No need to be embarrassed

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magine- rose starts her period and feels embarrassed. It's another request I got so I hope you enjoy it!

Just another beautiful morning outside; the birds were chirping, the sun was shining through the curtains that gave some shade to Roses's room and the weather was nice and cool.

Speaking of rose, she was sleeping peacefully in her bed, her head against the pillow with her long blonde hair covering her pale face, her pink lips parted slightly and laying flat on her stomach. One leg extended and the other one bent at the knee, while her right arm was just dangling off the bed and the left arm above her head on the pillow.

Okay, she was sleeping like a starfish, don't judge her. It's how she was most comfortable.

It was around 9:30 am when a soft groan escaped her lips, her hand coming up to move her hair out of her face, some of which got in her mouth so she spit it out of her mouth.

Her lower abdomen was hurting so she put a hand over it and tried massaging it, but it barely helped. She felt something wet underneath her, and her eyes suddenly snapped open, a small gasp escaping her lips.

"No no no no.... It can't be happening now!"  She thought to herself, panic running through her mind and body

She quickly moved the covers over her body and stood up, almost falling over in the process. She tore the sheets about halfway from the bed and her hand flew to her mouth.

Stained on the bed was red blood, but not just any blood...

Her blood. She had started her period.

Now, she's had her period before. It's a woman's part of life and it was showing that they were growing up. However, living with a single parent, and that single parent being her father Willy wonka, it was, eh... well... very awkward. He's never judged her because he knew it was a part of life and he would always comfort her.
Plus, she always wore nightgowns and underwear to bed so she wouldn't feel like her pajamas constricted her body

But rose still felt embarrassed. Like if she had mood swings and she was on her period, if Willy asked what was wrong, she would simply lie about it and say it was nothing.

"I just got blood on my bedsheets! How am I going to tell my father?! Will he be pissed? What do I do, what do I do?!"

Her eyes watered as she paced back and forth in front of her bed, her hands grabbing her head. "Ohhhh, this is bad, this is bad! I know it's just my period but I still feel embarrassed!"

All of a sudden, the door opened and she let out a quick scream before bolting to her bathroom, slamming the door and locking it! She leaned on the door with her back, her body shaking.

Willy was the one who opened the door and was standing there, eyes wide with mouth open, confused on what just happened. 

"Um, good morning to you too starshine?" He questioned as he walked to the bed. His eyes immediately locked on the blood stain on the bed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh dear... I should have known" he whispered to himself before making his way to the bathroom door, gently knocking on it three times.

"Honey? Can I come in? Please?" He asked softly so as not to further embarrass her.

"No! I'm just a bloody mess!" She sobbed as tears were now making their way down her cheeks. She felt so embarrassed, so mortified. She couldn't believe this was happening.

"Cocoa bean, you're not a bloody mess. It's a way of a woman's life and it's perfectly normal. You shouldn't be ashamed of it"

Rose choked on her tears, still leaning against the door. "W-well I just am okay?!"

Willy sighed again, wanting nothing more than to comfort his sobbing girl. He hated listening to his daughter cry. It tore his heart in two.

"Darling, please, can I come in?" He asked again, just as softly as the first time.

He waited a few moments, sighing sadly, thinking that she wouldn't want to see him. He turned to walk away, but then he heard the click of the doorknob, letting him know it was unlocked.

He slowly opened the door and peeked his head in, his heart breaking even more. His daughter was standing in front of the mirror, using her hands on the counter to steady herself, looking away to try and hide her crying.

He walked towards her and without thinking, he gently placed a hand on her back and started rubbing it in circles. Rose buried her face in his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Ssh sweetheart, it's okay... it's okay." He wrapped an arm around her back and used his other hand to gently stroke her hair, his chin on top of her head.

"I'm a freak... I'm just a bloody mess..." she cried into his chest, her whole body shaking.

Willy shook his head as he did his best to comfort his daughter. "You're not a bloody mess. It happens and it's completely normal." He started, still stroking her hair. He slightly pulled away and gently lifted up her chin so she could look at him.

"I understand that you feel embarrassed. Especially to come to me and talk about it. But you shouldn't. I'm your dad and You can always talk to me about anything... you know I'm not going to laugh at you or judge you."

Rose sniffled as more tears fell down her cheeks, but Willy gently wiped them away with his thumb. "I-I'm sorry I feel so scared and embarrassed to talk to you about it."

He shook his head and kissed her forehead. "Don't apologize gummy bear,  I totally understand. But just know that I'm always here for you. No matter what."

Rose couldn't help but smile through tears. Even though it was her period and even though it could be pretty gross, her father was always there for her. Always has been and always will be.

"Now, I will run down to the store and get you whatever it is you need."

"Thank you papa... I love you so much." Rose said as she hugged him again and buried her face in his shoulder, which in response, Willy held his daughter close to his chest

"Anytime my sweet girl. And I love you with all my heart. Always have and always will."

And he did just that. He got her all the feminine products she needed, the Oompa Loompas changed her sheets, and rose was able to get through her troubles.

No matter how gross it may be, Willy will always take care of and love his daughter.

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