You're safe with me

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Imagine- Rosa gets a nightmare and Willy helps comfort her

It was a cold and rainy night outside, around 11:00 pm. The rain was so loud, you could hear it hitting the cold, slippery concrete. Rosa, even though she is 16, usually goes to bed at this time because she gets tired really easily and she can never stay up late, no matter how hard she tried.

But tonight, she couldn't sleep. Reason why? Well it happens to a lot of us when we sleep...

Nightmares. Nobody likes nightmares. They wake you up, making you shake, Tremble, and they scare the hell out of you. With sweat pouring down your forehead and your heart beating as fast as a woodpecker pecking at a tree. Not literally but it beats pretty fast. Plus, I don't understand how people can sleep through nightmares!!!


Rosa was in her bed, tossing and turning in her sleep. Her eyebrows were furrowed and a bead of sweat covered her forehead. She was indeed having a dreaded nightmare.

She was known to get nightmares. She's had nightmares where they were so bad, she was actually having a panic attack and she couldn't breathe. Her father, Willy had to come in and wake her up before helping her breathe normally.

It wasn't long before a gasp escaped her lips and her body jolting awake, eyes snapping open. Her chest heaved up and down as she breathed heavily, her hand going over her heart. Her violet eyes scanned the room, slowly returning to the real world as she realized she was still in her bedroom, laying in her soft, warm bed.

Rosa swallowed a lump in her throat as she slowly sat up, her hands rubbing her face. She could feel something wet on her hands, so she pulled back to look at them.

Tears... she had been crying in her sleep as well.

Rosa needed comfort... and the only person that was great at giving her that was Willy, her father.

He was asleep right now. But ever since she was little, he had told her, "my sweet daughter, if you ever feel scared, worried or you need someone to talk to, you can always come to me and I will listen."

She didn't want to disturb him but at the same time, she was still pretty scared. She slowly got out of bed, her bare feet hitting the cold hard tile. Her arms wrapped around her waist, goosebumps outlining her skin.

Rosa slowly walked out of her bedroom and into the hallway. Her fathers bedroom was next door to hers, so it wasn't far. She walked down the hallway before approaching his door, which was slightly ajar.

She took a quiet breath before slowly walking into the bedroom, the door creaking.

A soft groan escaped her fathers lips, his head moving slightly. His top hat and gloves were hanging on the coat rack beside the door. Of course they were there. Who wears a hat and gloves to bed? Nobody.

Willy yawned before rubbing his eyes, then he turned on the lamp at his bedside. He looked ahead of him and saw his poor trembling daughter standing in the doorway, her cheeks stained with tears.

He knew what that meant. His poor baby girl.

"Oh honey..." he whispered sadly before propping himself on his elbow.

"Come here sweetheart. It's okay." He cooed softly as he moved the covers so she could lay down next to him.

Rosa looked at her father a moment, seeing how exhausted he was. He worked hard every single day, making candies for people all over the world so they could enjoy them. She nodded as she sniffled before slowly laying down next to him, and Willy moved the covers over both of them and she snuggled against his chest.

He gasped quietly when he felt how shaky his daughter was. This was one of the worst times he felt her shake. He wrapped his arms around her, his hand gently holding the back of her head.

"It's okay darling. I'm right here." Her father whispers reassuringly as he tenderly stroked her long blonde hair.

Her breath trembled as she whimpered, More tears falling down her cheeks. Willy slightly pulled away so he could look down at her, using the back of his index finger to  try and wipe away her tears.

But they just kept falling.

"Do you want to talk about it sweetie? You don't have to if you don't want to." He reassured her. He wouldn't push her if she wasn't comfortable telling him.

Her eyes were completely red and puffy, her nose a little stuffy. You know the feeling, when you cry so much and then your nose is like "not today!" And then you can't freakin inhale!

Willy handed her a tissue so she could blow her nose and gently rubbed her shoulder to comfort her. 

"I-I was walking through the woods, trying to find you because I got lost. A-and this man saw me... he started chasing me with a knife in his hand and he e-ended up killing me..." her voice broke as she spoke, her hands beginning to tremble.

Willy's heart broke in two. He wanted his little girl to feel safe and happy. That's what a parent wants for their child.

"Rosa, my dear daughter, that won't happen to you. I will make sure nothing happens to you." He pulled her into his arms again and rested his chin on top of her head.

"You're safe with me baby. You always have been and you always will be."

He placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head as she wrapped her arms around him.

"C-can I stay with you tonight papa?" Rosa asked, hoping he would say yes. She still felt scared to sleep alone tonight.

Willy smiled and gave a small nod. "Of course dear." He cooed softly as he moved the covers over her shoulders, making sure she was warm and cozy.

Without even thinking, Willy, very gently, started stroking her temple in a back and forth motion with his thumb. It was something he used to do when Rosa was little and she had a nightmare, or when she was really tired.

It still worked.

Sure enough, a soft yawn escaped her lips, her head resting against his chest. His steady heartbeat helped her calm down as well.

"I love you so much papa. Thank you..." she whispered before her eyes fluttered to a close and she fell asleep in his arms.

Willy looked down at his now sleeping daughter, listening to her soft and steady breathing. She was going to be okay.

"I love you too honey."

He rubbed her shoulder a moment before reaching over and turning the lamp off. His head hit the cool pillow once more and he looked out the window a moment, noticing the thunder had died down a bit.

He too yawned before kissing her forehead one more time, and finally falling to sleep himself.

Even during a rainy, stormy night, if his daughter was scared, He would do anything to keep his little girl safe.

I know it's been a while since I updated but I'm back!! I hope you enjoyed reading this and if you have requests, please let me know! I'm in need of some fluff too! ❤️

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