Angel voice

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Imagine- Willy catches rose singing

Willy and rose had been working for a few hours, creating new recipes for candy to be sold around the world. Today was just a brainstorming day and They had come up with about 10 new ideas.

They decided to take a little break, Willy going off to check some of the other rooms while rose went to the chocolate room. Whenever she was on a break, she would go to the chocolate room to just unwind and relax. Plus the sound of the chocolate waterfall really soothed her nerves.

After Willy finished checking some of the rooms, he decided to go to the chocolate room to make sure that the chocolate river wasn't overflowing and that everything else was perfectly fine. His nerds filled cane was in his purple gloved hand, lightly crunching against the minty, bright green meadow.

A small grin formed on his face as he looked around the chocolate room, the sound of the waterfall making his heart soar. Oh how he loved the sound of the waterfall just splashing into the chocolaty river. That no human hand was supposed to touch.

"Everything is just perfect..." he sighed happily to himself.

All of a sudden, he heard a voice singing. But not just any singing... it was his daughter. He had never heard her sing before. And it was beautiful.

He looked behind him a moment before looking straight ahead, deciding to follow the voice. Once he got closer, he peeked from behind a red and white striped candy tree, his eyes locking on his daughter, who was sitting on a purple candy rock, her hands holding a chocolate rose. Her eyes were gazing at the chocolate river.

"If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it.
Anything you want to do it
Want to change the world
There's nothing to it.

Then she started humming to herself, Willy slowly approaching her as quietly as he could, so as not to disturb her. He thought her voice was absolutely beautiful and he couldn't believe he hadn't heard it until now.

There is no life I know
To compare with pure imagination
Living there, you'll be free
If you truly
Wish to be."

Willy's smile widened, his heart filled with so much love. He loved his little girl so much and he would do anything for her. Rose glanced down at the chocolate flower in her hands, a soft grin on her face. Then she heard the crunch of the grass and she jumped slightly, quickly turning around to see her father standing there.

"Papa, I didn't hear you come in." She said shyly and he just chuckled

"I was checking some rooms, just to make sure they were okay and this is the last room I wanted to check. I didn't know you could sing starshine." He said gently as he sat down on another candy rock next to her. She blushed slightly as she looked down, feeling a little embarrassed. She didn't think her singing was that good.

"My singings not that good..." she said quietly and Willy frowned. His daughter was so talented, so smart, so creative... to hear her talk about her singing like that, it saddened him.

"Gumdrop, your singing is absolutely beautiful. It reminds me of your mother." He said and she slowly looked up at him. She never knew her mother. Her mothers name was starlight, and she died from complications after giving birth to Rosalina. She wished she could've met her mother.

"I-it does?" She asked and he nodded, setting his cane down on the grass.

"Your mother had the most beautiful voice. It was like an Angel. And from time to time, we would actually sing little duets. The song that you sang, we would sing together all the time. It was our love song. Not only that, but your mother would sing it when she was pregnant with you."

Roses eyes watered, thinking about what her mom must've been like. She's seen pictures of her but she never got the chance to meet her. Oh how she wished she did. 

"I-I wish I could have met her..." her voice cracked and Willy's violet eyes softened, his heart breaking. He loved her mother with all his heart and he felt destroyed the day she died.

"Oh honey..." he pulled her in his arms, her head hitting his shoulder. He rested his chin on top of her head, one arm around her shoulders and the other hand gently stroking her long, wavy blonde hair.

She sniffled as he gently rocked her. He always hated seeing his daughter cry. It broke his heart. "I wish you could have met her too. She was an incredible woman and she will always be the love of my life. And let me tell you something."

With her head against his shoulder, she lifted up her head, more tears falling down her cheeks.

"The day I first held you, and you wrapped your little hand around my finger, I promised your mother that I would protect you, cherish you and love you no matter what. You are my daughter, my absolute world and I will do anything to make you feel safe, happy and loved. You are just like your mother and I'm so proud of you."

His eyes began to water, a couple tears trailing down his cheeks. He was so proud of Rosalina, so proud of the woman she had become. How strong, caring, loving and mature she was. He couldn't be more proud of her.

By now, rose broke down in tears and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her face burying in his neck. "Oh daddy... I love you so much..." she sobbed and he held her close, cradling her head and kissing her cheek.

"I love you too, my little rose. So much. I'm so proud of you and your mother is looking down at you. She would be so proud of you, my starshine. So very proud."

They cried in each others arms, Willy gently rocking her and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. She would always be his precious little starshine and he would do absolutely anything for her.

I'm trying to get back into writing more often! So please, give me some ideas! ❤️

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