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This chapter is basically an after math of the locked in a room part 2, but this is just an extra and I won't be doing anymore of this story unless more people want me to!

Larry's POV:

"Carrie, should we check on them?" I ask, as I stir my smoothie. She shrugs. "I don't know, maybe we should." She stares at the bedroom doors. Kin and Kon are asleep, while Kim and Konnie are out playing beach volleyball. She slowly goes up the stairs and I trail behind her. She grabs the key out of her pocket and unlocks the lock on the door.

"On three, we barge in." Carrie whispers. "1....2.....3!" She flings the door open and we see Laney sitting on her bed with her arms crossed. "Took you long enough! This other friend of yours is so annoying!" Carrie furrows her eyebrows. "I didn't expect this at all." Corey walks into view. "I should be the one saying that! You were so annoying!" He yells.

Konnie and Kim rush to the room. "What's with all the racket?! I was trying to sleep!" Konnie screams. While Kim is behind her rubbing her eyes. "Ehe, we'll try to be more quiet, you can go to sleep." I tell her, pushing them away from the scene. I turn back to Corey and Laney. "Looks like they didn't make up, did they?" Carrie finally says. I nod. "Yup."

Corey walks out. "Finally, I get to eat. I haven't eaten since yesterday." He complains. Laney follows behind him. "I can't believe you locked me in a room with this imbecile." Carrie gives me a look. "What do you think happened?" She whispers. "No idea," I reply.

We walk downstairs where Laney and Corey are eating breakfast. They're very far from each other and it's almost worrying. "Aren't you excited that you got to see your childhood first love?" Carrie asks. Corey scoffs. "The Laney I knew in middle school was way better than this chick. There's no way she's Laney." Laney rolls her eyes. "The Corey I knew was sweet, unlike YOU." She shoots him a look. "They're a lost cause." I whisper to Carrie. She nods. "Yep."

Kin and Kon rush inside and run to Laney. "LANEY! WE MISSED YOU!" They give her a tight hug and when they released her, she looked like a blueberry. "Kin and Kon! I missed you guys too!" She exclaims, smiling from ear to ear. Corey looks at them and rolls his eyes, but Kin sees him. "Is someone jealous?" He grinned. "No, I'm not. There's no way this annoying girl is Laney." He turns away and continues eating his cereal. Carrie and I stand by the counter, in confusion. "What is going on?" I mumble. "This wasn't supposed to happen."

"I'm gonna play beach volleyball." Carrie says, walking up the stairs to call Konnie and Kim. "Guys, me and Larry are gonna play beach volleyball, do you wanna join?" Kim leaps out of the room and down the stairs. "HECK YEAH!" We go outside and start playing. What are we gonna do about operation Corney?

Laney's POV:

"We gottem!" I giggle, giving a high five to Corey. "Wait, what?" Kon says. "Kon, Corey being a jerk was a joke! Since they locked us in the room, we decided to get back at them!" I laugh. "Oh."

"Now that the acting is over, we should catch up on things." Corey suggests. "Good idea." Kin replies. "So, Laney how have you been?" Kin asks. "I've been okay, Joyville wasn't all that bad."

"Now you have us again!" Kon chimes in. "Yup!" I grin. "Wouldn't trade you guys for the world!" Kin pushes up his glasses. "Now for the important question. Laney, do you have a boyfriend?" My cheeks turn red. "Uhh..."

"I'm asking for a certain friend of mine." Kin grins. I catch Corey glare at him. I have an idea. "Actually, I do." Kin's mouth opens wide. "What..?" I look at Corey, he frowns and looks at his phone. Wonder what he's thinking. "What's his name?" Kon asks curiously. I need to think of a good name... "Peter, I reply. "Can I have his address?"

I stare at Kin. What the heck? "Kidding, I don't have a boyfriend." I say, with a sly grin. He grabs my shoulders and shakes me quickly. "You scared me! Why would you joke about that?!" Corey looks up from his phone expectantly. I raise my eyebrow. "Coreyyyyy were you jealous?" He crosses his arms.

"No, I'm not a simp."

"Are you sureeee?" Kin teases. "One-hundred percent!" I give him the 'I know it all' look. "Alright, I was," he finally says, admitting defeat. He blushes and I pat him on the back. "It's okay, we all have those days where we can't seem to admit defeat." He glares at me. "Way to rub it in."

"Thought you guys hated each other." We look at the door and see Carrie and Larry standing in the door way. Carrie has her right hand on her hip. "Fine, we were joking to get you guys back for locking us in that room."

"Sooooooo enough about us, hows Larry, Carrie? Corey asks, grinning. She rolls her eyes. "He's okay, but he's terrible at beach volleyball." Larry glares at her. "Okay fineee, I was joking. I'm actually the one who's bad at it."

The rest of the week was great, and I got to catch up with Corey. We still didn't mention the fact we used to have a crush on each other. Kin whispered to me that Corey still likes me. I do too. But, I feel like I forgot about something...

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