Squirrel girl

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Imagine- one of the squirrels gets hurt and Rosalina comes to the rescue.

It was another day at the factory, and Willy was still the number one chocolatier in the world. His candies, every single one of his candies was out of this world and his sales were flying through the roof.

Rose had just as much of a creative mind as he did. And she loved candy just as much. She was her fathers daughter, that's for sure.

But besides being a candy girl, she was also a huge animal lover. She even loved snakes and spiders! And one of the rooms in Willy's factory was the nut room. If you've seen Charlie and the chocolate factory, you've seen the nut room. (I do not own Charlie and the chocolate factory or the characters, by any means!😊)

And you've also seen when veruca was attacked by a bunch of pissed off squirrels and she was thrown down the garbage chute. Thankfully, she was okay. But she did have to take plenty of baths and showers to wash out that nasty ass rotting garbage. So did her father.

Anyway, back to now. Rose was walking to the nut room to go check on the squirrels, to make sure they were okay and that nut were being cracked open so they could be put into chocolates and candies.

Rose opened the door to the nut room and walked in, her black heels clicking against the blue and white spiral floor. She could see and hear the squirrels cracking the nuts, throwing the bad ones over their shoulders and into the garbage chute.

She gently rested her hands on the blue railing, a soft smile on her face. The squirrels were so adorable... except when they were really upset or hungry. That was not a sight a person would normally want to see.

"Starshine?" A voice called out to her and she gasped softly, swiftly turning around on her heel. Standing in front of her was her father, wearing the same clothes he wore the day of the tour he gave for the 5 children that won the golden tickets.

"Don't do that papa! You scared me!" She said laughing as she gently placed a hand on her chest. Willy chuckled as he walked towards her, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Not my intention sweetheart. Now, what are you doing in the nut room?" He asked, making rose smile. She turned back around, leaning against the railing once more.

"Just wanted to make sure the squirrels were okay. You know how much I adore animals." She said with a small giggle. The squirrels were very well trained and they trusted Willy and rose. But they usually tended to favor rose.

"Yes I know. And the squirrels adore you." He said sweetly which made her blush, still smiling brightly. All of a sudden, one of the squirrels squeaked in pain which made Willy and rose quickly turn their heads to look at the injured squirrel.

"Oh dear..." Willy mumbled to himself, his eyes instantly filling with worry, along with roses. Rose bit her lip as she pondered a moment. She knew how very serious Willy could be when it came to his factory, especially the squirrels.

"Papa, do you mind if I go down there and check and see what's wrong? Please?" She asked and it made Willy glance at the squirrels, biting his lip. He knew rose would never ever hurt them but he just wanted to be cautious.

"Okay my gumdrop, but please be careful." He said as he took out his big ass ring of keys... too many keys actually. But it made sense he had all those keys since there were so many fucking rooms in the factory. Rooms you would never even imagine.

He inserted the key into the keyhole, unlocking it and opening the gate, which creaked as he did so. Rose gently kissed his cheek before she walked down the stairs, careful not to trip since her heels were a little high, but not too high. All the squirrels stopped what they were doing and stared at her. They didn't look angry, just curious.

Rose slowly made her way to the squirrel that was injured, and when she got close enough, she knelt down in front of it and held out her hands. "Hey little guy, can I see your paw? I know it hurts and I want to check it out." She cooed softly.

The squirrel whimpered but as if it understood her, he gave a nod and rose gently took its paw in her hands. She instantly saw what was wrong and frowned sadly.

"Oh sweetie, you have a little splinter. Splinters hurt, but I have just the thing to remove it." She said and stood up. She walked to one of the walls and opened a little cabinet. Inside was a squirrel first aid kit should a squirrel get injured or worse. She opened it and pulled out some tweezers.

Willy watched her with close eyes, one gloved hand resting on his cane and the other one on the railing. He couldn't really see the splinter but he knew that the squirrel was obviously hurting, since he could hear everything she was saying.

Rose walked back to the squirrel, kneeling down once more and taking its paw in her hands. "This will hurt but the pain will go away, I promise." She reassured the squirrel. She knew that squirrels or any animal couldn't talk, but In a weird way, she understood them and they seemed to understand her.

She gently grabbed the splinter with the tweezers, cradling the paw in her hand and very carefully pulled the splinter out. The squirrel whimpered again, it's eyes tightly shut. Willy leaned in, his eyes slightly wide, wondering what would happen next.

To his surprise, the squirrel squealed happily and jumped into roses arms, making her gasp softly. But she giggled as the squirrel looked up at her, chirping happily. (I don't know what you call squirrel sounds so I'll just call it chirping LOL)

"Awww do you feel better already?" She asked and the squirrel chirped again. Then the cutest thing happened. The squirrel climbed back onto the chair and grabbed a nut. The squirrel held it up to rose, as a way of saying thank you for helping.

"Oh my, thank you so much. That's so sweet of you," she said as she gently stroked the squirrels head, making it chirp happily. The squirrel squeaked and then jumped onto her shoulder, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before going to the chair and all the squirrels started working on the nuts once more.

Rose stood up and walked back up the stairs, holding the nut close to her chest. Willy's mouth hung open, his eyes wide in shock. He did not expect that to happen. And he saw the nut that she was holding against her chest. He closed the gate, locking it as he glanced at the squirrel who was all better and working happily.

Then the brightest smile broke on his face as he set his cane against the railing and pulled her into a hug. "That was absolutely incredible to watch, starshine. How did you do it?" He asked, still in shock.

Rose giggled softly as she looked up at him, wrapping one arm around his waist. "Like I said, I'm a huge animal lover... and I feel like I understand them and they understand me."

Willy chuckled again before kissing her forehead once more. "I'm so proud of you, my little nut. You are so awesome and I'm so happy and blessed to have you as my daughter. And Speaking of nut... good or bad nut?" He asked and rose looked at the nut in her hands, a sigh of content leaving her lips.

"Good nut." She said without even thinking and Willy looked at her confused. "How do you know starshine?" He asked softly and rose just smiled, holding the nut close to her chest.

"I guess I'm part squirrel. Because I can sense It... in my heart." She giggled and Willy smiled again, pulling her in his arms once more. He cradled her head As he rested his chin on top of her head, looking at the squirrels.

"That's my little squirrel girl."

I loved writing this one! Let me know what you guys think and what other fluffy ideas you have! ❤️

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