Love and medicine

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Imagine- rose isn't feeling well. Willy finds out and helps her get better.

Today, rose wasn't feeling well. She had the flu. We all have those days where we feel like puking, we feel achy and we can't stop coughing. That's how rose felt.

Her stomach was upset, churning every few minutes. Her forehead was hot, but not majorly. Every time she swallowed, it itched and caused her to cough. And every inch of her body was achy. She also looked a little pale.

The door opened, revealing her father Willy. "Good morning my starshine!" He said, not realizing she was sick. Until she bolted out of bed, ran into the bathroom and hovered over the toilet, spilling her contents.

Willy's eyes widened as he rushed into the bathroom, seeing his poor girl vomit. He knelt down beside her and held her hair up in a loose ponytail, while his other hand rubbed her back.

When she finished, she flushed the toilet and grabbed a tissue, rubbing her nose with it. She rested her head against his shoulder, her eyes closed.

He took off his gloves before gently wrapping an arm around her and placing a hand on her forehead.

"You feel hot... you poor thing..."

He helped her stand up and gently sat her down on the toilet seat. He opened up the medicine cabinet and pulled out a thermometer, and a bottle of medicine that would help her feel better.

He turned on the thermometer before moving her hair out of her face. "Open your mouth sweetheart..."

She did as told and he placed it under her tongue before she closed her mouth. As the thermometer was checking her temperature, Willy poured a little bit of medicine into a cup, filling another one with water.

He gently ruffled her hair a minute before the thermometer beeped. He took it out of her mouth before looking at it, sighing sadly. "102.5"

He put the thermometer away before handing her the medicine. "Drink this honey. I know it's disgusting but it will help you, I promise."

She never liked medicine. I mean, nobody does. But it was worse for her because it was grape flavored. And she absolutely HATED grape flavor. (I do too XD)

She plugged her nose before drinking the medicine. She tried not to gag as she grabbed the water and drank it, feeling it take away the nasty taste of the medicine.

"Why don't you take a nice bath and then rest for a little bit sweetheart? I'll come check on you in a little bit."

He kissed her forehead before walking out of the bathroom, and out of her room. She carefully walked to the bathtub, groaning since she still felt achy, moved the shower curtain and turned on the water. She didn't want it too hot and she didn't want it too cold.

She took off her clothing and stepped into the water. She slowly sat down and extended her legs before resting the back of her head against the wall behind her.

After bathing and changing into a red nightgown, she was fast asleep in bed. She had been asleep for about 2 hours.

Willy quietly opened the door and his eyes locked on rose. He silently walked towards her and gently sat down on the edge of the bed. She didn't look so pale anymore. He gently placed a hand on her cheek, smiling slightly to himself. Her fever was dropping, which was good.

She stirred slightly, making Willy retract his hand. Her eyes slightly opened before she looked around, her eyes locking on her father. She smiled tiredly. "Hi daddy..." she said softly so as not to strain her throat, even though it was feeling a little better.

"Are you feeling any better love? Your fever has dropped." He said as he felt her forehead once more.

She yawned tiredly. "I-I just feel achy now... and still tired..."

He gently moved a strand of hair out of her face before stroking her cheek with his thumb. "Get some more rest darling." He kissed her forehead before starting to get up. "P-papa?"

He looked at her, now standing up. "Yes starshine?" He asked softly. She bit her lip as she looked down. "W-will you stay with me? F-for a little bit?" She asked.

Willy couldn't help but smile softly as he nodded. Candy was important to him, but his daughter was way more important. "Of course I will sweetie."

He slipped off his shoes, leaving him in his black socks before taking off his hat and coat. He set them down before climbing into bed beside her.

She rested her head against his shoulder, snuggling in his embrace. He wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her close. The medicine was really helping.

"I love you daddy... t-thank you for helping me get better..," she whispered before her eyes fluttered to a close and she fell asleep in his arms.

He looked down at her and smiled softly before placing a hand on her cheek, stroking it with his thumb. He kissed her forehead. "I love you too baby girl. And I'm glad you're feeling better." He said before moving the covers over her shoulders, making sure she was warm and comfortable.

Soon after, he fell asleep, holding his daughter close to his chest. He was thankful that she was feeling better.

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