Hey! You should be grateful I'm even here to help you." I countered. "You were technically forced." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah whatever, but that was because I wanted to find Larry!" I fought back. Gosh, he's a pain. "Yeah and I wanna find Laney!" He yells back. "Calm down guys," Konnie interjects. "We all know you want the same thing and that's to find your lost best friend! And we can't do that if you're both fighting!" We both stare at her in shock. I honestly didn't know she had that in her. "I guess she's right." I finally say. Gosh, that really hurt my ego. Corey nodded. "Yeah, she's right." Kin laughed. "You guys can be a bit ludicrous and childish." I turn red. "No I'm not!" Corey and I say in unison. "See what I mean?" He smirks and we quiet down. Sometimes I just can't stand them more than usual.

Larry's POV:

I'm so glad that Carrie doesn't hold a grudge against me. But enough about me. What about Laney? How will we find out of the dude next door is Corey Riffin? I'll need to find out sooner or later. I decide to plan my date- I mean the day I meet with Carrie early to ask if she knows anything about our neighbour Corey. I take out my phone and immediately start texting her.

Me: Carrie, can we meet tomorrow? I have something important to ask you.
Read, 6:49 pm

She replies almost immediately.

Carrie: Sure, what place and what time? Do you live in Joyville?

Me: Yup, I live in a dorm. Also, does 12am work? We can have lunch anywhere you want. I'll pay!

Carrie: Oh nice! I live in a dorm too! And yeah! It works. We can go to Nick's Steakhouse! But I'll pay! My treat :)

Me: We'll see, I'm not giving up until you let me pay for it! B)

Carrie: >:(

I love her.

I undoubtedly still love her and even after all these years, I can't stay mad at her forever.

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