Thunder, nightmares, and baby talk

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Imagine- rose is a little baby girl and she doesn't like thunder. But Willy is here to make his little girl feel safe. And a little cute surprise. This is for Rockand_Wonka
I hope you like it!! ❤️🖤

It was a cold, rainy, thunderous night. The thunder was booming so loud, the lightning was so bright it was blinding, and the rain was pouring so hard, there was no way you could not hear it.

It was around 2:00 in the morning and Willy and the Oompa Loompas were fast asleep. Making candy is really tiresome.

But the only one not sleeping... poor little thing was scared.

I'm talking about baby Rosalina. Or baby rose for short. She was only 10 months old, and she was the sweetest, most adorable baby girl in the world. Willy lost his wife right after childbirth. There were complications, she lost too much blood and she didn't make it.

Willy missed her every single day. But he loved his daughter with all his heart and soul. And everytime he looked at and held his daughter, playing with her, feeding her...

He promised his wife and himself that he would be the best father in the world and would always protect her, cherish and love her. She was his little candy girl.

But back to the present.

Rosalina did not like thunder. At all. It scared her. There were times where she could sleep through it.

But not this night. She was crying her little heart out, terrified at the booming thunder outside. Her crib was in the corner in Willy's big bedroom, so Willy could get to her as soon as possible.

Willy's face was buried in the pillow, passed out when he heard his daughter crying. Yes taking care of a baby by himself was very hard, actually twice as hard... and very tiring.

But there was nothing he wouldn't do for his child. She was his everything, his precious girl.

He groaned softly before opening his eyes, propping himself on his elbow and yawning. He turned on the lamp before moving the covers off him and getting out of bed.

He walked over to the crib and very gently picked her up, holding her close to his chest. He cradled her head as he gently bounced her, hushing her.

"Ssh my gumdrop, it's okay. It's just thunder, it can't hurt you..." he cooed before kissing her cheek, his other thumb stroking her back. He always tried his best to be calm for his daughter.

But inside his heart was breaking. He didn't like seeing rose cry. He wanted her to feel safe.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, continuing to hush her softly. "Oh sweetie, don't cry. Please, don't cry..." he begged quietly to himself. Then he thought of something.

His mom died when he was about 5 years old. But before she died, whenever Willy was scared or had a nightmare, his mother would sing to him. It always calmed her down so maybe...

Why not sing to rose?

He looked at his daughter, then started singing.

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to do it, want to change the world
There's nothing to it

Almost instantly, Rosalina's cries slowly turned to soft whimpers, her beautiful violet eyes looking at Willy's. Her cheek was against his shoulder, and a soft smile formed on her face. Willy's heart melted, realizing his singing was helping his daughter calm down.

"There is no life I know,
To compare with pure imagination
Living there you'll be free
If you truly
Wish to be

A small giggle left roses mouth, Willy's heart soaring and his pearly whites forming a bright smile. He was so relieved he was making her feel safe and sound.

"See? I'm right here. Daddy's right here to make you feel safe and happy." He said before kissing her temple. What happened next was unexpected.


Willy's eyes widened. Did he- did he just hear that right?! Did she just say her first word??

"Did you say dada?" He asked and she said again, more happily.

"Dada!" His smile brightened even more as his eyes started watering happily. He couldn't believe his little girl said her first word.

"Oh my goodness, my little gummy bear. I'm so proud of you! You said your first word!" He giggled happily before kissing her forehead. He then blew a raspberry on her cheek, making her laugh adorably.

He loved making his little girl laugh. It made his heart soar with even more love and happiness.

Then a soft yawn escaped her lips, her tiny hands rubbing her little eyes. She felt so tired and being in Willy's arms, even though she was just a baby, she knew her daddy would always love protect her.

She buried her face in his neck, trying so hard to keep her eyes open. But she couldn't. Within minutes, she fell back asleep in his arms, her tiny hand resting on his chest.

He placed his hand over hers and smiled. He glanced at the crib before looking back at his sleeping daughter.

She could sleep with him tonight.

He turned the lamp off before laying down on the bed, on his back with rose on his chest. He pulled the covers over their bodies, making sure they were nice and warm.

The thundering died down, and so did the rain. He looked down at his daughter and smiled, sighing in content before gently kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight my sweet candy girl..." he whispered before he yawned tiredly and he let sleep overtake him, holding his daughter close to his chest.

Being a chocolatier was his lifelong dream. He was so blessed to be a chocolatier. And not only was he the best chocolatier in the world...

But he was the best father in the world as well.

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