Youll always be my little girl

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Imagine- willy and rose get in an argument, something happens to rose and they make up after

Willy felt so bad... I mean really bad. Him and his daughter, Rose, had gotten into an argument. But...

We all say things we don't mean when we are mad. And Thats what happened to willy. Let me explain...

"Daddy! I'm almost 16! Why can't I go out with my friends?" She yelled, trying to stay calm. Willy was overprotective of rose, but you couldn't blame him. The world is filled with bad people who do bad things. You can't trust anyone.

Willy crossed his arms over his chest as he shook his head. "There's something about them that I don't like Rosa. I can feel it."

Rosa was his nickname for her. He's been calling her that nickname ever since she was little.

"God, you just don't trust me or anybody I'm with! I can make my own decisions!"

Willy lost it. "So can I rose!! And I didn't choose for you to be my daughter!"


Willy's eyes widened when he realized what had just come out of his mouth. He felt awful.

Rose nodded as tears filled her eyes. She covered her mouth, a choked sob escaping her lips as she ran out of the room, crying. Willy called after her, stopping in the hallway.


End flashback

Willy walked down the hallway, trying to find his daughter. He hadn't seen her in a few hours.

He looked everywhere for her. He was so worried. Then he heard crying.

It was rose.

His eyes widened as he rushed into her room, looking for her. "Rose?!" He callee worriedly.

"I-in here..." Willy hesitated before opening the door, his heart breaking. In the corner was rose, her knees pulled to her chest. Her eyes were red and swollen.

"Starshine..." he said as he knelt down in front of her.

"Y-you were right daddy... y-you can't trust them... listen..."

She grabbed the phone that was hanging on the wall. You know those phones they used to have where you couldn't leave because of the cord attached to it? That's what she was using.

She pressed a button and a voicemail started playing as she put it to his ear.

"You honestly think we would want to spend time with you? You are so gullible! We don't ever want to see you again you stupid bitch. We were never your friends and we never will be!"

Willy looked at the phone, anger filling his heart. How dare these girls treat her like that! But he couldn't get mad right now. He needed to be calm. Comfort her.

"They h-hate me... and you don't want me as your daughter..." she said through tears.

Willy's heart shattered. She was still thinking that... he felt terrible.

He gently lifted up her chin and cupped her face in his hands. "Don't say that. What I said was wrong."

His own eyes watered as he looked into her violet eyes. "But you... are the best thing that's ever happened to me. You are the best daughter a father could have."

Her bottom lip quivered as she buried her face in his chest, her body shaking. He was shocked at first but it quickly went away as he wrapped his arms around, gently cradling her head.

God he loved his baby girl so much. She was his pride and joy. He kissed her temple as a few tears fell down his cheeks, gently swaying with her.

He rested his cheek on top of her head, closing his eyes.

"You are my little girl. You always have and you always will be." He said as he rubbed her back in small circles.

She choked on her tears. "I-I love you daddy. Y-you are the best Dad ever..."

He kissed her forehead, letting it linger a moment. "I love you too my darling. I've loved you forever and I will continue to love you forever."

They just sat there in each other's arms, in tears and happy that they made up. Even though they had an argument, and Willy said something he shouldn't have said, their bond will never break.

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