Late at Night

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Hours Later. (2:45 am)

Laney's POV:

I still can't sleep. I've been tossing and turning for hours and it's ridiculous! I can't get that man that looked like Corey out of my mind! What if it really is Corey? I gently remove my covers and tiptoe out to the kitchen, trying not to wake Larry up. Slowly and steadily, I open the fridge to see if there are any snacks, nothing. "You're also up?" I turn to see Larry, who has a bedhead. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep haha," I reply. He stares at the beanie on my head. "Isn't that Corey's beanie?" He asks. A blush creeps onto my face. "Yeah." I think back to the day I had to leave, the day Corey Riffin confessed his feelings to me. The day he kissed me for a second time. "Hello?? Earth to Laney?" He waves his hand in front of my face. He smirks. "You're thinking about Corey again aren't you?" I glare at him. "Anyways, I need to get to bed, I have a date- I mean plans with Carrie tomorrow." He yawns. "Night, don't let the bed bugs bite," I whisper. "Goodnight." I walk back to my room and lay down. Eventually, I doze off.



"Over here!"

The blue-haired boy called over to his best friend. He had prepared a little picnic for her. The red-headed girl's eyes lit up. The boy smiled, it made him happy to see her, he was excited every time he saw her. She smiled. "Happy birthday Lanes!" He exclaimed, pulling her into a hug.

Sorry for the short chapter! I'll make sure to make a longer one next! (Larry and Carrie's date :0)

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